



v.颤动发抖( tremble的现在分词 )焦虑轻轻摇晃

  • The people watching below are tense and trembling with their hearts in their mouths .

    下面看的人 悬心吊胆,心惊肉跳。

  • She was shocked and trembling to chalk up slowly but firmly crossed and the son 's name .

    她惊呆了, 巍巍 举起粉笔缓慢而坚决地又划掉了儿子的名字。

  • I was trembling so hard I thought I would stutter when I spoke .


  • She was pale and trembling .

    她的脸色苍白了, 战栗 起来

  • Her voice was trembling too . I sat up in bed .

    我听她的声音也 ,于是我坐了起来。

  • His face pale as ashes and his lips trembling he stammered out the dreadful news .

    他脸色苍白,嘴唇 颤抖,结结巴巴说出了那可怕的消息。

  • She has done her best to keep calm but finds herself trembling with tension and indecision

    她尽力保持镇定,可还是 由于紧张、犹豫不决而抖个不停。

  • She looked down again and put out her trembling hand .

    她又低下眼睛,伸出了 哆嗦的手。

  • Nor was his head trembling and shaking .

    他的头也不再 颤抖摇晃了。

  • Her trembling hands betrayed her nervousness to him .


  • He was ashen and trembling

    他脸色苍白, 浑身 发抖

  • Trembling with fear he threw himself down on the bed and covered his head with the quilt .

    他吓 发抖,趴在床上,用被子蒙住了头。

  • He awoke trembling and in a cold sweat .

    他醒了过来, 颤抖 浑身冷汗。

  • When he went on she found herself trembling violently .

    等他走了,她发现自己 剧烈地 颤抖

  • Trembling with fear she handed over the money to the gunman .

    战战兢兢 把钱递给了持枪歹徒。

  • He could feel the hammering of his heart and he knew that his hands were trembling .

    他能感觉到啄他的心和他知道,他的双手 颤抖

  • She was so cold her teeth were chattering and her whole body was trembling .

    她冷得牙齿打颤 浑身 发抖

  • She considered his fear and trembling fanciful and childish .

    她认为他的恐惧和 颤抖是离奇和幼稚的。

  • His trembling hands and blank stare confirmed her earlier perception that he was extremely ill at ease .


  • I clung to her trembling with joy to feel the earth under my feet once more .

    我紧紧地依附在老师身边,高兴 浑身 颤抖,我又一次感受到了脚下坚实的土地。

  • She was trembling with rage and frustration .

    盛怒和失望使她浑身 哆嗦

  • Hearing what he said I could not help trembling with fear .

    听了他的话,我不 由得 了个 冷战

  • I was shaking all over trembling like a leaf

    我像风中的落叶一样 浑身 发抖

  • Trembling she put the phone down . It rang again almost immediately .

    颤抖 放下电话听筒,电话几乎立刻又响了起来。

  • On hearing the news all of them were trembling with fear .

    听到消息他们无不 战战兢兢

  • She was trembling all over with fear and could hardly stand up .

    她吓 浑身 打颤也不抵用了。

  • With trembling fingers he removed the camera from his pocket .

    他手指 哆嗦 从口袋里取出相机。

  • Gil was white and trembling with anger

    吉尔脸色发白,气 发抖

  • And when he had spoken this word unto me I stood trembling .

    他对我说这话,我便 战战兢兢 立起来。

  • My hands were trembling .

    我的双手都 哆嗦了。