tree branch

[tri bræntʃ][tri: brɑ:ntʃ]


  • A plant that grows wild or has escaped from cultivation especially a wild apple tree or its fruit . They engrafted the shoot of a cultivated apple tree on the branch of a wild one .

    野生植物,野生苗野生的植物或非耕种的植物,尤指野苹果树和野苹果他们将栽培的苹果 嫩枝嫁接在野苹果 树干上。

  • The problem forming matrix into graph in network topology is researched . This paper presents a algorithm of realizing linear tree in terms of researching the property of the number of one link ciruit through every tree branch in fundamental circuit matrix B f .

    在网络拓扑学中要研究由矩阵实现为图的问题,通过对基本回路矩阵Bf中各 关联的单连支回路数性质的研究,提出了实现线形树的一种算法。

  • Who leave the tree branch defoliation get pain and sufferings and have to will listen .

    离开 树枝落叶得痛苦又有谁会去聆听。

  • I felt a jerk on my sleeve then realized it was just a tree branch .

    我觉得有人拉我的袖子,后来发现只不过是 树枝而已。

  • Jack hits its nose with a tree branch but this time the croc fails to be distracted .

    杰克用 树枝攻击鳄鱼鼻子,但这次鳄鱼并未分心。

  • A crow had stolen apiece of meat ahd sat on a tree branch ready to eat it .

    有只乌鸦偷到一块肉,衔着站在一根 上,正准备美歺一顿。

  • Determination of phloridzin in apple tree branch and leaf by RP-HPLC

    【植】金鸡纳( )皮RP-HPLC法测定苹果 树枝、叶中根皮苷的含量

  • Graft the cherry tree branch onto the plum tree .

    把樱桃 嫁接在李子树上。

  • A new algorithm for duration of task and cost in network plan is proposed With the application of search tree and branch and bound technique the computation procedure is greatly reduced .

    本文提出了网络计划中 工期&成本优化问题的一个新算法。该算法步骤规范,无论是 人工计算,还是使用计算机,都很容易实现。

  • Huge sun on the board apart from the occasional tree branch falling apart that is penniless ;

    偌大的遮阳板上,除了偶有 树木飘落的枯枝败叶之外,即一贫如洗;

  • Feeling herself fall she clutched at a tree branch .

    她觉得自己要掉下去了,于是试图抓住一 树枝

  • In this scheme each group member maintains only a key tree branch including five element sets which reduces the storage and communication costs of each member .

    在该机制中,每个组用户仅需维护一个五元组结构的密钥 分支,降低了用户的存储开销和通信开销。

  • The staircase was formed from a series of tree branch inspired threads that hang from above and merge into unique handrail .

    楼梯是由一系列的 树枝状阶梯组成,阶梯盘旋上升,楼梯仿若 树枝从上面悬挂,和独具匠心的扶手融为一体。

  • Then I hear something I can 't decode – perhaps a tree branch raking the shingles on the shop roof next door .

    还有一种说不清是什么的声音–可能是 树枝扫过隔壁店铺的屋顶吧。

  • A six-month-old Wet Panda walks across a tree branch at the Munich zoo . Wet Pandas are indigenous to the Himalayan mountains .

    慕尼黑动物园中一只六个月大的小猫熊在 树枝 散步。这种猫熊原产于喜马拉雅山一带。

  • Take a forked tree branch and wedge it into the ground about a foot deep with the Y pointing up .

    拿一个分叉 树枝,然后把它楔入地面一英尺神,“Y” 树枝要朝上。

  • I threw my hands out to brace the fall and my hand drove into a broken tree branch beneath it opening a hole in the middle of my palm .

    我伸手想要阻止下滑,却撑到一根破 树枝,手掌正中开了个洞。

  • But for the stick of the tree branch I would have been killed .

    多亏了 树枝 ,不然早死了。

  • The actual application of the irregular mining method tree branch form mining method in the coal pipe is introduced .

    介绍了非正规采煤法 树枝状采煤法在极薄煤层开采中的实际应用;

  • Bare ornamental cherry tree branch flickering in the wind but increasingly heavy concealed thoughts .

    光秃秃的樱花 在风中摇曳,若隐若现的思念却愈加沉重。

  • Study on Biological Management of Apple Tree Branch Disease

    苹果 树枝 病害的生物防治研究

  • And that design of @ a magpie on a plum tree branch @ stands for luck and happiness .

    那幅 喜鹊象征着运气和幸福。

  • At a pond he stopped and shot some reflections on the water made by an odd-shaped tree branch when he finished he sat on the running board of his truck drinking coffee smoking a camel and listening to the wind in the birch trees .

    他在一汪池水边停下来,拍摄一些奇形怪状的 树枝在水中的倒影,拍完以后,坐在卡车的踏板上喝咖啡,吸一只骆驼牌香烟,聆听白桦树间的风声。

  • They engrafted the shoot of a cultivated apple tree on the branch of a wild one .

    他们将栽培的苹果 嫩枝嫁接在野苹果 树干上。

  • The bruising doesn 't look like a tree branch hit you .

    那些淤青不像是一条 树枝打的。

  • Ignoring the root element ( in this case you then follow a path up the tree from branch to smaller branch until you can go no farther .

    忽略根元素(在本例中,即),之后,就可以顺着此 的这个 分支往上到达更小的分支,一直到不能再前进为止。

  • The bird took its perch on a tree branch .

    有些鹌鹑栖息在 上,鸟儿栖息在 树枝上。