



  • One trash can will be for rubbish or trash .

    一个 垃圾 是用来盛放垃圾或废物的。

  • The yards are overgrown and cluttered with trash

    院子里杂草丛生, 垃圾成堆。

  • In my room I have a trash bin .

    在我的房间里我有一个 垃圾桶。

  • Rake up the trash on the ground .

    把地上的 废料耙在一起。

  • Pop music doesn 't have to be trash it can be art

    流行音乐不必非得是 垃圾,也可以是艺术。

  • I don 't make trash . I bury it .

    我不 对付 垃圾,我把它埋了。

  • I think I threw it in a trash can .

    我想我把它扔到 垃圾 了。

  • In my room I have a trash bin a mirror and an air-conditioner .

    在我的房间里有一个 垃圾桶,一面镜子和一台空调。

  • Check the brain 's trash see what it 's hiding .

    检查脑部 垃圾,看藏了什么。

  • You piece of trash ! Get out of my face !

    你这 废物!从我面前滚开!

  • Lots of things were burned including a few very large trash bags filled with all of my clothes .

    我们烧了很多东西,包括几个大的 垃圾袋,问题是里面装了我所有的衣服。

  • He emptied the trash .

    他把 垃圾 了。

  • I see you 're total trash .

    我看你完全是个 垃圾

  • Would they trash the place when the party was over ?

    聚会结束时他们会 这地方 一团糟吗?

  • You piece of trash !

    你这 废物

  • People asked why the candidates spent so much time trashing each other .

    人们问为什么候选人花这么多时间互相 贬损

  • It was more convenient for the trash men .

    这对 垃圾的人来说方便多了。

  • If you see trash without any garbage cans then it 's poor .

    但假如你看到 垃圾,却没有看到垃圾桶,那就是个贫穷的地区;

  • The building had been trashed and its electricity supply cut .

    那栋楼遭到 ,电 切断。

  • Don 't read that awful trash .

    不要读那本拙劣的 垃圾之作。

  • You trash I ought to bury you alive .

    这个 垃圾,我应该把你活埋了。

  • The Smith boy was compacting the trash

    史密斯家的男孩在 垃圾压紧。

  • And-and I 'm sorry I called you white trash .

    我很抱歉我叫你白种 垃圾

  • Monkey : Look ! Dad I can empty the trash !

    猴子:看!爸爸,我会倒 垃圾了!

  • Are we expected to believe those scribblings are art ? This piece of trash was a waste of space .

    我们难道真要把那些乱涂乱画当作艺术吗?这种 垃圾留着都占地方。

  • So we processed their trash .

    所以我们检查了他们的 垃圾

  • Please take the bag of trash to the garbage can .

    请将这袋 垃圾拿到 垃圾

  • You should have thrown away the trash yesterday .

    你应该昨天把 垃圾 了。

  • There is a small closet a new trash bin and an air-conditioner .

    有一个小衣橱、一个新的 垃圾桶和一台空调。

  • Mowing lawns and taking out the trash are jobs for the tenant .

    刈剪草坪、倒掉 垃圾是房客该做的事。