


  • According to the structured partial topology map of the environment and global information heuristic function is used to select a leaving point for expanding and update the structured topology map till a traversable path between starting point and goal is found in the topology map .

    利用 启发式函数选择适当的离开点进行扩展,并逐步完善拓扑图,避免了一次性构造整个环境拓扑图所 带来的不 必要的大 计算量。

  • One army corps lost two thirds of its transport animals . Much sf this country is traversable only by four - wheel - drive vehicle or pack train

    有一个军团死掉了三分之二的 驮畜。该国 大部分 地区只有四轮驱动的车辆和驮畜 才能通过

  • The results indicated that there is significant difference between the verifiable directives and the traversable directives .

    结果表明,意义 明确 单一 证伪指导 利于 问题 解决

  • Based on the concept of traversable corner and un-traversable corner an un-calibrated monocular visual wandering algorithm with the piecewise control law is proposed according to the characteristics of the static environment consisting of right angles and straight lines .

    针对静态直线直角环境的特点,提出一种以可 通行角点和不可通行角点概念为核心的无标定单目视觉避障漫游算法。

  • Much sf this country is traversable only by four - wheel - drive vehicle or pack train

    该国 大部分 地区只有四轮驱动的车辆和 驮畜 才能通过

  • The traversable directives was useful to solve the selection tasks and the results showed that there is the identity between matching bias and verification bias .

    同时本研究还 初步揭示出匹配偏向与证 偏向的 内在 实质,都属于人解决 问题过程中心理 定势的范畴。