track on

[træk ɑn][træk ɔn]

[计] 启动跟踪显示程序

  • Disks hold more data per track on the edges of the disk not on the center .

    在磁盘边缘 ,每个 磁道比靠近中央的地方能够保存更多的数据。

  • The dog does not track on widely separated parallel lines but brings the feet inward toward the middle line of the body when trotting in order to maintain balance .

    德国牧羊犬的 足迹不应该是两条分的很 的平行线,小跑时,足爪应该向内,靠近身体中心线,以保持平衡。

  • Captain we 're close to placing a track on the enemy submarine .


  • It is now easier to track people on the road and ensure their safety .

    现在, 追踪旅途中的员工、确保他们的安全变得更容易了。

  • His track record on mobile though is questionable .

    然而,他 移动领域获得的 业绩记录很成问题。

  • It became the final track on the Sgt Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band album .

    这首作品是专辑《 佩珀中士的孤独之心俱乐部乐队》中的最后一个曲子。

  • That memorable song is the first track on the 10 Years of Hits CD .

    这首值得纪念的歌曲是“十年精选”CD的第一首 曲目

  • This is the road this is the1-dimensional track on which the object is sitting .

    因为它的 路径是这样的,是一维的。

  • Dynamic analysis of ballastless track on bridge subjected to moving load

    移动荷载作用下桥 无砟 轨道动力分析

  • It is intensely competitive with more than 150 brands . Among the best-selling brands are several indigenous companies with an inside track on local phone habits .

    150多个手机品牌在此激烈竞争,在畅销品牌中有几家是本土企业,它们更善于 追踪本土手机使用习惯。

  • With the Ballastless track technology extensive used the problem of the track on solid bed damage and rectification is paid more and more attention now .

    随着无碴轨道技术的广泛运用,整体 道床产生的病害及维修问题也越来越引起重视。

  • The pilot then selects the 0220 code on their transponder and the track on the radar screen of the air traffic controller will become correctly associated with their identity .

    随后飞行员把应答机的代码设置为 0220,这样飞机的身份信息就能正确显示在航空管制的雷达屏幕

  • With sequential access the disk head can move directly to the next available track on the disk .

    使用顺序访问,磁盘头可以直接移动到磁盘的下一个可用 磁道

  • Construction Survey Technology of Double-block Slab Track on High-speed Railways

    高速铁路双块式无砟 轨道施工测量技术

  • At the track on his55th birthday he was surprised to find a horse named Numero Cinco running in the fifth race .

    55岁生日 那天,他意外的发现,有一匹叫五号(西班牙语)的 赛马将参加第五场赛马。

  • From the stopping track on the road it is clear that the two taxis were driving too fast .

    从停 道路 轨道,很显然,这两个的士开得太快。

  • You 'll have to track them on foot from there .

    你应该从那开始走路 跟踪他们。

  • ( computer science ) the movement of a read / write head to a specific data track on a disk .

    (计算机科学)读写磁头 磁盘 向着特殊数据 轨道的运动。

  • Effect of Nuclear Track on Reflectivity for Insulating Material

    固体核 径迹 绝缘材料抗反射性能的影响

  • She said the Obama administration is pursuing a diplomatic track on the issue with Iran but within a specific time-frame .

    她说,奥巴马政府正在争取通过外交 途径解决这个问题,但是有一定的时间限制。

  • Research on Transition Section between the Ballasted Track and Ballastless Track on Subgrade of High-speed Railway

    高速铁路路基 有砟轨道与无砟 轨道过渡段研究

  • Right now you hit me up every track on every aircraft .

    现在,你把所有飞机的 航道提供给我。

  • It is impossible for me to keep track on how many statues and works of art I have moved but it must be several thousands .

    想要统计我所 经手的雕塑及艺术品的搬移似乎不大可能,但肯定有几千座。

  • I came out on the chariot of the first gleam of light and pursued my voyage through the wildernesses of worlds leaving my track on many a star and planet .

    我驱车起行,迎着第一丝曙光,穿越世界的荒野, 众多星球上,留下我的 足迹

  • Analysis of the Assessment of Loess Tunnel Settlement before Laying Slab Track on Zhengzhou-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Line

    郑西客运专线黄土隧道无砟 轨道铺设前沉降评估 浅析

  • The drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk .

    驱动器找不到磁盘 特定区域或 磁道

  • In many of these challenges require the track on your opponent .

    在这些多要求的 赛道 挑战你的对手。

  • At last also to transformer substation of other two times back track carried on the first step design .

    最后,也对变电站的其他二次 回路进行了初步设计。

  • Analysis of the Load Bearing Capacity of Reinforcement System with Space Structure for Track on I-beam of Frame Bridge

    纵横梁 线路加固体系空间结构受力分析

  • Those who network effectively have an inside track on resources and information and can more quickly cut through organizational politics .

    那些有效沟通的人 对于资源和信息占据更有利地位,能更快地越过机构政治 藩篱