transmission anomaly

[trænsˈmɪʃən əˈnɑməli][trænzˈmiʃən əˈnɔməli:]


  • Based on the analysis of the updated ocean assimilation data ECCO ( Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean ) the transmission of oceanic anomaly signal related to ENSO cycles are studied .

    通过分析最新的海洋模式同化资料(EstimatingtheCirculationandClimateoftheOcean,ECCO),研究了ENSO循环相关的海洋 异常信号在太平洋中的 传播过程。

  • Research on Transmission Mechanism of Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing for Abrupt Geothermal Anomaly in Volcanic Region

    火山区突发性地热 异常热红外 传输机理研究

  • Characteristics and mechanisms of transmission of oceanic anomaly signal related to ENSO cycles

    ENSO循环相关的海洋 异常信号 传播特征及其机制

  • Seismic CT transmission tomography technology has a stronger ability in detecting fine geological anomalous bodies . With an important application value in fine geological anomaly detection of mine working face .

    震波CT 透射层析技术对地质异常体精细探查能力较强,在矿井工作面地质 异常精细探查方面具有重要的应用价值。