tried and true


  • Elderberry juice is a tried and true home remedy-good for the respiratory and immune systems .


  • How to improve the flameproof structure of YB2 Series flameproof three-phase induction motor is the main topic in this article and tried and true solution has been put out .

    就如何改进 YB2隔爆型三相异步电动机的隔爆结构进行了分析, 提出了行之有效的解决方案。

  • There 's a lot in sales and marketing that is tried and true .

    在销售和营销中有很多这样的 真实 例子

  • Reluctant though I am to admit it there are some situations in which it may make sense to fall back on the tried and true .

    尽管我勉强的承认,但是很多情况下 可靠性 正确性有很大的意义。

  • However there has always been one tried and true way to instigate change : raise awareness .

    然而,终归 还是有个值得一 正确办法:提升认知。

  • Don 't worry though & it is not that difficult particularly considering the tried and true cut and paste technique often applies !

    但是不必担心&它也不是那么难,具体来说 重点 就是使用常用的剪切粘贴技术!

  • If the answer is yes then the old tried and true explanations do not suffice .

    如果答案是肯定的,那麽 旧有 其成因的解释并不足够。

  • The following sites are tried and true .

    下列站点都是 可靠 真实的。

  • In addition to being a tried and true method of neatly exfoliating skin the baby oil and sugar mixture also is very beneficial in ensuring a proper moisture level in and on your skin .

    除了是一种 真实 可靠 简便去死皮的方法,婴儿油和糖的混合物对于保证肌肤表面和内部适量的水分也是非常有益的。

  • What growers should be promoting are perennials that are tried and true with a smattering of some of these new sexy things .

    种植者应该推广的是已经 实践 检验的品种 少数新品 品。

  • a good source of tried and true tips on how to cope with the various aspects of the illness .

    应对该疾病种种情况的 可靠 而且证实有效的建议

  • Organizations can hope to get software into the hands of clients sooner only through realizing tried and true repeatable processes .

    只有意识到利用 经过 验证的良好的可重复的过程,该组织才能指望尽快的把软件交付到顾客的手中。

  • Our faith will be tried faith and if it be of the true kind it will bear continued trial without yielding .

    我们的 信心若是 真实的,就能忍受不断的试验,决不妥协。

  • Thinkers both at home and abroad have tried to prove inter-subject ethics from various value rationalities and provided rich thinking resources for inter-subject ethical culture but they have not found the true basis for this ethical culture .

    中外思想家对主体间伦理 进行了多种价值合理性的证明 为主体间的伦理文化提供了丰富的思想资源,但都没有为这种伦理文化找到 真实的基础。

  • Harry Brown is a vicious entry into the tried and true revenge formula .

    哈里布朗是一个内心邪恶的 并且制定了一套复仇计划。

  • Old tried and true ways of living are now outdated and limiting .

    过去 采用 认为 正确的生活方式如今变得过时了并具有局限性。

  • Let 's not forget the tried and true warhorse of the fixed rate loan .

    让我们不要忘记 真正 尝试了战马固定利率贷款。

  • I always buy this brand of detergent it 's tried and true .


  • Personally I choose the latter and I firmly believe that we can build the future based on a foundation of tried and true engineering and design principles .

    就个人而言,我选择后者,而且我坚信在 经过 实践 检验的工程与设计原则的基础上,我们能创造未来。

  • Investing should be like watching paint dry it may be boring but clients should stick with the tried and true asset classes .

    投资应当像是等待涂料干燥的过程可能很乏味,但客户应当 坚持投资 事实 证明 可靠的资产类别。

  • It will be a desktop app and it will be distributed via pre-installing it on PCs-a tried and true Microsoft business model .

    它将是一个桌面应用程序,并且通过预装在PC上来分发&这也是微软 久经 考验的标准商业模式。

  • In the novel the author tried to use the life and history of the Wa nationality to show this ancient nation with harsh natural and ignorance of the traditional constant struggle and usher in the true sense of the newborn .

    作者在小说中 试图借佤族的生活 历史,来展示这个古老民族通过同严酷的自然和愚昧的传统不断斗争,而迎来的 真正意义上的新生。

  • It is one set of tried and true scientific management method that strengthen management of project under construction and exercise project manager preside system . And it is a efficient path to realize duty and right and benefit adjoint .

    加强对施工项目的管理,实行项目经理负责制是一套 行之有效的科学管理方法,是实现责、权、利相结合的有效途径。

  • A tried and true realist with no time for idealistic goals is how US diplomats described Mr Mubarak in leaked cables last year .

    去年外泄的电报显示,美国外交官形容穆巴拉克是一位 久经 考验的现实主义者,没有时间去构想理想主义的目标。

  • Being thankful for what we already have is a tried and true way to feel better .

    时刻感谢身边的一切拥有后要满怀感恩之心,这是一种 你感觉更好 真实可靠的方法。

  • This method is a tried and true new method in 3D seismic engineering prospecting data processing .

    该方法是处理三维地震工程测量数据的一种 行之有效的新方法。