travelling salesman

[ˈtrævl:ɪŋ ˈselzmən][ˈtrævəlɪŋ ˈseilzmən]


  • A travelling salesman had to walk so much that his feet often hurt .

    一位 旅行 推销员常常得走很多的路,这使得他总是感到脚痛。

  • When the method of antibody distilling and injecting used in Travelling Salesman Problem ( TSP ) were presented the convergence of AIGA was proven theoretically .

    结合 旅行 问题(TSP),给出了示范抗体的提取和注射方法,并给出了算法收敛性的理论证明。

  • RESTUDY ON SOLUTION OF TRAVELLING SALESMAN PROBLEM Survey research on Travelling Salesman Problem

    旅行 售货员问题解法的再探讨关于流动推销员运筹学问题的研究

  • Second we apply all of them to 10-city travelling salesman problem ( TSP ) respectively .

    其次将四种方法分别应用于10个城市的 旅行推销 问题。

  • At last the model is applied to the description of two problems solved by genetic algorithm i.e. travelling salesman problem ( TSP ) and fashion design problem in interactive genetic algorithm ( IGA ) . The result indicates its feasibility .

    最后,用该模型描述了2个常见用遗传算法解决的问题,即 TSP问题和交互式遗传算法中的服装设计问题,结果表明该模型的可行性。

  • Since the Travelling Salesman Problem ( TSP ) was solved successfully by Hopfield neural network ( HNN ) the HNN series has been intensively studied and applied in various kinds of optimization problems .

    自从Hopfield神经网络(HNN)成功地解决了 旅行 问题(TSP)以后,HNN系列混沌神经网络被广泛地研究和应用于各种优化问题。

  • The minimum replace method applied to resolve the travelling salesman problem is simplified in its symmetric form .

    对求解 旅行 售货 问题的方法&最小替换法,给出了其对称形式下的特殊处理,使求解此种形式的问题更加简便易行。

  • I was elbow-deep in an eviscerated PC performing open heart surgery on a diseased network card when the news about the travelling salesman theorem came in .

    那条关于 旅行 推销员定理的新闻传来时,我正埋在一台开肠破肚的电脑里面,给一块重病的网卡做开胸手术。

  • The psychology of the travelling salesman .

    旅行 推销员的心理特点。

  • This paper studies the Travelling Salesman Problem ( TSP ) . A CED Polyphase method : computational geometry algorithm and ecology algorithm for solving TSP is presented and the TSP is changed to a decision problem .

    本文提出了 CED聚合法&几何算法和生态算法,并把 TSP转化为判定问题来处理。

  • The basic thought and specific schemes about the solution of these two kinds of travelling salesman problem using genetic algorithm were discussed in detail .

    给出了这两类多人 旅行 问题的形式化描述,进而探讨了利用遗传算法求解这两类多 旅行 问题的基本思想和具体方案,最后进行了仿真实验验证和算法收敛性分析。

  • A new combination optimization problem caned China Travelling Salesman Problem ( C-TSP ) is proposed in this paper . Then the principles and methods for solving C-TSP by the neural network are discussed in which some intelligent optimization methods are added during iterative processing to get better solution .

    该文提出了一个新的组合优化问题:中国 旅行 问题(C&TSP),讨论了用神经网络的原理和方法解决它,提出了智能化的优化方法。

  • Solving Multi-Criteria Travelling Salesman Problem by Ant Algorithm

    多目标 旅行 售货 问题的蚂蚁算法求解

  • On the train she meets Charles drouet a travelling salesman whose sophistication and affluence charm her .

    在火车上,卡丽结识了 旅行 推销员查尔斯德鲁艾,他挺阔气,处世老练,对她很有吸引力。

  • The Research of Transportation Assignment and Travelling Salesman Problem

    运输、指派和 旅行 问题的 通用 解法探索

  • Algorithmic Review on the Travelling Salesman Problem

    旅行 推销员问题的算法综述

  • A genetic algorithm simulating evolution is proposed to yield near-optional solution to the Travelling Salesman Problem .

    提出了一种模拟生物遗传的进化算法,并将该算法应用于 旅行 问题得到了较好的结果。

  • A review was given of the principal probability limit theorems of solutions to classical combinatorial optimization problems . The emphasis was on the travelling salesman problems minimal spanning trees matching and lengths of the longest increasing subsequences .

    本文对经典组合优化问题解的主要概率极限定理作一综述,并重点讨论 售货 问题,极小生成树,匹配和最长单调增子列长度。

  • He used to be a travelling salesman but now he has a desk job .

    他曾经是个 到处 旅行 推销员,但是他现在坐办公桌了。

  • Hybrid heuristics based on harmony search and simulated annealing algorithm for travelling salesman problem

    基于和声搜索和模拟退火的混合算法解决 TSP问题

  • Hopfield neural network and genetic algorithm in solving travelling salesman problem : experimental comparison and analysis

    用Hopfield神经网络与遗传算法求解 TSP问题的实验比较与分析

  • An efficient method for Solving Travelling Salesman Problems ( TSP ) on Boltzmann machine is presented .

    本文提出在玻尔兹曼网络上解 旅行 问题的一种有效方法。

  • Studies on Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Travelling Salesman Problem

    关于 旅行 售货 问题的混合遗传算法研究

  • An Approximate Algorithm for the Bottleneck Travelling Salesman Problem

    瓶颈 旅行 问题的一个近似算法

  • Take the travelling salesman problem for example .

    比方说 旅行 推销员问题。

  • Great Deluge Algorithm for Multi-criteria Travelling Salesman Problem

    多目标 旅行 问题的大洪水算法求解

  • This paper proposes an ant colony optimization algorithm for bottleneck travelling salesman problem which combines a local search mechanism and a MAX-MIN strategy . Series of problem instances are solved through micro-computers that give satisfactory results .

    对瓶颈 TSP问题给出了一种融合局部搜索机制和MAX-MIN策略的蚂蚁优化算法,在通用微机上求解了一系列实例问题,获得了满意的效果。

  • The vehicle routing problm ( VRP ) is a generalization of the multiple travelling salesman problem ( m-TSP ) .

    车辆路线问题(VRP)是多个 旅行 推销员问题(m-TSP)的推广。

  • Solving travelling salesman problem ( TSP ) based on space-filling curve and or-opt algorithm

    基于空间填充曲线和or-opt搜索求解 旅行 问题

  • The bees are the first animals found to solve travelling salesman problems .

    迄今为止,蜜蜂是唯一能够解决“ 旅行 销售者问题”的动物。