transitive graph

[ˈtrænsɪtɪv ɡræf][ˈtrænsɪtɪv ɡrɑ:f]


  • Based on the transitive closure property of the delegation graph we give a practical approach to evaluate trust in grid .

    本文基于委托 传递闭包特点来评估参与者的信任。

  • Generalized Quaternion Group - edge - transitive - graph

    广义四元数群边 传递

  • A novel description of test schedule based on transitive closure graph is proposed in this paper and it is suitable for combinational optimization .

    本文提出了基于 传递闭合 Transitive Closure Graph)的测试调度表示法,该表示法符合P-admissible准则,使组合优化算法适用于SoC测试调度问题。

  • Transitive Index of Graph


  • In this paper we propose the new concept to analyze structural properties of hybrid Petri net using the transitive matrix derived from graph theory and introduce the transitive matrix of Petri net and relationship between them .

    在文中,基于 图论提出一种分析Petri网结构特性的方法,然后介绍 转换矩阵和Petri网的对应关系。

  • Quotient Cayley graph and vertex transitive graph

    商Cayley图与顶点 传递

  • The following results are obtained : ( a ) Let G be a connected point transitive graph .

    得到以下结果:(a)设G是一个连通的顶点 传递

  • On re-producing analytic Hilbert spaces we reduce the transitive algebra problem to the calculus of fiber dimension of invariant graph subspaces .

    在再生解析Hilbert空间上,我们将 代数问题约化成对不变 子空间的纤维维数的计算。

  • A weakly 1 / 2 - transitive graph

    弱1/2- 传递

  • Cayley graphs are an important class of vertex transitive graphs and every vertex transitive graph can be viewed as a retract of a Cayley graph 4 w_55 .

    Cayley图是一类重要的点传递图,并且每一个点 传递 都可以看作是一个Cayley图的收缩核4w_86。