transfer arm

[trænsˈfɚ ɑrm][trænsˈfə: ɑ:m]


  • Objective To provide anatomical data for repair of important branches of the median nerve and for nerve transfer using part of the median nerve in the upper arm .

    目的为在修复 段正中神经中的重要束组及利用 段部分神经束作束组 移位提供解剖学依据。

  • The purpose of this study is to explore the methodology of integration design of structure and control for a shell transfer arm of howitzer autoloader .

    探讨某自行火炮弹药自动装填系统中弹丸 传输 的结构与控制的综合设计方法。

  • First introduce the foundation of velocity matching transfer alignment and then research the level arm effect in the real application thoroughly .

    在详细介绍了速度匹配 传递对准的原理后,对实际运用中存在的 杆臂效应进行了深入研究。

  • Has brought forward one kind of heat addition pipe and heat transfer station monitoring system based on ARM series MPU ( S3C4510B ) and GPRS network .

    提出了一种基于 ARM系列的微处理器S3C4510B与GPRS模块构建的供热管网及 热站监控系统。

  • Phrenic nerve transfer to posterior part of the median nerve trunk at the middle and distal part of the arm ( containing anterior interosseous nerve muscle branch to palmaris longus proximal branches to flexor digitorum profundus ) .

    在对其行经胸膈神经 移位上臂中下段正中神经后组神经束(含前骨间神经、掌长肌支、指深屈肌近侧支)的同时也行其它神经移位;

  • The cylinder-rotating flexible drive transfer arm is analyzed finally in order to achieve the oxygen gun slag cleaner to flexible hold lance .

    最后分析了气缸对 的柔性驱动,以便达到除渣器对氧枪的柔性抱枪。

  • The cabin which is fired earlier is usually needed to transfer to the side interface from the front interface and this process requires a arm to achieve .

    通常先前发射的舱段需要从轴向的对接口 转移到侧向对接口,这一过程需要 机械 来实现。

  • Through the teaching method in technological transfer the teaching difficulty-the link of hitting by brandishing arm is well solved .

    通过运用技能 迁移教学模式,较好地解决了教学难点,即挥 击球环节。

  • The latter can meet a number of occasions with the special requirements of size interface transfer rate such as problems of interface with the ARM .

    后者可以满足一些对体积、接口或 传输速率有着特殊要求的场合,如与 ARM的接口问题。

  • Design consideration and program realization of partial transfer structures with short arm shear wall

    局部 支-短 剪力墙结构的设计思考和程序实现

  • Integration Design Method of Structure and Control for a Shell Transfer Arm

    弹丸 传输 结构与控制的综合设计方法

  • The distribution of intraneural fascicular groups should be concerned when partial transfer of median nerve in the upper arm was done .

    部采用正中神经部分束 移位时,要了解神经干内束组的分布特点。

  • The free transfer of medial upper arm flap by microvascular anastomosis

    上臂内侧皮瓣游离 移植一例报道

  • By establishing the system model of moving-base alignment velocity match the factors that influenced the transfer alignment were analyzed such as lever arm effect flexible vibrations etc.

    通过建立动基座对准速度匹配的系统模型,对影响 传递对准的一些重要因素如 杆臂效应、挠曲振动等进行了分析,按照既定的载机机动方案采集飞行数据进行离线仿真。

  • Software and hardware design of network static image transfer in the monitored control system based on ARM

    基于 ARM的监控系统中静态图像网络 传输的软硬件设计

  • This text is it evolve algorithm transfer BP network train result carry on structure design parameter optimized to utilize and has developed the concrete pump train arm shelf optimization design software .

    本文利用进化算法 调用BP网络训练结果进行结构设计参数优化,并开发了混凝土泵车 架优化设计软件。

  • In order to realize data of DSP and ARM this paper design hard and soft outlet that make use of HPI to transfer data of DSP and ARM chips .

    为实现DSP+ARM双内核体系结构,本文设计了DSP与 ARM芯片之间的软硬件接口,利用HPI进行DSP和ARM芯片的数据 交换

  • The reason he had applied for transfer to the front despite his useless arm was that he realized as the civilian population did not the seriousness of the situation .

    他不顾自己一 胳臂残废了仍要求 调到前方去,原因就在于他跟一般市民不同,真正了解当前形势的严峻。

  • Transfer RNA genes range in length from 63 to 76 nt their planar structure present characteristic clover leaf except for tRNA-Cys and tRNA-Ser ( AGY ) because of lacking the D arm .

    tRNA基因核苷酸长度为63~ 76nt,除了tRNACys和tRNASer(AGY)缺少D ,其余的二级结构均呈典型的三叶草状。

  • This paper propose a private monitoring data transfer system by Internet which based on ARM platform and SSL network protocol and give the theoretical model and practical realization .

    通过对各种 传输媒介、移动设备、安全协议软件优缺点的分析和对比,提出了一种基于 ARM平台、SSL安全协议的通过Internet网络 传输的监控数据 传输系统。给出了理论模型和具体实现方案。