
n.损伤心灵创伤( trauma的名词复数 )痛苦经历挫折

  • Flashbacks suggest Teddy 's traumas in the decade since World War II .

    影片在倒叙中暗示,泰德自二战以来的十年间,所 遭受 精神 创伤

  • ABSTRACT : Many trauma victims occur in China every year with a notably high mortality rate among those who suffered from multiple traumas such as severe traffic trauma .

    摘要:我国城乡每年有大量创伤患者,其中多 患者,如严重交通伤患者死亡率较高。

  • Application of treatment in multiple traumas with multiple fractures by damage control orthopedics strategy

    伤害控制骨科学原则在严重多 创伤中的应用

  • The psychiatrist successfully traced some of her problems to severe childhood traumas .

    这位精神病学家将她的一些问题成功地追溯到她童年时代 遭受的严重 创伤

  • As she confided more he volunteered stories of his own romantic traumas to help her feel at ease .

    随着她更多倾述,他主动告诉了自己恋爱 创伤的故事以帮助她放松。

  • Alcohol use is a major risk factor in traumas but it may also help to protect people from brain injury a Canadian study suggests .

    加拿大的一项研究表明,饮酒是产生 创伤的一个主要的危险因素,但是它也可以保护人们的大脑免受伤害。

  • Human history is a history of disasters and traumas which often make people depressed and mentally frustrated .

    人类历史可谓是“应对灾难和 创伤的历史”。 创伤性 事件往往令人 瞬间心理崩溃,极度沮丧。

  • Researchers believe the illness will ultimately prove to have multiple causes including genetic predisposition and exposure to microbial agents toxins and other physical and emotional traumas .

    研究者认为,病情将最终证明有多种原因,包括遗传易感性和接触微生物制剂,毒素及其他身心 创伤

  • She spoke for the first time about the traumas of a broken marriage

    她首度谈起婚姻破裂 带来 精神 创伤

  • Clinical observation and guardianship of respiratory passages after tracheotomy in 40 cases of severe chest traumas

    40例严重胸 外伤气管切开术后临床观察与呼吸道监护研究

  • Now bring your ancestors forward that experienced parallel traumas and polarities as you have at school this lifetime .

    现在将那些经历了类似于你在此生学校经历中的 创伤与极性的祖先找出来。

  • Head traumas may induce unprovoked aggression .

    头部 受伤会使他们无缘无故就去攻击人。

  • According to freud 's psychoanalytic theory of narcissism Emily Bronte suffers some traumas in the period of self-development which leads to her narcissistic inclination .

    摘要依据弗洛伊德精神分析理论中有关自恋的理论,可以发现艾米莉?勃朗特在孩童时期经历的 心理 创伤导致她具有一定的自恋倾向。

  • Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery for Open Thoracic Traumas

    电视胸腔镜手术在开放性胸部 损伤中的应用

  • The war inflicted not only heavy casualties and physical damage but also deep-rooted mental traumas .

    这场战争不仅造成大量的人员伤亡与破坏,还造成深刻的心灵 创伤

  • The women die from blunt force head traumas .

    这些女人死于钝器造成的头部 外伤

  • With major life traumas like losing a loved one for instance the mind 's first reaction is denial

    面对生活中的重大 不幸,如失去至爱的人等,人们的第一反应就是拒绝接受。

  • All of you carry these traumas within you as scars on your soul .

    你们的内在都携带着这些 创伤,就如同你们心灵上的伤痕。

  • She has closed her mind to last year 's traumas .

    她不再去想去年 遭受 创伤

  • Not only to detect pregnancy this procedure could also be related to infertility under fertility due to chronic infections uterine traumas bleeding or other kinds of anomalies .

    不仅能检测妊娠,这种方法也能检测不孕、性感染所致生育力低下、宫 创伤、血或者其他异常情况。

  • It rises in response to traumas injuries or infections in the body .

    在身体 遭受 外伤、损伤或感染时 C反应 蛋白 水平会相应上升。

  • We have no comprehension of the traumas these children have suffered .

    我们不理解这些孩子遭受的 精神 创伤

  • How much do financial traumas lead to economic slowdowns ?

    金融 创伤多大程度上导致经济低迷?

  • It was to be expected that our present economic traumas would call into question the state of economics .

    可想而知,我们当前 遭受的经济 冲击会让人们质疑经济学的地位。

  • Not only intense creative emotions did the wars bring Ernest hemingway but also extreme psychic traumas .

    战争给海明威带来极大的创作热情,同时也带给他极度的精神 创伤

  • For example in the United States of America 20 – 30 % of older people who fall suffer moderate to severe injuries such as bruises hip fractures or head traumas .

    例如,在美国,老年人跌倒后受轻伤或重伤者比例达20–30%,跌伤多为跌打损伤、髋部骨折、头部 外伤等。

  • She went through the traumas of divorce .

    经受了离婚的 痛苦

  • Proponents say the technique enables patients to process their traumas so that they pass into memories and stop invading the present .

    支持者称,这项技术可促使患者加工 创伤 事件,并将其转化为过去的记忆,从而使它们不再侵犯当前的 日常 生活