tracing velocity

[ˈtresɪŋ vəˈlɑsɪti][ˈtreɪsɪŋ viˈlɔsiti]

[计] 跟踪速度

  • The test verified that the optimal control could make further reduction on positional error and velocity error while the mechanism is at moving and could enhance the movement accuracy of the mechanism so as to obtain better tracing ability on position and velocity .

    实验证明,最优控制能够进一步减小机构在运动中的位置误差和速度误差,提高机构运动精度,获得更好的位置、 速度 跟踪性能。

  • Ray tracing with constant velocity gradient and inversion of 2-D interval velocity

    速度梯度射线 追踪与二维层速度反演

  • The theoretical modeling result shows that the tracing integral migration method is feasible has some advantages such as fast operation high signal-noise ratio etc. and provides accurate velocity model for wave theory depth migration .

    理论模型试算的结果表明, 追踪积分偏移方法是切实可行的,并具有速度快、运算简单、信噪比高等优点,可为波动理论深度偏移提供准确的 速度模型。

  • New algorithm utilizes an implicit ray tracing to determine the near-surface model thus the new method is more powerful and flexible leading to reduction of uncertainty in velocity / depth model in complex subsurface and near surface geological environment .

    该技术最新的算法利用非显式的射线 追踪方法求解近地表模型,有更强的适应性和灵活性,减少了复杂地表和地质条件下 速度/深度模型的不确定性,提高了模型的精度。

  • The part of seismic forward summary many ways to ray tracing in order to get the velocity model better this paper put forward a method about high precision fast ray tracing with multi-retracing .

    正演部分总结了各种射线 追踪方法,为了更好的得到初至波层析成像的 速度模型,提出了一种射线追踪方法。

  • Based on the principle of PIV test with tracing particles the highspeed camera was adopted to record velocity field .

    根据二维PIV测试技术的原理,用高速摄像仪对各加热段炉膛进行 示踪粒子拍摄和 速度 分布测量。

  • P wave velocity structure of the upper and middle crust in the Wuzhong Lingwu region is studied using the methods of ray tracing and the joint inversion of hypocentral parameters and velocity structure .

    应用射线 追踪方法进行震源参数和 速度结构联合反演,对宁夏吴忠、灵武地区地壳中上部P波速度结构进行了研究。

  • In this paper an analytic expression of ray parameter which is suitable to ray tracing is deduced based on the relationship between group velocity and phase velocity and expressions of ray parameters in transversely isotropic media .

    首先根据横向各向同性介质中群 速度与相速度的关系,以及横向各向同性介质中射线参数的表达式,推导出适用于做射线 追踪的射线参数解析表达式。

  • A rapid and accurate two point ray tracing method in horizontally layered velocity model

    水平层状 介质中的快速两点间射线 追踪方法

  • The effects of atom source on atom focusing are analyzed using the Monte_Carlo scheme and trajectory tracing method and the simulation results have shown that the effective size of the target has a much more important effect on feature width than beam spread and longitudinal velocity spread .

    用蒙特卡罗算法和 轨迹模拟法分析原子源对原子聚焦的影响,结果表明靶的有效尺寸对纳米图形线宽的影响远大于原子束的发散角和原子的纵向 速度分布。

  • In the second part of chapter three the three dimensional ideal cloak is found to have infinite time delay from the ray tracing of the Hamiltonian geometry optics and this effect is also examined by the calculated distributions of group velocity or energy transport velocity .

    在第三章的第二部分,我们首先利用哈密尔顿几何光学的射线 追踪 发现了三维隐身衣本身所具有的无限大时间延迟,然后结合群 速度分布或能量传输速度分布,进一步证实了这种效应。

  • Calculation of travel-time of ray tracing in different velocity models

    不同 速度模型条件下地震波走时的射线 追踪计算

  • In addition picking zero-offset travel time from two way travel time stacked reflection profile and joint ray tracing inversion with wide-angle reflection and refraction data will obtain more reliable velocity structure .

    另外,拾取反射叠加时间剖面零偏移距反射走时和宽角反射并与折射走时进行联合射线 追踪反演,可获得更可靠的 速度结构。

  • Ray tracing techniques are widely applied in seismology among which the shortest path method ( SPM ) is robust for 3-D ray tracing in complex velocity structures .

    射线追踪技术在地震学领域有着广泛的应用,其中以最短路径算法在复杂 介质中走时 计算稳定性最好。

  • The seismic ray tracing method is used to get the theoretical time according to the location and original velocity of each gridding point .

    基于初始的每个网格点的位置和 速度,通过地震射线 追踪方法正演得到理论走时。

  • A new method of mini-refraction ray tracing is given based on a model of homogeneous medium tilted interface by which formation velocity its thickness and its apparent dip ( along the spread direction of mini refraction ) could be calculated .

    给出了一种基于均匀介质倾斜界面模型的小折射射线 追踪新方法,可以计算地层层 速度、厚度及地层视倾角(沿小折射排列方向);

  • A rapid and accurate method for two point ray tracing in horizontally layered velocity model is presented in this paper .

    提出了一种快速准确的水平层状 介质中两点间的射线 追踪方法。

  • Cardiac motion signals contained in the Doppler flow tracing and their influence on the measurement of blood flow velocity

    体外模拟实验研究心脏运动对频谱多普勒 血流 速度测定的影响

  • Maximum automatic tracing velocity is 6mm / s ;

    跟踪最大 速度6mm/s;

  • Adopt variable velocity mapping method instead of traditional mapping method ; With techniques such detailed horizon calibration fine structural interpretation automatic horizon tracing and variable velocity mapping the author determined the structural features of the target and fault distribution .

    采用层位精细标定、精细构造解释、层位自动 追踪 变速成图等技术,落实了目的层构造形态和断层展布;