

adj.越过月球的,月球轨道外的; 天上的,出尘脱俗的

  • Study of Sorting Algorithm Investigation on Translunar Trajectories for Lunar Impact

    排序算法的探讨击中月球的 转移轨道研究

  • An improved model for translunar trajectory calculation is proposed which can merge lunar status information directly into the analytical model . Calculations and comparisons show that calculation accuracy can be improved without obvious change of model complexity .

    提出了一种改进的 转移轨道计算模型,改进模型将月球状态信息直接融入解析模型中,经计算对比证明在模型复杂度没有明显变化的 前提 提高了模型计算精度。

  • Calculation method of translunar trajectories for direct striking in specified conditions

    给定条件下直接 命中 月球轨道计算方法

  • In this paper obtained the translunar trajectory for direct striking the moon which satisfied some constraints including translunar flight time lunar landing date .

    在给定飞行时间、 月时间、着 入射 停泊轨道等约束条件下,建立飞月轨道数学模型;

  • Technology of the Moon Exploration & Orientation Control for Lunar Probe during Translunar Injection

    月球探测技术& 奔月变轨过程 自旋 稳定指向控制