

[法] 缔约的,立约的

  • Treaty-making Capacity of Sub-national entities

    论地方实体的 缔约能力 问题

  • Review of the Multilateral Treaty-Making Process

    多边 条约 制定程序的审查

  • Final Document on the Review of the Multilateral Treaty-making Process

    审查多边 条约 拟订程序的最后文件

  • Chapter Three thinks some illegal act of treaty-making procedure and its remedy .

    第三章思考了有关 行政 契约 缔结程序的违法与救济。

  • International law scholars are divided over the issue of whether the sub-national entities could possess treaty-making capacity .

    地方实体是否具有 缔约能力问题,国际法学界存在争论。

  • Determination of Treaty-making Liability for Fault and Its Application in China

    浅议 缔约 过失责任的认定及其在我国的适用

  • Secondly I explain and discuss the legislations of treaty-making errors responsibility in our country form the theorization nature conception legal feature constitutes and treaty-making errors responsibility in different states in contracting .

    其次, 从缔约 过失责任的理论基础、性质、概念、法律特征、构成 要件和不同合同状态下的缔约过失责任,以及对我国 缔约 过失责任的立法状况做了一些阐述和探讨。

  • This early alignment with the Convention showed that treaty-making can be a powerful agent of change even in an early phase .

    这种尽早与公约 达成一致的 做法显示,即使在较早的阶段, 制定 条约也可以是推动改革的一种强有力 手段

  • Thus it is necessary to establish a scientific theoretical system of treaty-making liability for fault and determine its scope to solve the problems of application in China .

    因此,必须科学构建 缔约 过失责任的理论体系,确定其适用范围,以解决缔约过失责任在我国的适用问题。