transmission bands


  • How the Resistance Broadens Transmission Bands in Parallel Resonance Loop

    彩电中放谐振回路并联电阻展宽 频带原理分析

  • The results show that the visible light spectrum transmission ratio and the mean transmission ratio under standard U.S. atmospheric conditions can be favorably described by the metrological visible range transmission ratio formula but the adaptability to ultraviolet and infrared wave bands needs to be treated with caution .

    结果表明:气象学能见距离 透射比公式可以较好地描述美国标准大气下可见光的光谱透射比和平均透射比,但其向紫外和红外 波段的适用性需要慎重处理;

  • We also discuss the analyzing method for the expense of network transmission bands which is the basis for designing DIS network .

    并讨论了协议数据单元PDU对网络 带宽 资源的开销分析方法,以便于系统组网设计。

  • According to characteristics of EHV transmission line fault transient current a fault can be identified as internal or external one based on the spectrum energies in many frequency bands .

    介绍了高压 输电线路及母线对高频暂态电流衰减的特点,通过利用多个 频带内暂态信号的谱能量来实现区内外故障的准确识别。

  • From calculating propagation parameters of high-temperature ionized air this paper gives power transmission properties of ballistic intercontinental missile during reentry and discusses the problem about selecting of reentry communication bands and so forth .

    本文从计算高温电离空气的传播参数出发,给出了弹道式洲际导弹再入时等离子鞘的功率 传输特性,并讨论了再入通讯 频段选择等问题。

  • People want to use the least bits expressing video images with certain quality to reduce the needs of transmission bands .

    人们要求在保证一定质量的前提下,以最少的比特数表示视频图像,以便降低对视频图像 传输时的 带宽要求。

  • After the route is established as each hop in the routing used for transmission essentially is the available frequency bands allocated by the MAC layer . Once the primary user appears the band has become unavailable .

    二.当路由建立好后,由于路由中每跳 数据 传输使用的是MAC层分配的可用 频段,一旦主用户出现,该频段变得不可用。

  • Transmission of Two Wave Bands Infrared Radiation Ratio of Aerial Object in the Atmosphere

    目标红外辐射双 比值的大气 传输研究

  • The relation between the transmission bands B of a channel and the value of n in Fourier progression was analyzed in detail .

    详尽地分析了信道 频带B与Fourier阶数n(展开式保留项)的关系。

  • However due to the factors such as transmission delay OFDM subcarriers cannot be completely orthogonal between each other . Thus there is interference between adjacent frequency bands .

    然而,由于 传输时延等因素,OFDM子载波之间不可能完全正交,因而相邻 频段之间存在邻频干扰。

  • For transmission element by the improved algorithm elements are also designed in light wave bands ( visible and infrared light ) and are compared with ones of designed by the traditional GS algorithm .

    对于采用改进算法设计的 透射 元件,也设计了在不同光 波段(可见光与红外)的元件,并与传统GS算法的设计作了比较。

  • Statistical Energy Analysis ( SEA ) has been widely applied to predict vibration and noise transmission through complex structures at medium and high frequency bands . In this paper SEA 's advantages and shortages are analyzed especially when it is applied to a ship .

    统计能量分析法(SEA)在中高频 被广泛用于预测复杂结构的振动和噪声 传递,本文阐述了统计能量分析法及其在船舶上的应用和局限性。

  • In wide gap there are a series of transmission bands composed of some discrete peaks .

    得到在入射角大于全反射临界角时,在很宽的禁带背景中, 透射 存在一系列 带的结果。