trauma auditory

[ˈtraʊmə ˈɔdɪˌtɔri][ˈtraʊmə ˈɔ:ditəri]

[医] 音响性听力障碍

  • To further study the mechanism of blast trauma causing deafness . Methods : After shock wave different groups of guinea pigs were studied by ABC immunohistochemistry image analysis techniques and auditory brainstem response .

    方法:对冲击波暴露后不同时间组采用免疫细胞化学技术(ABC)结合图像分析和 脑干反应测试技术进行观测。

  • Trauma of the eardrum was examined and auditory function was monitored by measuring the thresholds of auditory brainstem responses ( ABR ) before and after noise exposures and then the hair cells ' diversification of cochlea were anatomized after 1 week ′ s noise exposure .

    检测噪声暴露前后中耳 损伤、ABR 听阈及1周后的毛细胞变化。

  • Head trauma and brain auditory evoked potentials

    头部 外伤 听觉 脑干反应分析