translation method

[trænsˈleʃən ˈmɛθəd][trænsˈleiʃən ˈmeθəd]

[计] 翻译方法

  • From the perspective of reality in translation work as well as linguistic theories an analysis is made of the problems existing in practical applications of Newmark 's Relevance Translation Method . Corresponding solutions to those problems are put forward .

    从翻译工作实际出发,结合语言学理论对纽马克关联 翻译 在实践应用中存在的问题进行了分析,提出了相应的处理对策。

  • Number and Quantity Translation Method in Science English

    科技英语 翻译中数字和数量增减的

  • This theory offers an integrated theoretic framework for the study of Chinese idioms which clearly shows the reason why some translation method is properly used by the translator in a certain context .

    该理论对汉语习语的翻译提供了一个完整的理论框架,充分解释了某一汉语成语在具体的语境中采取的某种 翻译 方法更为合适的原因。

  • A Syntactic Transfer and Approximate Machine Translation Method and Its Algorithms

    一种句型转换和近似机器 翻译 方法及算法

  • The current grammar teaching system in China mostly adopts the Grammar Translation method and Audio-lingual method to teach grammar .

    目前在中国英语教学课堂中,普遍使用的是传统的语法 翻译 和听说法进行语法教学。

  • Accordingly communicative translation method applies to the translation of news which falls into the type of informative text .

    新闻属信息型语篇,适合用交际 翻译

  • In order to retain the weak edge information while denoise the circulation translation method is used again .

    为了在去噪声的同时更多地保留弱边缘信息,再次利用到循环 平移 方法

  • Linguistic Features and Communicative Translation Method of Accounting English from the Perspective of Text Types

    文本类型视角下会计英语的语言特点和交际 翻译

  • The application of illocutionary force in drama translation provides a better translation method for translators .

    语力的应用给戏剧翻译者提供了更好的 翻译 方式

  • This thesis makes its study on how translation equivalence can be realized to the maximum extent in a discourse translation method . Believing the importance of discourse in translation this author starts his research from the view of text and text analysis .

    鉴于语篇在翻译中的重要性,本文作者从语篇和语篇分析的角度出发,研究了在语篇 翻译 如何最大程度实现翻译等值的问题。

  • Its purpose is to guide concrete choice and application of translation method and skills .

    其目的是指导具体 翻译 方法和技巧的选择与应用。

  • On the Rational Re-employment of Grammar & Translation Method in College English Teaching

    传统的理性回归& 翻译 教学 与大学英语教学

  • The Comparative Analysis of Communicative Approach and Grammar Translation Method

    交际法与语法 翻译 对比分析

  • Besides it gives suggestions on how to effectively apply communicative translation method in doing news translation .

    同时,本章节也探讨了如何运用交际 翻译 ,来获得有效的成功的新闻翻译。

  • In order to translate systematically this paper conceives a 4-step translation method and partially implements parts of the process .

    为了系统地进行翻译,本文设想了一个四步骤的 翻译 方法,并且对该步骤中的一部分进行了简单地实施。

  • This paper simulated translation method and analyzed the influence of zero-adjusting error and angle error . Finally use translation method for guide measurement .

    文中对 平移 进行了仿真,分析了有无调零误差及偏角误差的影响,最后使用该方法进行导轨的直线度误差测量。

  • The translation method direct method and audio-lingual approach are three commonly-used methods of foreign languages teaching .

    翻译 、直接法、听说法是最为习见的三种外语教学法。

  • Features : ( 1 ) Translation is the basic mode of FLT in the Translation Method ;

    特征:(1) 翻译是外语 教学的基本形式;

  • Some hold that literal translation should be the main translation method and others insist on free translation .

    有人认为应以 直译为主,也有人认为应以意译为主。

  • Chinese and English number and time expression recognition method is proposed . Number and time expression translation method from Chinese to English is presented .

    设计了数字和时间表达式的汉语和英语识别方法,提出了汉英数字和时间表达式 翻译 方法

  • At the same time has also carried on the induction summary to the special attributive clause 's translation method .

    同时,对特种定语从句的 翻译 方法也进行了归纳总结。

  • Thirdly in this paper I induce translation method and according to accidence and syntax I explore exercises of method or skills .

    第三本文尝试归纳了中 翻译 方法,按照词法和句法二个层次,探索了运用基本翻译方法的 具体情况。

  • This paper presents a general test vector translation model based on the two-step translation method .

    在双步测试向量 转换 解决 方案的基础上,构建了一个通用的测试向量转换模型。

  • A Comparison between the Effects of Grammar Translation Method and Communicative Approach on Teaching Results

    语法 翻译 和交际法对教学效果的影响比较

  • To overcome system error between data and data in different groups position translation method was used .

    为克服不同组数据间的系统误差,采取位置 平移 方法

  • In this paper based on statistical machine translation method .

    本文采用基于统计的机器 翻译 方法

  • Chinese and Tibetan Literature Translation 's Cultural Vacancy and Its Translation Method


  • An English-to-Chinese Machine Translation Method Based on Rules Transferring

    一种基于规则转换的机器 翻译 方法初探

  • On the combination of communicative approach and grammar - translation method

    交际法与语法 翻译教学 的结合并

  • Correspondingly communicative translation is the most suitable translation method .

    相应而言,交际翻译法是其最有效的 翻译 方法