transport certificate


  • SSL can provide the data transport service of high security but because needs to establish own 's certificate server reason and so on this kind of protocol is not suitable for secure transfer of the ocean environment information in the military network .

    安全套接层协议能够提供安全性较高的数据 传输服务,但是由于需要建立自己的 证书服务器等原因,这种协议均不适用于海洋环境信息在军用网络中安全传输。

  • Function of Timber Transport Certificate in Forest Resource Management

    木材检查站发放木材 运输 在森林资源管理中的作用

  • Because the most recent snapshots of the Geronimo application server come preconfigured with the HTTPS transport you only need to place a correct certificate into Geronimo 's certificate store .

    因为Geronimo应用服务器的最新快照预配置有HTTPS 传输,所以只需将正确的 证书放置到Geronimo的证书存储中。

  • Study on certification performance flight test methods of civil transport aircraft Relationship between Type Design Certificate Engineer Representative and Manufacture Inspector Representative

    民用 运输类飞机合格审定性能试飞方法研究型号 合格 审定中工程专业代表与制造检查代表的关系

  • Adam proves its identity to that Hub Transport server by presenting its self-signed certificate .

    adam通过提供其自签名 证书,向该集线器 传输服务器证明其身份。

  • Ask : have no class line management power does the road of vehicle transport how the certificate handle ?

    问:没有班线经营权,车辆的道路 运输 怎么处理?

  • In case of forging the tree cutting license timber transport documentation export approval documentation and import and export permit certificate the legal responsibilities shall be investigated and dealt with .

    伪造林木采伐许可证、木材 运输证件、批准出口文件、允许进出口 证明书的,依法追究刑事责任。

  • When the civil air transport enterprise is able to serve the aforesaid air route on its own a new air route certificate shall be applied for .

    民用航空 运输业于自行营运前项航线时,应重新申请航线 证书

  • A bills of lading is regarded as the certificate of carrier 's receiving goods and the proof of transport contract and the only certificate of carrier 's delivering goods in international trade and shipping .

    提单在国际贸易和航运中充当承运人收受货物的证据,又是 运输合同的证明以及承运人交付货物的惟一 凭证