travel bag

[ˈtrævəl bæɡ][ˈtrævəl bæɡ]


  • To get the photo visitors have to make a simple carbon-reducing promise . Choices included travel less by airplane bring your own shopping bag and eat vegetables rather than meat .

    如果想要得到照片,参观者必须做出一个简单的减碳承诺,可以选择 出行少坐飞机、自带购物 ,或者多吃蔬菜少吃肉。

  • Travel light if possible and take a smaller bag or backpack that you can use for short trips and hikes .

    只要有可能,就 轻装 出发,带一个比较小的 旅行 ,或者 一个作短途旅行或远足用的背包就行了。

  • A businessman was having a tough time lugging his lumpy oversized travel bag onto the plane .

    一个商人拖着他那鼓鼓囊囊的特大号 旅行 登上飞机,真够费劲的。

  • Carry it over the shoulder as a backpack or as an in-hand travel bag .

    可挂在肩上,像背包一样背着,也可用 手提

  • Would you put your travel bag on this counter and open it ?

    请您把 旅行 放到柜台上打开好吗?

  • This tells you not only that she is rich enough to travel but also that the bag is genuine .

    这不仅告诉你有钱去 旅行,而且告诉你那个 是真货。

  • I always travel very light so I have a small Tumi combo PC / travel bag that I can roll or carry .

    我通常会轻装出行,有一个塔米电脑/ 旅行两用 ,可以拉,也可以手提。

  • Infection protection in your : purse kitchen desk workshop golf bag gym bag travel bag .

    感染的保护:在你的钱包,厨房,书桌,车间,高尔夫球袋,运动包, 旅行

  • I use a travel Pro soft roller bag that has many compartments outside that can be stuffed with small things .

    我会用“ 出差专用”的软质拉杆 ,外面有许多夹层,可以用来装一些小东西。