tracer technique

[ˈtresɚ tɛkˈnik][ˈtreisə tekˈni:k]


  • A Preliminary Study on Application of Stable Isotope Tracer Technique in Environmental Field

    放射性同位素 指示剂稳定性同位素 示踪 技术在环境领域的应用初探

  • Isotope tracer technique showed that glucosamine sulfate above can pass through the skin in vitro of test animal in a diffusion cell and osmose into subcutaneous tissue .

    同位素 示踪 研究结果显示, 实验中制备的放射性同位素 标记的氨基葡萄糖硫酸钠可穿过扩散池内的离体实验动物皮肤,进入皮下组织。

  • Study on the implantation of ~ 7be and ~ 7li ion beams into corn seed by tracer technique

    ~7Be和~7Li注入玉米种子的 示踪研究

  • Using 15 N tracer technique the N utilization and distribution of interplanted wheat with cotton were studied .

    运用~(15)N 示踪 技术研究了麦棉套种条件下棉麦氮素吸收和运转分配规律。

  • Field experiments were conducted to study effects of nitrogen application rate and ratio of base and topdressing on nitrogen utilization grain yield and grain protein content in winter wheat using () ~ ( 15 ) N tracer technique .

    在大田栽培条件下,运用15N 示踪 技术研究了不同施氮量和底追肥比例对小麦氮素利用和子粒产量及蛋白质含量的影响。

  • Progress in the Isotope Tracer Technique for Marine Science

    海洋同位素 示踪 技术研究进展

  • Application of isotope tracer technique on well logging in Oilfield developments of China

    同位素 示踪 技术在我国油田开发测井中的应用

  • In the paper it describes the basic principle requirement and method of the elemental tracer technique .

    文中叙述了元素 示踪 系统的基本原理、要求、研究方法和主要研究结果。

  • The PIV technique and auxiliary dye - tracer technique are used to display the flow field .

    流场显示以PIV技术为主,辅以染料 示踪 技术

  • Finally the prospects of industrial applicaton of isotope tracer technique is also discussed .

    展望了同位素 示踪 技术工业应用国内外发展趋势。

  • Some characteristics such as accumulation transference of HTO in simulated marine ecosystem were studied with isotope tracer technique .

    运用同位素 示踪 技术研究了氚水在模拟海水生态系统中的积累、迁移等特性。

  • Fertilizer-N uptake and distribution of rice were studied using 15N tracer technique .

    运用15N 示踪 技术研究了不同生育时期水稻对肥料氮的吸收和分配。

  • N labelled rice straw and maize straw were used to study the transformation of 15 N in submerged soil by using 15 N tracer technique and sealed incubation method .

    采用15N 示踪 技术和密闭培养法研究水稻和玉米秸秆15N在淹水土壤中的转化过程。

  • Application of double - tracer technique in mines

    示踪 技术在煤矿中的应用

  • It shows that the radioactive tracer technique is effective for the study of filling and release behaviour of CNTs .

    因此放射性 核素 示踪 技术可以应用于CNTs的填充、释放等行为的研究。

  • The fluorescent tracer technique is an effective means to detect the residual quantity of water treatment agent .

    利用荧光 示踪 技术检测水处理剂的残留量是一种有效的方法。

  • The local liquid velocities in a gas-liquid two-phase bubble column were measured using electrolyte tracer technique .

    示踪剂电子电极 对气-液两相鼓泡塔反应器液体的轴径向速度进行了测量。

  • The effects of nematodes on ~ ( 15 ) N absorption by wheat and ~ ( 15 ) N loss from soil & plant system were also studied using ~ ( 15 ) N isotope tracer technique .

    利用盆栽试验,研究杀灭线虫对土壤N、P转化和小麦生长的影响,以及运用~(15)N同位素 示踪 技术研究了线虫对~(15)N吸收和损失的影响。

  • Liquid equal residence time distributions on DJ type tray with guide plate were measured in air-water system by using hot-water tracer technique and computerized multipass thermometer . Effect of guide plate on liquid flow was studied .

    以空气-水为物系,采用热水 示踪 技术和计算机温度测量系统测试了设置有导流板的DJ型塔板上的液体等停留时间分布,研究了导流板对液体流动的作用。

  • The application of stable isotope tracer technique has rapidly increased in clinical pharmacokinetic studies over the past two decades .

    近二十年来,稳定同位素 示踪 技术在临床药代动力学研究中有了快速发展。

  • The new techniques such as tracer technique and GIS technique are combining with the traditional methods to improved the assessment methods for groundwater sustainable yield .

    同位素 地球 化学 示踪、GIS等新技术的发展及新技术与传统评价方法的有机结合大大促进了可持续开采量评价的发展。

  • Tracer technique was used to study the retention time distribution ( RTD ) in these bioreactors and a combinational mathematical model was also established for describing the retention time distribution in the bioreactors .

    示踪 技术测定了流体在BC、IAL和IAL-CHS反应器内的停留时间分布,并用组合模型建立了描述反应器中流体停留时间分布的数学模型。

  • Study on the Drought Resistance with Super-weak Bioluminescence Technique and the Isotope Tracer Technique

    应用生物超弱发光和放射性 核素 进行玉米抗旱性鉴定的研究

  • The isotopic tracer technique was applied to study the adsorption and desorption of cobalt-60 in paddy soil on powdery loam yellow-red earth paddy soil on blue purple clay and sea clay .

    应用同位素 示踪 技术,研究了60Co在小粉土、黄红壤、青紫泥和海泥中的吸附和解吸。

  • Application of Isotope Tracer Technique on the Study of the Filling and Release Behavior of Carbon Nanotubes

    同位素 示踪 在碳纳米管填充释放行为研究中的应用

  • The highly sensitive radio tracer technique is often used to follow tagged synthetic soil ingredients .

    高灵敏度的放射性 示踪 技术,已经常用于跟踪标志污垢成分的试验。

  • Effects of high efficiency urea on the loss of ammonia volatilization and nitrogen fate were studied by the methods of ammonia volatilization model system and 15 N tracer technique .

    利用室内氨挥发模拟系统和同位素15N 示踪 技术,研究高效尿素对氨挥发损失和氮素去向的影响。

  • This paper interprets isotope tracer technique and introduces its development of industrial application both inside and outside the country .

    本文描述了同位素 示踪 技术。介绍了国内外同位素示踪 技术工业应用发展概况。

  • Review of progresses in application of ~ ( 137 ) Cs tracer technique to the estimate of soil erosion

    ~(137)Cs 示踪 技术在土壤侵蚀估算中的应用研究进展

  • Effects of IAA and zeatin introduced through secondary roots on translocation and partitioning of photosynthate in maize during kernel formation stage and grain filling period was studied in a experiment by using isotopic tracer technique .

    利用同位素 示踪 研究了根系导入生长素和玉米素对玉米籽粒形成期和灌浆期光合产物输出及分配的影响。