trace elements

n.痕量元素,微量元素( trace element的名词复数 )

  • Objective : To determine the contents of trace elements in hogwash oil .

    目的:测定地沟油中的 微量 元素含量。

  • Effects of trace elements on microstructure and properties of Al-Mg alloy

    微量 元素对Al-Mg合金组织和性能的影响

  • Characterization of sludges-Determination of trace elements and phosphorus-Aqua regia extraction methods .

    淤泥的特性。磷和 痕量 的测定。水萃取方法。

  • The same holds true for an association of some trace elements such as chromium or zinc with oral antidiabetics .

    相同的一些资料也证实这样一种 微量 元素的联合作用,如口服降糖药伴铬或者锌。

  • It is meaningful to understand equilibrium and dual nature of trace elements in human body .

    正确认识 微量 元素在人体中的作用,了解 微量 元素平衡和二重性对人体健康的意义。

  • Jerusalem artichoke powder mainly composed of protein sugar and inulin and trace elements .

    菊芋粉主要成分为蛋白质、糖和菊粉及 微量 元素

  • Preliminary study of some trace elements in Shanghai and Nanjing human hair

    上海和南京人发中钙和一些 微量 元素的初步研究

  • The chicken also contains a variety of multi-vitamins and trace elements cholesterol Alcohol is extremely low .

    该鸡还含有各种 微量 元素和多种维生素,胆固醇极低。

  • Therefore attention to vitamin and trace elements is to maintain an important part of health .

    因此,注意补充维生素和 微量 元素是维护健康的重要一环。

  • Egg of trace elements such as selenium zinc also has anti-cancer effects .

    蛋中的 微量 元素,如硒、锌等也都具有防癌作用。

  • The distribution and fractionation of Rare Earth Element are the base for their usage as trace elements .

    稀土元素在环境 的分布分异机制,是研究其作为 地球 化学示踪剂的重要基础和必要前提。

  • The effects of some trace elements on structures and properties of wrought aluminium alloys are summarized .

    总结了一些 微量 元素 痕量 元素对形变铝合金组织、性能的影响。

  • Case studies of biological effects on trace elements and stable isotopes

    生物对环境 微量 元素和稳定同位素的选择性及研究实例

  • It provided useful data for discussing the relationship between trace elements and macro elements in Chinese traditional medicine .

    为探讨中成药中 微量、量 元素与治疗哮喘和支气管炎疾病的关系提供了有用的依据。

  • Trace elements zine and chromium have close relationship to the sufferance of diabetes mellitus .

    微量 元素铬、与糖尿病有密切的关系。

  • Theoretically it may also release more trace elements such as iron which can help with anaemia .

    理论上,它也可能释放出更多的 微量 元素,如铁等,有助于缓解贫血。

  • Conclusion MT egg-milk powder can obviously improve the metabolism disorder of trace elements in lead poisoning rats .

    结论:服用MT蛋奶粉能明显纠正铅中毒大鼠脑和股骨中 微量 元素代谢紊乱。

  • Strontium has now been listed is one of essential trace elements .

    锶现已被列入是人体必需的 微量 元素之一。

  • Buckwheat contains iron manganese zinc and other trace elements also than the average grain is rich .

    荞麦含有的铁、锰、锌等 微量 元素也比一般谷物丰富。

  • REE and trace elements indicate that fluid came from enriched mantle .

    稀土和 元素地球化学研究显示流体源自富集地幔;

  • Adding the secondary and trace elements in the BB fertilizer is for formula fertilization by soil testing .

    在BB肥中加入中、 微量 元素是测土配方施肥的需要。

  • Contents of both trace elements and oxide significantly increase from supralittoral zone to intertidal zone and to subtidal zone .

    无论是 微量 元素还是氧化物,其含量大多数都由潮上带潮间带潮下带呈明显增大的趋势。

  • Determination of Trace Elements and Chromium Speciation Analysis Method Study in Urine

    铬酸盐工厂人体尿样中 微量 元素测定及铬形态分析方法研究

  • Objective To investigate the influence of hepatitis B virus on the trace elements in the second trimester pregnant woman .

    目的探讨乙肝病毒(HBV)对孕中期孕妇 微量 元素的的影响。

  • Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology .

    医学与生物学中的 微量 元素杂志。

  • ObjectiveTo analyse the primary speciation of trace elements and heavy metals in Emei Coptis chinensis .

    目的对峨嵋产黄连 微量 元素及重金属的初级形态进行分析。

  • The amounts of these trace elements required by crops are exceedingly small .

    作物对这些 微量 元素的需求量非常小。

  • Crab contains rich protein and trace elements to the body has the very good nourishing action .

    螃蟹含有丰富的蛋白质和 微量 元素,对身体具有很好的滋补作用。

  • Researchers analyzed trace elements in sedimentary rock from dozens of sites .

    研究者们分析了来自许多不同地方沉积岩中的 痕量 元素