transmission voltage

[计] 传输电压

  • Study on Design and Simulation of Altiplano Long Distance Transmission Electricity Line Voltage Compensation

    高原长距离 输电线路 电压补偿设计与仿真的研究

  • With the increased transmission line voltage and the improved system capacity higher insulation requirement is proposed for the high voltage electrical equipment .

    随着电力系统 输变电线路 电压 等级的提高,以及系统容量的不断提升,对高压电器设备绝缘性能提出了更高的要求。

  • The GIL is a transmission equipment for the transmission of high voltage and heavy current over long distance .

    气体绝缘 输电线路(GIL)是高 电压、大电流、长距离的 电力传输设备,国内外已有近30年的运行经验。

  • Compared to magnetic isolation optical isolation has wider frequency range and lower EMI . This paper presents the applications of optical isolation in the real-time monitoring of power carrier equipment including transmission of voltage switching and middle frequency signals .

    由于光隔离技术的频带宽、电磁干扰小,文章介绍了其在电力载波机实时监控系统中的一些应用,主要包括 电压类信号、开关信号和中频信号的

  • Along with the power system transmission voltage grade increasing the higher request to the safety of insulator is brought forward therefore to study the distribution of the electric potential and electric field intensities of the insulator has the important actual meanings .

    随着电力系统 输电 电压等级的提高,对绝缘子的安全性提出了更高的要求,研究绝缘子上电位和电场强度的分布具有重要的实际意义。

  • The traditional electromagnetic current transformer has no longer met the demand of the development in electric power system which was displayed in the gradual increasing of transmission capacity and voltage as well the strong smart grid .

    随着现在电力系统 输送容量和 电压 等级的不断增大,以及坚强智能电网建设的推进,传统的电磁式电流互感器已经不能满足电力系统发展的需求。

  • The automatic voltage regulator ( AVR ) is programmed to regulate the transmission bus voltage within a reselected tolerance despite varying transmission conditions .

    自动电压调节器(AVR)可在事先选定的容限范围内编程调节不同状态的 输电母线 电压

  • With the expanding power grid the structures of the grid become complex and the transmission voltage level is also rising and the transmission line will increase the probability of failure .

    随着电网规模不断扩大,电网结构也不断复杂, 输电 电压等级也不断提高,输电线故障发生的概率也在增加。

  • The influences of SVC on the Shandong power system are analyzed in transmission capacity and voltage stability .

    分别从提高 输电能力和 电压稳定性两个方面研究SVC的影响。

  • Application of Hall effect in isolated transmission of DC voltage

    霍尔效应在直流 电压隔离 传送中的应用

  • As far as time cost and accuracy are concerned this criterion based on waveform discernment is superior to the traditional one based on the transmission line voltage amplitude sampled after breakers work and has been verified its exactness by dynamic emulation .

    所提判据在时间和准确性上要优于传统的基于故障后线路开关开断后故障 线路幅值的判别法,并经动态仿真验证了其正确性。

  • Transformer is an important electrical equipment in electric power system which is costly complex in structure and distributed in wide fields . It assumes the heavy responsibility of power transmission and voltage conversion whose safe operation affects the stability and security of the entire power system directly .

    变压器是电力系统中分布广泛、结构复杂、造价昂贵的重要电气设备,它担负着 电压转换和电能 传送的重任,它们的安全运行直接关系到整个电力系统的稳定性和安全性。

  • As one of the most important and expensive electrical equipments in the power system power transformer bears an important role of electricity transmission and voltage transform .

    电力变压器作为电力系统中最重要也是最昂贵的电气设备之一,担负着电能的 传输 电压变换的重要作用。

  • The coaxial magnetic insulation transmission lines with appropriate load has been simulated and analyzing the change situation and the loss reasons of the transmission current 、 voltage 、 power and so on .

    对接上适当负载的同轴磁绝缘传输线进行粒子模拟研究,分析了电流、 电压、功率 传输中的变化情况及损失原因。

  • With the rapid development of power industry the transmission line voltage level becomes rising and transmission tower becomes larger-scale than before .

    随着电力行业的高速发展, 输电线路 电压等级不断升高,输电铁塔的规模越来越大,高强角钢的应用越来越广泛。

  • Analysis of Power Transmission Capability and Voltage Stability of HVDC System Connected to Weak AC System

    联于弱交流系统的HVDC输电系统 输电能力和 电压稳定性的研究

  • With the transmission operation voltage increasing the microprocessor based protection and control equipments are susceptible to be interfered .

    随着 电力 系统 输电 电压的不断提高,以微处理器为核心的保护与控制电路更易受到干扰。

  • Design of Signal-isolated Transmission in High Voltage Power Supply System of ECRH

    ECRH负 高压电源系统信号隔离 传输设计

  • Some progress and comments on research of selecting higher transmission voltage class for Northwest Power Grid in China

    关于西北 电网高一级 电压等级选择研究的若干情况和意见

  • With the development of national economy promotion of power capacity and transmission voltage level insulator flashover takes place frequently which causes enormous economic losses .

    随着经济的发展,电网容量和 输电 电压等级的提高,电力系统的绝缘子污闪事故频繁发生,造成了巨大的经济损失。

  • However in the last decades a new generation of HVDC transmission technology voltage source converter based HVDC ( VSC-HVDC ) has been developed rapidly in the world .

    但新一代直流 输电技术&基于 电压源换流器的高压直流输电(VSC-HVDC),近十几年来在世界各地得到迅猛发展。

  • In recent years as urban power load quickly increasing and urban areas continuously expanding the size of power grid transmission voltage grading and distribution pattern have changed greatly .

    近年来,由于城市用电负荷的急剧增加及城市面积的不断扩大,电网规模、 输电 电压等级和配电格局都发生了重大变化。

  • TCSC can be used to improve the transmission capacity and voltage distribution of some transmission aisle .

    利用TCSC可以提高电力 系统某一输电走廊的 输送能力和改善 输电走廊上的 电压分布;

  • Power Transmission with Extra-high Voltage & the Superhighway for Power Transmission

    高压 输电&电能传输的高速公路

  • By applying the structure and the theory of transmission voltage switches the design method at switch-level of the CMOS monostable multivibrator is presented and two examples are given .

    在此基础上,运用 传输 电压开关理论进行了CMOS单稳态触发器的开关级设计研究,并具体设计了两个单稳态触发器。

  • With the development of power system and enhancement of transmission line voltage the problem of power system 's stability is more and more of standing out .

    随着电力系统的发展, 输电线路 电压 等级的提高,电力系统的稳定性问题日益突出。

  • In recent years the pollution flashover accident of outdoor running insulator seriously increases with the transmission line voltage levels improving . Researching on pollution flashover especially the mechanization of pollution flashover is significant for preventing flashover .

    近年来随着我国 输电线路 电压等级的提高,户外运行的线路绝缘子的污闪事故日益严重,针对污闪的研究特别是污闪机理的相关研究对污闪的防治工作具有重要意义。

  • The Application of Minimum Cost Maximum Flow Theory in Transmission Voltage

    最小费用最大流理论在 传输 电压中的应用