traumatic edema


  • A model of traumatic cerebral edema in rat

    大鼠 急性 创伤性水肿模型的建立

  • Traumatic brain edema is caused by brain injury it is a serious threat to human health .

    创伤性水肿 继发于颅脑损伤,严重威胁人类健康。

  • It suggested that abnormal excitability of posterior hypothalamus could be a key factor in the development of traumatic brain edema and the mechanism seemed to be related to activating the central and / or peripheral norepinephrine nervous system .

    提示下丘脑后部兴奋性异常可能是 创伤性水肿 发生的重要原因之一,其机制与激活中枢或(和)外周去甲肾上腺素(NE)能神经系统有关。

  • AIM To study the level changes of radical and superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) in different regional brain tissues after diffuse traumatic brain injury ( TBI ) and with secondary insults and to analyze their relations to traumatic brain edema in rats .

    目的探讨弥漫性脑创伤及合并二次脑损伤后大鼠不同区域脑组织内自由基和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)变化规律及其与 创伤后脑 水肿的关系。

  • High dose of methylprednisolone in the management of acute traumatic brain edema

    大剂量甲基泼尼松龙治疗急性 重型 外伤 水肿的初步报告

  • BACKGROUND : In recent years there are many studies designed to explain the protective effect of lidocaine on brain but few about the therapeutic effect on traumatic cerebral edema .

    背景:近年关于利多卡因脑保护作用的研究较多,但对 创伤性水肿的治疗效果研究较少。

  • Relationship between effect of mannitol on traumatic cerebral edema and blood-brain barrier

    甘露醇对 外伤 水肿的疗效与血脑屏障的关系

  • Aim : To verify the role of oxygen free radicals ( OFR ) in traumatic brain edema and the preventive effect of SOD .

    目的:进一步证实氧自由基(OFR)在 创伤性水肿 发生中的作用和外源性超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的防治作用。

  • Effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on cerebral mitochondria and ATPase activity in traumatic cerebral edema of rabbits

    高压氧对 外伤 水肿家兔线粒体ATP酶活性的影响

  • Objective To observe the local inflammatory response in injured rabbit brain and Blood Brain Barrier ( BBB ) permeability and traumatic cerebral edema suppressed by anti IL 8 monoclonal antibodies .

    目的观察抗IL8单抗对兔脑损伤后脑内炎症反应的抑制作用,以及对血脑屏障通透性和 创伤性水肿的影响, 探讨 颅脑 损伤 继发 脑损害新的 治疗方法。

  • Results Although SWI delays the onset and peak of traumatic spinal cord edema following SCI but can eventually aggravate the traumatic edema .

    结果尽管海水浸泡早期可能延迟脊髓组织的 继发 水肿,但最终是加重了脊髓损伤的程度;

  • Conclusion : The increases of 5 HT and DA in the brain microvessels might be one of the important factors for the production and the development of traumatic brain edema following brain injury .

    结论:脑损伤急性期脑微血管中5-HT、DA含量明显增高,严重影响脑微血管舒缩功能,损害血脑屏障,可能是 外伤 水肿发生与发展的重要因素之一。

  • To investigate the relationship between development of traumatic brain edema and changes in posterior hypothalamus excitability different nuclei of the hypothalamus were excited with electrical stimulation .

    为探讨下丘脑后部兴奋性变化与 创伤性水肿 发生的关系,采用电刺激方法兴奋动物下丘脑后部不同核团。

  • Treatment of total brain hypothermia group has adverse effect on traumatic brain edema .

    全脑亚低温治疗加重 水肿

  • Medication of Traumatic Brain Edema in Rats

    不同药物治疗 创伤性水肿的动物实验研究

  • An experimental study on the treatment of acute traumatic brain edema at high altitude

    高原急性 创伤性水肿治疗的实验研究

  • Theoretical and Experimental Study of Promoting Flow and Alleviating Water Retention in Treatment of Traumatic Brain Edema

    活血利水法治疗 创伤性水肿的理论与实验研究

  • Traumatic obstructive edema of glottis

    外伤 声门梗阻性 水肿

  • Experimental study of traumatic brain edema inhibited by hirudin

    水蛭素抑制 创伤性水肿实验研究

  • Effect of stimulation of locus ceruleus on traumatic brain edema

    刺激蓝斑对 外伤 水肿 发生发展的影响

  • Experiments for study of changes of tissue monoamines in traumatic brain edema

    外伤 水肿 组织单胺递质变化的实验研究

  • Conclusions A successive large dosage of NLX can relieve traumatic brain edema and improve the recovery of coma and reduce the disability in severe brain injuries .

    结论早期大剂量运用纳络酮可以降低重型 颅脑外伤病人颅内压的升高幅度,缩短昏迷时间,降低伤残率,促进 病人神经功能恢复。

  • The histological and Ultrastructural changes in a model of acute traumatic brain edema in rats are presented in this paper .

    本文报道了大鼠急性 创伤性水肿模型的光镜和电镜改变。

  • Objective To investigate the therapeutic mechanism of high volume hemofiltration ( HVHF ) in treatment of traumatic cerebral edema .

    目的探讨高容量血液滤过(HVHF)对 创伤性水肿的治疗机制。

  • Objective : To study the seawater effects on traumatic brain edema providing data for therapy of craniocerebral injury under conditions of sea warfare .

    目的:研究海水浸泡对 创伤性水肿的影响,为海战条件下颅脑损伤的救治提供依据。

  • Clinical study of treatment of traumatic cerebral edema with compound Danshen root injection

    复方丹参注射液治疗 外伤 水肿临床研究

  • A study on the relationship between traumatic brain edema and posterior hypothalamus excitability

    下丘脑后部兴奋与 创伤性水肿 发生的关系研究

  • Effects of sodium glutamate on traumatic brain edema in cats

    小脑延髓池注射谷氨酸单钠对猫 创伤性水肿的影响

  • Progesterone for protecting the brain of rat with traumatic cerebral edema

    黄体酮对 创伤性水肿大鼠的脑保护作用