


  • The training of talents in traumatology is not in step with trauma which has become a disease of developed society .

    前言:创伤已成为“发达社会疾病,”但 创伤 人才培养与之不相适应。

  • Professor Shang Tianyu is one of the founders of treatment on bone fracture with the integration of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine . He has made enormous contributions to our national understanding of orthopaedics and traumatology in his medical practice for half a century .

    尚天裕教授是我国中西医结合治疗骨折的创始人之一,在半个世纪医疗实践中,为我国 骨伤 事业做出了巨大贡献。

  • By analysing the extensive application of modern educational technology in teaching of orthopedics and traumatology of TCM this paper explores the profound changes in conventional teaching pattern of orthopedics and traumatology of TCM and discusses the prospect of orthopedics and traumatology of TCM .

    通过分析现代教育技术在中医 科学教学的广泛应用,探讨了其对传统中医伤科学教学模式带来的深刻变革及发展前景。

  • As a characteristic subject in TCM Orthopedics and Traumatology of Traditional Chinese Medicine focus on the prevention and treatment of bone and joint damage and diseases .

    中医 科学 是研究防治人体骨关节损伤及疾病的一门学科。

  • To further understand the mechanism and clinic appearance of hepatic damage caused by multi-trauma and to promote the development of the integrity of TCM and western medicine these two kinds of different cure methods in emergency traumatology .

    进一步认识多发伤导致肝细胞损害的机制和临床表现以及促进急症 创伤 中西医结合治疗方法的发展。

  • Verdigris pseudomonad infection in orthopedics and traumatology and five-year changes of drug-fast spectrum

    铜绿假单胞菌 骨伤 感染及耐药谱的5年变迁

  • Searching and Use of Information Resources About Traumatology on Internet

    因特网上 创伤 信息资源的搜索及利用

  • By analyzing our experience of integrating information technology with the teaching process of bone-setting skills of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) the author discusses the reform prospect of the teaching of orthopedics and traumatology of TCM in the information age .

    通过分析现代信息技术与传统中医 正骨手法教学的整合经验,探讨和展望信息技术背景下的《中医 科学 教改思路。

  • Retrieval and Utilization of Traumatology Information Resources on Internet

    互联网上 创伤 外科 资源的检索及利用

  • Some discussion on appearance and development of pictures from books of Chinese Surgery and Traumatology and its role in academic inheritance was done in that paper .

    文中对中医外科 科古籍中图像的出现和发展、对学术传承所起到的作用有一定的论述。

  • The distribution and drug-fast characteristics of flora of mixed infections in orthopedics and Traumatology

    骨伤 混合感染菌群的分布及耐药特征

  • Application and prospect of modern educational technology in teaching of orthopedics and traumatology of TCM

    现代教育技术在中医 科学教学中的应用及展望

  • MATERIALS : The experiment was completed from November 2000 to July 2001 at Research Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering Luoyang Institute of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology of Henan Province .

    材料:实验于 2000-11/2001-06在河南省洛阳正骨研究所生物医学工程实验室完成。

  • This paper introduces recent progress of sports medicine in sports traumatology focusing on the clinical research in knee joint injuries .

    本文介绍运动 创伤方面运动医学近年来的进展,重点介绍膝关节损伤的临床研究。

  • International Society for Ski Traumatology and Medicine of Winter Sport

    国际滑雪 外伤 与冬季运动医学会

  • Orthopedics and traumatology department of traditional chinese medicine has abundant content of the theory and practice .

    中医 骨伤科具有丰富的理论和实践内容。

  • Development of sports traumatology in China

    中国运动 创伤 发展 历程

  • Their special role in record inheritance and development of Chinese Traumatology is just their academic value .

    它在 中医 学术的记载、传承、发展中所起的特定作用,正是其学术价值所在。

  • Objective To collect the data about the cost of primary osteoporotic fractures in 2003 in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Jiaotong University Affiliated Sixth People 's Hospital .

    目的通过该统计来了解我院2003年用于与原发性骨质 疏松症有关的骨折治疗费用情况, 充实骨质疏松性骨折治疗费用的我国资料。

  • International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology

    国际矫形外科及 学会

  • A Discussion on Ge Hong 's Contribution to Orthopedics and Traumatology

    浅论葛洪对 骨伤 的贡献

  • Relevant research paper refers to Brief Discussion on Drawings from books of Chinese Surgery and Traumatology by Hu Xiaofeng ( recorded by visualized TCM-the study on pictures of TCM history ) .

    而相关的研究文章见于 胡晓峰《略论中医外科 著作中的绘图》一文(收录于 形象 中医&中医历史图像研究 中)。

  • Chinese Journal of Traditional Medical Traumatology & Orthopedics

    中国中医 骨伤科杂志

  • Objective : To observe the analgesic effect of paeonol by steam-heated therapy in the diseases of traumatology department .

    目的:观察丹皮酚汽疗法对于 改善 科疾病的疼痛症状是否有效。

  • Knee osteoarthritis ( KOA ) is one of the most common illnesses in the orthopedics and traumatology KOA is a chronic progressive bone articulus illness mostly happening among the middle-aged and the old-aged patients .

    膝骨关节炎(KOA)是 骨伤 最为常见疾病种类之一,膝骨关节炎为多发于中老年人群中的慢性、进行性骨关节疾病。

  • Chinese drugs for supplementing Qi and activating blood circulation in preventing deep venous thrombosis after big operations in orthopaedics and traumatology Therapy of Supplementing Qi and Promoting Blood Circulation to Arrest Bleeding for Primary Nephritic Hematuria : Clinical Observation of 88 Cases

    益气 血法预防 骨科大手术后DVT形成及对 D- 作用临床观察益气活血止血法治疗原发肾炎血尿88例

  • Wang Jing Hospital another affiliated hospital of CACMS is a general hospital with the main features laid on Chinese orthopedics and traumatology .

    王静,另一个附属医院的医院,是一家综合医院CACMS与主要特点和 中医 骨伤 放在中国。

  • The Training of Talents in Modern and Integer Traumatology

    现代整体 创伤 人才的培养

  • Application of fluoro-navigation technology in orthopaedics and traumatology

    X线透视导航技术在 创伤骨科的应用

  • Pictures from Ancient books of Chinese Traumatology preserving a great deal of Chinese Traumatology academic without such developed scientific technology as nowadays are very important to our research on Chinese Traumatology academic .

    在古代科学技术没有如今发达的 条件下, 中医 古籍中的图像为我们保存了大量的伤科学术信息,是目前研究中医伤科学术内容的重要资料。