To design a data acquisition system based on USB there are two key points to be worked out . First right comprehension and application of the concepts such as transfer transaction packet and handshake are required .
设计USB数据采集系统的难点在于:其一,对USB 传输、 事务、信息包以及握手信号等相关概念的正确理解和应用;
By analyzing the problems in the legislation of Water Right it makes the legislative suggestions on the relevant problems of Water Right transfer and transaction .
分析我国 水权立法中存在的问题并提出了相应的立法建议。
After the transactions they can transfer the transaction result to their clients .
必须严格执行投资者的交易指令,在交易完成后,将 交易结果 转移给委托人承担。
Analysis of Transfer Price in Related Transaction of Listed Companies
上市公司关联 方 交易 转移定价分析
The purpose of transfer pricing of connected transaction lies on raising or reducing trade rate artificially adjusts costs and profits of interrelated enterprises to reach alleviate tax and obtain the richest profits .
关联 方 交易内部 转移定价目的在于人为地抬高或降低交易价格,调节各关联企业的成本和利润,达到减轻税负,使各关联企业共同获取最大利润的目的。
This section discusses the subjects of the transaction the transaction flow object the form of transfer of the transaction price transaction management and other issues .
本部分对流 转交易主体、流转交易客体、 流转 交易形式与价格、交易管理等问题进行阐述。
The globalization of the company is an evolutionary process and the costs of transfer of knowledge other than transaction costs can better interpret the mechanism of this process .
跨国经营是一个知识创造和 转移的渐进过程,知识 转移成本而非 交易成本,能够更好地解释这一过程的演进机制。
But most of these studies on macroscopic angle example the farmland property system the rural social security system rural labor transfer transaction costs etc. These studies Ignore farmers as a member of society theirs social capital on its behavior may influence .
但是这些研究大多是从农地产权制度、农村社会保障制度、农村劳动力 转移、 交易成本等宏观的角度进行,而忽略了农户作为社会的一员,农户的社会资本对其行为可能产生的影响。
Study on the legal nature of the ownership transfer registration in private house transaction in town ; closure of books / closure of register
城镇私房 买卖 过户登记的法律性质暂停办理过户登记手续
Business transfer transaction is a kind of activity in which a business as an organism sells all or part of its main property to others by means of contracts so as to realize certain aims .
企业 转让是指为了一定的 营业目的通过签定合同将企业作为一个有机组织体的全部财产或部分重要财产进行 有偿 转让的活动。
Compare with financial separate operation it has a certain synergy effects but it also suffers a threat of unique risk such as interests ' conflict of intra-group risk transfer inner transaction risk and risk spillover effects .
与金融分业经营形式相比,它除了具有相当的协同效应外,也受到特有风险的威胁,例如集团内部的利益冲突、风险 传递、内部 交易风险和风险溢出等。
The US Federal Reserve had said the practice called into question the degree of risk transfer of the transaction and may be inconsistent with safety and soundness .
美联储(Fed)曾表示,这种操作使人质疑 交易的风险 转移程度,可能不利于安全和稳健。
If bilateral transaction parties do not need CCB to transfer equity certificate ( s ) CCB then only makes payment by transfer or withdrawal of transaction fund by agreement between .
如果交易双方不需银行移交权证,建设银行则根据协议约定只对 交易资金进行 拨付或退回。
Besides actual experiences as professional football player coach scout club management and hands-on experiences of international transfer of football players transaction is highly preferred .
具有资深的足球行业从业经历,有职业球员、教练员、球探或俱乐部运营管理工作经历,有成功 运作国际球员 转会 交易的经验。
Wire fees transfer fees and other transaction fees are payable by customer .
线材费, 过户费及其他 交易须缴付费用由客户。
Calculation of Available Transfer Capability in Transaction Space
基于 交易空间的可用 传输容量计算方法
At present rural collective construction land transfer has got remarkable achievements such as unceasingly-expanded transfer range unceasingly-improved transaction systematization level increasingly-strengthened management measures in order and benefits allocation gradually preferred to peasant collective and peasant .
当前,我国农村集体建设用地 流转范围不断扩大, 交易组织化程度不断提高,规范管理措施日益加强,收益分配逐渐向农民集体和农民倾斜,取得了显著成效。
On the Transfer Pricing Regulation of Related Transaction in China and the Problems
我国关联 交易 转让定价问题思考
Please note : all telegraphic transfer and bank transaction fee will be charge by the guest .
请注意:全部电报 转让,银行 交易费将由客人支付。
NOTE : The limit of futures-bank transfer Transaction will be set differently by different futures company Pleast contact your futures company for details .
注:不同期货公司对客户进行期 转银 交易金额有不同限制,具体以期货公司规定为准。
All the time since Weifang City Agricultural Bank cash transfers are implemented to fill in the cash transfers with single signature signature checking system and manual transmission affect both the efficiency and easy to appear without the real behavior of the cash transfer transaction .
一直以来,潍坊农业银行的现金调拨都是实行填写现金调拨单加预留印鉴签章核对制度,然后手工传递,既影响效率,又容易出现无真实行为的现金 调拨 交易。
A Comparative Study on the Risk Transfer of Stock Afloat Transaction
路货 买卖风险 转移比较研究
An offshore share transfer means a transaction under which a foreign company transfer to another foreign company the equity of a foreign owned enterprise registered in China .
外国企业向另一外国企业转让其持有的在中国注册的外商投资企业的股权,一般被称为离岸股权 转让。
As a newborn product of the capital market stock index futures derive from stock transaction . The transaction of stock index futures can promote circulation of stock price information stabilize stock price transfer risk in stock transaction .
股指期货作为资本市场上的一个新生事物衍生于股票交易,其存在对于促进股票价格信息流通、稳定股票 交易价格、 转移股票价格风险具有重要意义。
Agricultural Land Transfer Transaction System and Right Improvement
农地 流转 成本、 交易体系及其权利完善
In this part formation and driving mechanism which not only have connection but also difference especially pay attention to macro level and operation mechanism further study on the detail of transfer transaction .
在机理分析过程中,形成机理和驱动机理更多的是关注农村集体建设用地 流转的宏观方面,它们既有联系也有区别;而运行机理则深入研究 完成一次 流转 交易的细节问题。
Transfer of stocks is the transaction in private law and justice in private law belongs to justice of exchange .
股权 转让乃私法 交易,而私法 交易中的正义属正义网束中的交换正义。
Restrict resource and labor to transfer so increase the transaction cost of entire society .
限制资源和劳动力的 转移,提高了整个社会的 交易成本。
A Comparative Study of the System of Business Transfer Transaction
企业 转让制度之比较研究
美[trænsˈfɚ trænˈsækʃən]英[trænsˈfə: trænˈzækʃən]