track off

[træk ɔf][træk ɔf]

[计] 关闭跟踪程序

  • The state can be limited to public power can be controlled within the Constitution . The government does not run track to off against the statutory rights of citizens by the Constitutional Review .

    这一制度的建立使国家的公共权力最终被限定在宪法可以控制的范围内,不至 脱离法定的运行 轨道而侵害公民的权利。

  • And there 's nothing to track off of the smoke bombs .

    而且烟雾弹 不到什么。

  • This track is notoriously hard on tyres so when they go off here they 'll go off big time .

    赛道向来是轮胎的 苦主,所以会很关键哦。

  • To keep the audio track of his recording clear the diver turned off all the alarms on hi dive computer .

    为了保持他 录音清晰,这个潜水者 关掉 潜水计算机上 的所有警报。

  • Easily turn album artwork and track information ON / OFF by clicking once on the right side of the viz window .

    只需在软件窗口右边轻轻一点, 就可以轻松地打开或 关闭唱片和 歌曲信息。

  • After a few laps of the track the sweat was pouring off the runners .

    赛跑运动员们 沿着 跑道 了几圈之后,全身冒汗。

  • Yesterday 's track keep off of noisy and annoying .

    昨日的 轨迹远离的烦嚣。

  • The experiment of turning and trespassing vertical wall of tracked vehicle to the comprehensive performance can be inspect . With an important significance for designed to improve the level of the track driving system and prevent off the chain .

    进行转弯、翻越垂直墙的实验来综合考察履带车辆的性能,对提高 履带行驶系统的设计水平及防止 链具有重要意义,为履带车辆的整车性能良好的发挥提供行驶建议。

  • Use a commercially available track rod extractor to press off the track rod !

    使用商用横 拉杆拆卸器 压出横拉杆!

  • But the guy working the one on the track off to the side he didn 't choose to sacrifice his life any more than the fat man did did he ?

    但是那个家伙在干活, 在另一 轨道 的人,他和那个胖子一样,他也没有选择牺牲自己的生命,不是吗?

  • As a kid I learned that my brother and I could walk forever on a railroad track and never fall off & if we just reached across the track and held each other 's hand .

    在我很小的时候,我就知道,我和我的兄弟可以在 铁轨上永远地走下去,永远也不会掉 下来&只要我们两手越过铁轨,紧紧相牵。

  • Test and analysis of airplane 's running track in taking off and landing

    飞机 起飞着陆 航迹测试与分析

  • He teaches at that track off Boulder Highway where middle .

    他在 波德尔高速的支线上。

  • Loosen window track nuts and slide track off of the window .

    放松车窗轨道螺帽并且将 轨道车窗。

  • Now each track section will switch on and off at a very fast rate which will propel the train .

    现在,每条 铁轨都以极快的速度打开或 关掉,这将驱动列车。

  • After a few of the track the sweat was pouring off the runners .

    跑了几 之后,汗水开始从运动员身上流 下来

  • The Label check box allows you to switch the time labeling of the ground track on or off .

    标签框用于确定你是否要 标注地面 轨迹

  • It rained ; therefore the track and field meet was put off .

    天下雨,因此 运动延期

  • Maybe you need to track time off for employees .

    或许需要 跟踪员工的 休息时间。

  • When managing the project you may want to use your mail database to track correspondence and to manage sign off .

    在管理项目时,可能需要使用邮件数据库 跟踪信件往来并管理 退出

  • I did not keep track of how often I was told to cut off all aid to israel .

    我没有 记录我是如何经常地被告知要 中断对以色列的所有援助。

  • Australian track and field athletes will put off their arrival until the second week of the games .

    澳大利亚 田径运动员将抵达时间 推迟到奥运会第二周。

  • There is a spur of track leading off to the side .

    轨道上有另一条支线 通往其他方向。

  • The law innovated by creating an agency known by its initials HADOPI which would track abusers and cut off net access automatically to those who continued to download illicitly after two warnings .

    该法创建了一个缩写为HADOPI机构,该机构将 跟踪网络滥用者,并且可以对两次警告后仍然非法下载者进行自动 网。

  • We ran on the track in front lawn and squared off in sisterly bowling duels down in the basement alley .

    我们在前草坪的 小路上跑步,在地下室的保龄球场上相互对抗。

  • The whisker warriors are being used to track and detect underwater saboteurs and mines in the waters off the coast of Iraq .

    种长着腮须的水兵被用在伊拉克海岸 附近的水域来 追踪水下捣乱分子和水雷。

  • An algorithm based on variable structure interacting multiple model is presented to track range gate pull off ( RGPO ) target in airborne fire control radar .

    针对机载火控雷达中可能出现的距离门 引欺骗,给出了一种基于交互式多模型的目标 跟踪方法。

  • Using a computer-monitoring program Timothy Daniels vice president of operations for Accurate Biometrics can track whether Ms. Johnson and other employees are working - or slacking off .

    蒂莫西•丹尼尔斯(TimothyDaniels)是约翰逊所在公司AccurateBiometrics的运营副总裁,通过一款电脑监控软件他可以 了解到约翰逊和其他员工是在工作还是在 偷懒

  • In one 's truth one stands in the center of one 's being and no one can push you off track or off your path .

    真相中,你是自我存在的中心,没有任何事可以将你推 你所在的 路途