trace error

[tres ˈɛrɚ][treis ˈerə]

[计] 追踪错误

  • To speak exactly the trace interpolation is achieved by twice using least-square error method to solve for the dip component of seismic trace .

    文中采用两次最小平方 误差方法求取地震道的倾角分量,实现 间插值。

  • Now let 's analyze by picking apart a JCC trace to see how to get to the bottom of a problem by analyzing the trace and figuring out where the error is coming from .

    现在让我们来剖析一个JCC跟踪,看看如何通过分析 跟踪和找出 错误的来源来彻底把问题弄清楚。

  • Check-in failed and the document was not checked in . See the debug trace for the error code .

    签入失败,文档未被签入。请查看调试 跟踪 出错代码。

  • In software testing and maintenance process one key is to trace and locate the error and another is the high-active test use case .

    在软件的测试和维护过程中,对 错误 跟踪定位和测试用例的高效成为关键。

  • File ' % . ls ' either does not exist or is not a recognizable trace file . Or there was an error opening the file .

    文件''%1!''不存在或不是可识别的 跟踪文件。或者打开文件时发生 错误

  • Computer Analog Analysis of the Trace Length Error in Joint Surveys

    节理测量中 误差的计算机模拟分析

  • Chapter Two is literature review . It sets out to trace the origins and development of Error Analysis ( EA ) presents the main achievements of different researchers in China and abroad .

    第二章是文献综述, 回顾 错误分析的起源和发展,及国内外针对错误分析所取得的主要成果。

  • The Trace Error command requires that the active cell contain an error value .

    追踪 错误”命令只适用于含有错误值的活动单元格。

  • In most cases to find out the cause of the error you need to take some type of trace that will show the sequence of calls that lead up to the error .

    在大多数情况下,要找出错误的起因,需要进行某种类型的 跟踪,以便通过 跟踪来揭示导致 错误的调用序列。

  • By constructing association graph and pitching pile it can quickly trace the error after modify in the process of testing and maintenance and can screen the set of test case for regression testing .

    通过构造关联关系图和利用程序插桩等技术,可以在测试和维护过程中对修正模块后出现的 错误进行快速 跟踪定位,并可以迅速筛选用于回归测试的相关测试用例集。

  • As a shortcut you can use the Trace Error button on the Auditing toolbar .

    为求快捷,使用审核工具栏中的 追踪 错误按钮。

  • In this meantime also introduces the relative tooth and trace error tolerance zone designed tooth and trace the curvilinear figure of the designing tooth trace .

    同时,文中还介绍了与此相关的齿形、 齿误差及公差带,设计齿形、齿向和设计齿形、齿向曲线图。

  • You can include an exception in a trace record if you are using tracing to debug an application or troubleshoot error and exception handling .

    如果您正使用跟踪来调试应用程序或排除 错误和异常处理,则可以在 跟踪记录中包含一个异常。

  • If the Tivoli Service Automation Manager pre-install verification process shows you errors you might want to take a look at these files to better understand and trace the error or warning messages .

    如果TivoliSystemAutomationManager安装前确认过程显示有错误,您可能想看一看这些文件,以便更好地理解与 跟踪 错误或警告消息。

  • If your program is a business-to-business component that is called by some other processing component a stack trace to a log file and a technical error message might be perfect .

    如果您的程序是一个通过其他处理组件调用的企业对企业(business-to-business)组件,日志文件的堆栈 跟踪和技术性 错误消息则非常有帮助。

  • Experimental Research on Tooth Trace Error Resulting from Index Change Gears of Hobbing Machine

    滚齿机分度挂轮引起 齿误差的实验研究

  • Although the root cause of the error is reported correctly in the stack trace it 's obvious that the Facelets error reporting is an improvement .

    虽然在栈 跟踪 直接报告了错误的根本原因,但是显然Facelets 错误报告是个进步。

  • Publish failed the document was not checked in and its properties may not be set . See the debug trace for the error code .

    发布失败,文档未被签入,其属性可能未被设置。请查看调试 跟踪 出错代码。

  • The Error Tracer has encountered a branch point . Double-click the branch you want to follow and choose Trace Error again .

    错误追踪器遇到分支点。请双击要选定的分支,再选择 追踪 错误命令。

  • The actual rotary speed during the stage jump input period could trace the given rotary speed and there was no error during the stabilized period .

    实现了阶跃输入时的实际转速对给定转速的 跟踪,而且稳态时无 偏差

  • Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code .

    请检查堆栈 跟踪信息,以了解有关该 错误以及代码中导致 错误的出处的详细信息。

  • An algorithm of asynchronous correlated track fusion by minimizing the trace of the fusion error covariance matrix is presented based on the sensor tracks from the Kalman filter .

    在分布式模式下,基于各传感器在Kalman滤波器输出本地目标航迹的基础上,提出了一种融合 误差均方差矩阵的 最小意义下的异步目标航迹融合算法。

  • There are some characteristics about it for example highly tracking accuracy and tracking function etc. These characteristics need the require which can accurately measure tooth trace error .

    此技术具有跟踪精度高,跟踪性能好等特点,满足了高精度测量 齿误差的要求。

  • Cluck () and confess () are like warn () and die () respectively but provide a stack back trace from the point where the error was raised .

    cluck()和confess()分别与warn()和die()类似,但提供了从产生 错误处的栈回溯 追踪

  • This variable has many methods for log and trace including : debug info warn error and log .

    此变量具有很多方法,可用来进行日志记录和 跟踪,比如debug、info、warn、 error和log。

  • Let 's now have a look at an example of a problematic trace that shows a-4499 error one of the error codes defined by the DB2 Universal JDBC driver .

    现在让我们来看一个有问题的 跟踪的例子,该跟踪显示一个 -4499 错误,这是由DB2通用JDBC驱动程序定义的一个错误代码。

  • Turn the plane grating the spot will scan the grating and shape a round trace because of alignment error between optical axis and axis of rotation .

    当聚焦透镜的光轴和工件台的转动轴存在对准 误差时,如果转动光栅,激光光斑将在光栅上扫描出一个圆形 轨迹

  • The principle of trace control for intersecting lines is introduced . The error analysis and the software design which improves the quality of interpolation are described .

    提出了数控加工相贯线的 轨迹控制原理,分析了 加工 误差,并对提高插补质量的控制软件设计作了介绍。

  • Approximations based on the generalized Rayleigh quotient and the trace theorem are presented . The error order and accuracy of these methods are analyzed .

    重点讨论了基于广义Rayleigh商和 理论的近似计算方法,给出了各种方法的 误差阶。

  • Writes trace information to the trace log including any user-defined categories trace messages and error information .

    将跟踪信息写入跟踪日志,包括用户定义的所有类别、 跟踪消息和 错误信息。