


  • This paper introduces the concept of CSP-Communicating Sequential Processes and its implementation environment-RISC-architecture processor transputer and parallel programming language OCCAM . It also elaborates a new simulation method for artificial neural network using CSP .

    本文引入了通信顺序进程的概念,同时介绍了一种实现环境 &RISC结构的Tranputer处理器及Occam并行化编程语言,并阐述了用通信顺序进程机制来仿真人工神经网络的方法。

  • Parallel abstract machine model of function language for Transputer network

    基于 TRANSPUTER网络的函数式语言的并行抽象机模型

  • Best-first and guided depth-first method of distributed branch-and-bound algorithm are implemented . When they are applied to TSP problems better efficiency is gained on 16 nodes Transputer network .

    我们实现了最佳优先和启发式导向的深度优先两种策略的分布式分枝限界算法(Branch-and-Bound),应用于求解旅行推销员问题(TSP),在16个 Transputer 获得了较好的 并行效率。

  • This paper proposes the various transputer-based peripheral control methods and some practical interfacing techniques according to the architecture of transputer and the capability of Occam programming .

    根据 Transputer的系统结构以及OCCAM语言的编程能力,本文提出了各种基于Transputer的外围控制方式及其实用接口技术。

  • Application of Transputer development system ( tds_2 ) programming interface


  • The structure of transputer and the performance of transputer network system are introduced .

    本文介绍 Transputer的结构和 Transputer网络系统的性能。

  • This paper presents a parallel processing system constructed by transputer RISC and its interconnection method . The control supervision and communication of the system in the XENIX environment are discussed .

    本文讨论了用 芯片 RISC构成并行处理系统及其互连方式,在此基础上着重讨论了在XENIX环境下实现对系统的控制、管理和通讯等。

  • This paper presents a development environment of parallel system based on Transputer and IBMPC / AT on which a parallel simulation system of coordinator tracking system both of height and position has been developed in OCCAM .

    构造了一个基于 Transputer和IBM-PC/AT的并行系统开发环境,并在此基础 开发了坐标仪方位及高低跟踪 系统的并行仿真系统,同时给出了仿真 软件的OCCAM语言实现。

  • Application of Transputer in the Magnetic Resonance Imaging System


  • In this paper we discuss the features of programming on Transputer system with parallel C and show by example that parallel C not only inherits simplicity and clarity of the original serial C but is also efficient in designing and running parallel program .

    本文论述了在 Transputcr 并行 处理系统 用并行C语言进行程序设计的一些特点,并以实例表明并行C语言不仅继承了原来串行C语言简洁明了的优点,而且还有较高的并行程序设计和运行效率。

  • In this paper the authors have proposed a new type of mixed scheme for diffusion equations . It has obvious parallelism high accuracy and stability . A numerical example is given and the speedup of the scheme is 3 . 5 running on a 5-transputer system .

    本文提出了一种求解扩散方程的新型混合格式,具有明显的并行性,很高的精度与稳定性. 中给出了一数值例子,其在一 具有五个 transputer 并行 上的 并行加速 3.5。

  • An Improved Parallel Hidden-surface Algorithm on Multitransputer Systems


  • An application of multiple Transputer processors and parallel processing technique in a movable robot


  • The Analysis of Hardware and Software Interfaces between IBM-PC and Transputer Board

    DOS 环境下IBM-PC与 Transputer板的软、硬接口分析

  • This paper discusses the preconditioned GMRES method and the parallel realization of block incomplete decomposition preconditioned GMRES method on Transputer system .

    本文讨论预条件GMRES方法和在 环形 结构 Transputer系统 块不完全分解预条件GMRES方法的并行实验。

  • An Algorithm for Construction Testing and its Implementation Based on Transputer Parallel Network

    基于 Transputer并行网络的结构测试算法及实现

  • An Efficient parallel Algorithm for Multitransputer Systems & ABC Method

    一种有效的 Transputer系统的并行算法&ABC法

  • TRANSIM is a package designed to simulate running transputer applications on a multi-transputer system and estimate its performance .

    TRANSIM是为仿真在 Transputer系统上运行应用程序并分析其性能而设计的一个工具软件包。

  • The simulation speed is increased enormously by using the parallel processing technique combined with the ultra-large scale integration circuits in the digital simulator based on Transputer .

    Transputer 基础的数字仿真器,采用了并行处理技术和超大规模集成电路相结合,使仿真速度大大提高。

  • Parallel implementation of BFGS algorithm in multi-transputer system

    BFGS算法在 Transputer系统上的并行实现

  • The implementation of the numerical calculation software for two dimensional electromagnetic field computation on the parallel transputer system is described .

    主要介绍了二维电磁场数值计算软件在并行 Transputer系统上的实现。

  • Applications of Transputer in Real-Time High-Speed Acquisition System of Radar Echoes


  • Research On Direct communication Based on Transputer Networks

    基于 Transputer网络的直通通信技术研究

  • The Application of the Transputer in Parallel Continuous System Simulation

    Transputer 处理机在连续系统并行仿真中的应用

  • Features of Programming on Transputer System with Parallel C


  • Application of Transputer and Parallel Technology in Solving Movement Factors of Submarine Targets


  • N-Version-Programming Fault-Tolerance Technique of Multi-Transputer System


  • A General-Purpose Neural Network Simulating System Supported by Parallel Transputer Structure


  • A Parallel Algorithm of Solving Linear Equations and Implementation on Multitransputer Systems

    线性方程组的并行算法及在 Transputer系统上的实现