working page

[ˈwə:kɪŋ pedʒ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ peidʒ]


  • This cycle continues as long as the user is working in the page .

    只要用户在该 页面 工作,此循环就会继续。

  • Display Help on working with the page ?

    是否显示有关 使用数据 的帮助?

  • Thus the study how to efficiently and accurately classify web page preserve the classification result permanently will be of great significance . First we briefly introduce the working theory procedure and development of web page categorization .

    因此,研究如何对网页进行高效准确的分类,并将 网页分类结果 进行永久的保存将有着重要的意义。

  • In most cases you do not want to page working segments as doing so causes your system to page unnecessarily and decrease performance .

    在大多数情况下,并不希望换出 工作段,因为这样做会导致系统进行不必要的 页面换出,会降低性能。

  • Here are some notes on how I got it working ( except for the index page which still isn 't completely as expected ) on an ubuntu hardy installation .

    这里是我知道了如何在Ubuntu顽强的 工作安装(除用于索引 仍然没有完全如预期)一些笔记。

  • Through documentary information combining with the working experience of the Internet page of the (( Window of Shanghai Sports )) this article aimed at the resource of RE . information and making classified introduction through Internet .

    本文通过文献查询,结合为《上海体育之窗》 网页提供信息的 工作经验,对目前国内外体育信息资源及其网址分类介绍。

  • I 'm currently working with a client that wants the main index page to provide a set of look-n-feel choices from which the site 's visitors can choose .

    我目前 接触到一个客户,他想要让主索引 能够提供一组外观和感觉的选项以供站点的访问者选择。

  • If you are working offline ( that is with No Connection selected on the Connection page ) you can still validate the syntax in the SQL and XQuery statements that you are writing .

    如果您是 脱机操作(即,Connection 页面选择的是NoConnection),您仍然可以验证您正在编写的SQL和XQuery语句的语法。

  • VMM is constantly lurking and working in the background trying to steal frames that have not been recently referenced using the page replacement algorithm I discussed earlier .

    VMM常驻 内存并在后台 运行,尝试替换最近没有使用的页帧,其中使用到前面介绍的 页面置换算法。

  • Widget ready with a working sidebar and3 footer area and an accordion style search area at the top of each page .

    小工具准备好了,同一个 工作栏和3英尺面积和手风琴式搜索区顶部的每一

  • Especially when you use a tool you will get a working widget when you drag it in the page .

    特别是当你使用IDE时,将Widget拖拽至 页面就可以 正常 工作

  • The Add the project to Modeling Working Sets page allows you to add the project containing your newly created model ( either from a standard template or from an existing model ) into such a working set .

    这个AddtheprojecttoModeling WorkingSets 页面允许您将这个包含您新近创建的模型(要么从标准的模板中要么从一个现存的模型中)的项目添加到这样的工作空间中。

  • The equipment - oriented working flow management in web - page environment is proposed which realizes the flow management of defect detection and periodic inspection .

    网页环境下提出了面向设备的 工作流程管理,以设备为入口实现缺陷、定检的网络化流程管理。

  • It 's the feel of working in-place without the page refresh that gives Ajax its distinctive appeal .

    它给人的感觉是 工作良好,无需 页面刷新,这使Ajax特别引人关注。

  • These resources cover all major topics that administrators or developers working with Kerberos on AIX need to know : A must-bookmark page !

    这些资源覆盖了在AIX上 使用Kerberos的管理员和开发者需要了解的内容,十分值得您收藏为 书签

  • With only few lines of Java code we got a working web page component that can be updated without needing to refresh the whole page .

    仅用了几行Java代码,我们就能更新Web 页面的组件,而无需刷新整个页面。

  • If you are working with an existing file system Web site you do not have to create a new page .

    如果 使用现有的文件系统网站,则不必创建新

  • Generally examination and approval will be completed within next working day and the information will be shown in concerned page .

    审核完成后即可 本站相应 看到 发布的消息了。

  • Setting the page to display tracing output is useful when you are working with only a single page .

    如果您只 使用单个 ,将页设置为显示跟踪输出会非常有用。

  • This paper introduces the working principles and main technical features of Java Server Page ( JSP ) expounds the functional structure of the OA system developed by the author and puts forward some JSP techniques involved in the implementation of the OA system .

    介绍了动态Web开发技术&JavaServer Page(JSP)的 工作原理、主要技术特点,阐述了新开发的OA系统功能结构,提出了实现OA系统具体涉及的JSP技术。

  • To facilitate ODPL create a Working Page which contains all compute and formatting information .

    为了帮助实现ODPL,创建一个包含所有计算和格式化信息的 Working Page

  • If you 're working on a product page all of your resources are in that directory .

    如果您在 操作产品 页面,则所有资源都在此目录中。

  • The first step in working with web parts is to create a page with two required elements .


  • Playing detective with her codes we found that changing the margins on the header weren 't working because they were being influenced by the page margins to begin with .

    仔细观察这个编码,会发现更改标头上的 页面空白,不起 作用,因为标头 页面空白本来是由 页面空白控制的。

  • Successful ITLM helps organizations deliver projects that will really satisfy the goals managers have in mind & because everyone is working from the same page .

    成功的 ITLM可以帮助组织发布真正满足管理者要求的项目&因为每一个人的起点都是一样的。

  • For a full demo with working feature areas on the front page please see our demo site here .

    充分演示,功能与 工作领域的 头版,请参阅我们的演示网站这里。清单教程就这一主题,请参阅。

  • Rewrite your online dating profile from scratch ; working with a blank page will get you thinking about what you really want .

    重新写你的网上约会资料, 从头开始会让你思考你真正想要的。

  • Contains commands for working with cover page files .

    包含 编辑 首页文件的命令。

  • A working storage page is never marked as non-computational .

    不会将 工作存储 分页标记为非计算性的。