


vt.& vi.用拖网捕鱼


  • The authors of this book trawl the furthest reaches of psychology management studies biology and physics to show why a bit of disorder is good for you .

    本书作者最大程度地探究了心理学、管理学、生物学及物理学以说明为何 稍许凌乱对人们有益。

  • Fish and shrimps shall be caught using small-meshed trawl .

    应使用小网眼 拖网捕捞鱼虾。

  • The internet has made it easy for would-be journalists to trawl information and repackage news .

    互联网的出现,使那些自封为记者的人也很容易把 搜罗来的信息重新包装成一条条新闻。

  • The oil industry uses supercomputers to trawl seismic data before drilling wells .

    石油公司可以在钻井之前先 拖网分析地震数据。

  • We very much wanted to raise awareness about how these new trawl technologies can protect the marine environment and improve fisheries productivity says Turner .

    Turner说:“我们希望使人们更加了解这些新 拖网技术如何保护海洋环境和提高渔业生产率”。

  • Trawl net purse seine Fish Pond Nets set net light net drag net golf net used for catching and breeding in deep sea Shallow sea Inland river Inland Lake and used for sport net .

    制作 拖网、围网、网箱、定置网、灯光网、拉网、高尔夫球网等等,适用于深海、浅海、内河、内湖的养殖和捕捕捞以及体育用网。

  • Don 't trawl the streets head to GXG home to an unrivalled portfolio of luxury brands and services .

    不要 拖网街道、头对GXG在家对豪华品牌一份无敌的股份单和服务。

  • In trawl fishing huge nets are slowly pulled below the water to collect fish .


  • In one recent study 12 albatrosses are estimated to have died in the South African trawl fishery in one year .

    在一个最近的研究种,一年中估计有1.2万信天翁死于南部非洲的 拖网捕鱼业。

  • Chronicle of Higher Education is a news source for college and university faculty members and administrators . The authors of this book trawl the furthest reaches of psychology management studies biology and physics to show why a bit of disorder is good for you .

    高等教育记事是给学院和大学教职员和管理者的新资源。本书作者最大程度地探究了心理学、管理学、生物学及物理学以说明为何 稍许凌乱对人们有益。

  • Her private secretary has carefully trawled the West End for a suitable show .

    她的私人秘书已经 伦敦西区 进行拉网 搜索,以寻找一部合适的剧目。

  • Anyone wondering how consumers behave in a recession need simply trawl the tabloids for inspiration .

    想知道消费者在经济衰退时会怎么做吗?你只需要 搜罗一些小报的消息。

  • The fishermen who trawl the offshore waters .

    在近海水域用 拖网捕鱼的渔民。

  • Poor selection of the beam trawl fishing in the East China Sea has exerted negative influences on conservation of fish resources and management of fisheries .

    东海捕 拖网选择性能不佳,对渔业资源的保护和渔业的合理管理带来了负面的影响。

  • A team of officers is trawling through the records of thousands of petty thieves

    一组 警员正在 数以千计的小偷小摸者的犯罪记录。

  • Otter trawl is one of the most important fishing gears in the Middle Fujian Region .


  • They had seen him trawling and therefore knew that there were fish

    他们曾见过他 拖网 捕鱼,因此知道那里有鱼。

  • We came upon a fishing boat trawling for Dover sole .

    我们碰上一艘 正用 拖网 鳎的渔船。