
[trænsˈmjut, trænz-][trænzˈmju:t]


  • That is all you need for your protection as it will deflect or transmute the dark energies .

    那是你最大的保护力,因为它可以“转移 或者 改变 黑暗的能量。

  • Scientists transmuted matter into pure energy and exploded the first atomic bomb .

    科学家将物质 转化为纯粹的能量,引爆了第一颗原子弹。

  • She ceased to think as anger transmuted into passion

    当怒火 转化为激情,她停止了思考。

  • Then you will be in position to transmute your DESIRES into their physical or financial counterpart as easily as you may lie down and quit at the first sign of opposition .

    然后你 站稳 脚步,可以像当初 碰到第一个反对讯号就 歇手 罢休一样,轻易地 你的渴望为对应的实物或财物了。

  • I choose to evolve beyond this and transmute the thought-form at cause ;

    我选择去进化超越它并 转变思想形态的致因;

  • In autumn some of the pine trees turn amber yellow while the deciduous trees transmute their green leaves into patches of bright yellow orange and scarlet .

    在秋天,一些松树的叶子变成琥珀黄色,脱落的树叶 绿色变成明黄、子,和猩红色。

  • When many of you do so there is a surprising amount of power generated that will transmute the dark energies .

    当你们很多人这样做,有一种异常强大的产生量将 蜕变的黑暗能量。

  • As one enters the discordant frequencies in order to transmute them such frequencies make the form feel tired depressed or even ill with flue like symptoms .

    当你进入不和谐的频率来 转化时,这样的频率会使身体感到疲倦、沮丧,甚至有类似流感症状。

  • When the Cube opens place both pieces of the Staff into it and use the Cube 's transmute power .

    当方块开启时,把二个赫拉 迪克之杖的 零件 进去,并发挥方块 改变 外观的力量。

  • It is this strength and this confidence that will give your practice the power to transmute the suffering of others .

    这种信心和力量能帮助你 转化他人痛苦。

  • Experts fear that the H5N1 bird flu virus could transmute into deadly human influenza that could kill millions .

    专家们担心的是H5N1禽流感病毒可能会 转变为致命的可以使成百万人毙命的流行性感冒。

  • It is a long-road train as there are still many things to learn transmute and improve ;

    它是一个长途火车,因为仍然有许多事情要学, 转化和提高;

  • The angelic realms can help you transmute that which no longer serves you back into the LOVE that IS at any time .

    天使界任何时候都可以帮你 那些不再对你有益的 转化 回成爱的内容。

  • And as you do that as you walk through the fears you transmute all energies and turn them into an energy of love .

    而当你这麽做,当你们穿越过恐惧时,你们就 转化了所有的能量,把它们转变成了爱的能量。

  • Any potential travesty is avoided by choosing to release or return the karma and transmute the thought-form instead .

    任何潜在的悲剧都能选择释放或归还业力并 转换思想形态而被避免。

  • Those creations with too much darkness had not enough light to transmute the dark and fell and fell in frequency .

    那些有着太多黑暗的造物们没有足够的光明去 转化黑暗,而在频率上跌落了再跌落。

  • The sixth shall throw down the walls of Ireland and transmute its forests into a level plain .

    第六位会把爱尔兰的城墙 推倒森林变成平原。

  • It is in constant contact with the brain stem and thymus to assure that the form has the right amount of each chemical necessary to continue to transmute the body in ascension .

    在与脑干和胸腺持续不断的联系中, 垂体确保身体来拥有在继续提升中 转化身体所需的、各种化学物质的正确数量。

  • A radioactive atom could transmute itself into an entirely different kind of atom .

    放射性原子本身能 嬗变性质完全不同的另一种原子。

  • A German alchemist tried to transmute silver into gold .

    一位德国的炼金术士试图将白银 炼成黄金。

  • This is achieved by the flow of electrons through the crystals combined with its ability to resonate amplify and transmute your own personal energy .

    其是过贯穿水晶之能量的流动与水晶 改变、增强我们自身能量并与 我们自身能量产生共鸣的能力所结合而达到的。

  • We can transmute water power into electrical power .

    我们能 水力变为电力。

  • The normal thing is for a particle to undergo decay and transmute itself into other lighter particles .

    粒子发生衰变,本身 蜕变为其它较轻的粒子,这是正常的事。

  • These entities even while occupying a body could transmute matter .

    这些实体,即使在占用身体时,也能 改变物质。

  • One must therefore be thorough allowing all parts of the form to transmute as necessary and give the form every nutrient necessary to bring forth it 's biological transmutation .

    因此你必须完全,允许身体的所有部分都按应有方式 转化,并给予身体所需的每一种养分来产生生物性转变。

  • Medieval alchemists attempted to transmute base metals into gold .

    中世纪的炼丹术士企图 贱金属炼成金。

  • Matter Rearrangement . You transmute one metal to another .

    物质重组:将一种金属 为另一种。

  • It will in time transmute or disintegrate as a point will be reached when it cannot remain any longer .

    它将 适时 转化或者瓦解,随着它无法再保持下去的时候,将达到一个临界点。

  • The old alchemists sought the philosopher 's stone which was to transmute base metals to gold and an elixir of immortality ;

    过去的炼金术士试图寻求能 金属 为黄金的哲人之石, 另外还有长生不老药;