transfer of trade

[trænsˈfɚ ʌv treid][trænsˈfə: ɔv treid]

[经] 业务转让

  • Build arms trade network : country-node relationship between arms imports and exports between the countries to have the edge as the network side of the transfer of the amount of weight build arms trade network matrix for the next social network analysis .

    武器贸易关系网络的构建:以国家为节点,国家之间的武器进出口关系为有向边, 转让量作为网络中边的权值,构建武器 贸易网络矩阵,用于下一步的社会网络分析。

  • In the aspect of the bill data interchange in the Internet an electronic bill software using PDF file format is developed to satisfy the network transfer and managing of important bill for electronic trade .

    在Internet上电子交易的数据单据交换方面,进行了PDF文件格式的电子单据管理软件的 研究和开发,以满足电子 交易中重要单据的网络 传输与管理。

  • To solve these problems the author points out that China should develop three industries reasonably open services market gradually and catch the law of international industrial transfer to make full use of it in services trade development .

    针对这些服务 贸易发展中存在的问题,文章给出了协调发展三次 产业,逐步开放服务市场 加强服务业与服务贸易立法与监管等对策。

  • Corresponding to the international industrial transfer is the increasing of Intermediate input trade that has increased the share of processing trade in developing countries .

    国际产业 转移的盛行带来中间投入品 贸易的扩大,在发展中国家的直接表现则是加工贸易份额的增加。

  • And it is the main function of the trading mechanism that it can transfer the potential demand of the traders into actual trade and during the transferring process the key is the price discovery process .

    交易机制的主要功能在于能将投资者潜在的需求 转化为实在的 交易,这一转化过程的关键是价格发现过程。

  • On the other hand the profits from the unlawful transfer of the trade secret should be included in the damages suffered by the owner .

    行为人非法 转让 商业秘密获得的收益,应当认定为权利人受到的经济损失。

  • The dynamic theory of comparative advantage study international trade from the degree of economic growth the change of technology and factor should induce the transfer of comparative advantage and interest of trade .

    动态比较优势理论从经济增长的角度研究国际贸易问题,认为要素比例和技术的变动会使比较优势及其 贸易利益发生 移动

  • THe Adjustment and Transfer Method of Foreign Trade Enterprises on the new or former Accounts

    企业新旧帐目的调整与结 方法

  • Further Comments on Exchange of Unequal Values and the Theory of Transfer of Value in Current International Trade

    再评现代国际 贸易中不等价交换和价值 转移

  • From the global governance and public administration the transfer paradigm of China 's foreign trade administration law is needed in the respects of content function value and realization of law .

    本文从全球治理与公共行政视角出发,认为有必要从法律内容、法律功能、法律价值及法律实现等方面实现我国 外贸管理法的范式 转换

  • Chapter four analyzes the effects of international industry transfer played on Sino-US trade deficit to explain how international industry transfer influences the amount and structure of Sino-US trade imbalance from a general view .

    第四章以概括的角度,对国际产业转移对中美 贸易失衡的作用进行实证分析,说明国际产业 转移对中美逆差的规模和结构的影响。

  • How to transfer the comparison superiority of service trade into the competitive advantage

    如何 服务 贸易的比较优势转化为竞争优势

  • An Empirical Study on the Geographic Clustering and Gradient Transfer of Chinese Processing Trade

    我国加工 贸易地理集聚与梯度 转移的实证研究

  • The labor markets all over the world are connected and integrated by the international migration and the international transfer of labor demand through international trade .

    笔者认为经济全球化不仅表现为 贸易自由化、金融国际化和生产的一体化,而且表现为 劳动力市场的国际一体化。

  • The second part analyzes and explains the content of CISG . It introduces the principles of risk transfer of involving transportation road and goods trade out of transportation and breaching . It also expounds goods specific as a premise for risk transfer .

    第二部分对CISG的相关内容进行了剖析和解释,分别介绍了涉及运输、路货 交易、不涉及运输以及违约时的风险 转移 问题,并阐述了货物特定化这一风险转移的前提。

  • However although countries have taken note of the importance of transfer of title in the international trade the time of transfer of ownership is still not unified .

    然而,各国虽然都注意到了国际 贸易中所有权 转移的重要性,对所有权转移的时间却不统一,这为后文分析各国对所有权转移时间的规定及讨论其各自的合理性问题作下铺垫。

  • With the international transfer of trade in services offshore software outsourcing is becoming an important growth point of trade in services .

    随着服务 贸易的跨国 转移,离岸软件外包正在成为服务贸易重要的增长点。

  • Transfer point of trade metering is Panyu gas production area and monitored in cep .

    贸易计量的 交接点选择番禺气区,同时在cep监控。

  • Therefore the transfer of construction land use rights should allow free trade ; the Government should not interfere too much .

    因此,对于建设用地使用权的 转让应当允许自由 交易,政府不应过多干预。

  • Transfer of world center of science and technology means transfer of world center of international trade namely world trade pattern 's vicissitude .

    科技中心的转移意味着国际 贸易中心的 转移,也就是国际贸易格局的变迁。

  • About the risk transfer there 's definite partition of the international trade terms .

    《国际 货物 销售 合同公约》、《美国统一 法典 我国《合同 货物风险 转移和承担采取交付主义原则, 国际 贸易术语对于风险 转移也有明确划分。

  • Policy Study on Promoting Transfer of Processing Trade to Western Part of China

    促进加工 贸易向西部地区 转移政策研究

  • Chapter five chooses the electromechanical industry to analyze which further demonstrates international industry transfer is the deep reason of Sino-US trade imbalance .

    第五章选取中美机电行业 贸易进行实证分析,进一步论证了国际产业 转移是造成中美 贸易失衡的深层次原因。

  • The Research on the Effect of Transfer Pricing Regulations of the MNE on Export Trade & Comparison between Price Regulations and Profit Regulations

    跨国公司 转让定价调整规则对出口 贸易的影响&兼论价格、利润调整规则优劣的比较

  • This paper analyzes the implied problems of environmental cost transfer and specialization traps on the basis of South-Noth trade patterns . It points out that these problems will hinder the sustainable development of a country or an area .

    本文从南北 贸易模式出发分析其中隐含的环境成本 转移和专业化陷阱问题,指出它们不利于一个国家或地区的可持续发展。

  • Therefore technology transfer is an important form of trade . Through technology transfer to acquire advanced technology is a shortcut road researchers can also obtain economical benefit .

    技术 转让是技术 贸易中的一种重要形式,通过技术转让是获得先进技术的一条捷径,同时也让技术研发人员获得经济利益,进而将适应经济社会发展需要的技术研发推向更深层次。

  • His treatment of the transfer problem and of the gains from trade are both rigorous and classic .

    他对 转让问题和 贸易收益的论述既严谨又具有权威性。

  • In order to coordinate development between Eastern and Western Region and support central and Western Region to undertake the industry transfer the State Council approved policies that improve gradient transfer of processing trade and drive central and western region to develop an opening economy .

    为促进区域协调发展,支持中西部承接产业转移,国务院因此提出了引导和推动加工 贸易梯度 转移,带动中西部开放型经济发展的政策思路。强调在支持中西部 加工 贸易 发展的同时,要抓好统筹协调。