transport coefficients

[化] 输运因数,输运系数

  • The impurity transport coefficients and other parameters of impurities in that device were simulated and determined .

    建立了杂质 计算程序,模拟分析出该装置上杂质 系数和其它与之有关的参数。

  • Molecular free path distribution and the derivation of transport coefficients

    分子按自由程的分布与 系数的推导

  • The transport coefficients show strong anisotropy .


  • Taking into account the quantum coherent effect and the interfacial scattering effect applying the Lambert formula we calculate the quasiparticle transport coefficients and tunneling spectrum in normal metal / insulator / superconductor / insulator / normal metal double tunnel junctions .

    考虑到量子相干效应和界面散射效应,利用Lambert理论模型,计算正常金属/绝缘层/超导/绝缘层/正常金属双垒隧道结中的准粒子 系数和隧道谱。

  • Starting from the contact resistance model a functional relation between the thermal relaxation time and the interface thermal resistance as well as the thermal transport coefficients of materials is obtained .

    从热阻模型出发,给出了弛豫时间常数与界面热阻以及材料热 系数之间的函数关系。

  • Electron energy distribution and transport coefficients in electrically excited KrF and ARF

    放电激励KrF,ArF激光器中电子能量分布函数和 系数的计算

  • Evaluation of adsorption and transport coefficients of porous catalyst in fixed-bed reactors by transfer function method

    传递函数法求取H2在B-204低变催化剂固定床反应器上的吸附和 传递 系数

  • The effect of molecular force on transport coefficients

    分子力对 气体 系数的影响

  • The turbulent transport coefficients are Taylor series of gradient of averaged variables when the thermodynamic flows are expanded in Taylor series of the thermodynamic force in neighborhood of the reference state of the equilibrium state .

    将热力学流对热力学力以平衡态作为参考态进行Taylor展开,可以得到湍流 输送 系数是系统宏观参量梯度的Taylor级数。

  • The Boltzmann equation is applied for the CO 2 lasers excited by high frequency switching power it has been solved numerically using cross section data available in the literature . The influences of frequency on the electron energy distributions and transport coefficients are also studied .

    利用文献中给出的截面数据,引入高频放电激励CO2激光器的Boltzmann方程,对其进行数值求解,研究了频率对电子能量分布及 系数的影响。

  • Collision cross sections and transport coefficients in an inductively coupled argon plasma

    电感耦合氩等离子体中的碰撞截面和 系数

  • Calculation of interaction times and analysis of transport coefficients in heavy-ions induced deep inelastic collisions

    重离子深部非弹性碰撞中作用时间的计算和 传输 系数的分析

  • Electron energy distributions and transport coefficients in electrically excited Ne-Xe-HCl

    电激励Ne-Xe-HCl混合物的电子能量分布函数和 系数

  • Traverse transport coefficients of plasma in homogeneous strong magnetic field

    等离子体在均匀强磁场中的横向 系数

  • Thermodynamic properties and transport coefficients of argon by molecular dynamics simulation

    氩气热力学参数和 系数的分子动力学模拟

  • Calculation of Transport Coefficients for Colored Plasma Beyond the Abelian Dominance Approximation

    超越阿贝尔优势近似和色等离子体的 系数计算

  • Transport coefficients in plasmas

    等离子体中的 迁移 系数

  • Transport process and transport coefficients in gases

    气体的输运过程与 系数

  • A Calculation for Transport Coefficients of Quarks in QGP Under the Relaxation Time Approximation

    在弛豫时间近似下QGP中夸克 系数的一种计算

  • The sensitivity of elution curve to adsorption and transport coefficients analyzed by Fourier analysis was examined in a Single Pellet String Reactor ( SPSR ) with the n-pentane-Pt-Sn / Al2O3 system .

    在珠串反应器上,使用Fourier分析的方法,考察了正戊烷-Pt-Sn/Al2O3体系的 传递 系数和吸附 系数对流出峰影响的敏感性。

  • Quantum mechanical analysis of transport coefficients for AR in O 2 gas

    Ar-O2混合气体 系数的量子力学计算

  • Electron energy distributions and transport coefficients have been calculated for He-Kr Ne-Kr He-Ar and Ne-Ar mixtures by using Boltzmann stability equation . The calculated results are discussed .

    采用玻耳兹曼稳态方程计算了He-Kr,Ne-Kr,He-Ar和Ne-Ar混合物中电子能量分布函数和有关 系数,并对计算结果作了讨论。

  • The theory of linear transport coefficients in quantum statistics

    量子统计中的线性 系数理论

  • At the same time electro-osmotic drag back diffusion hydraulic permeation and net water transport coefficients and water content in the membrane increased rapidly while proton transport resistance decreased which improved the performance of PEM fuel cells .

    增大电池的操作压力,电渗拉力 系数、反扩散 系数、水力渗透 系数、水净 迁移 系数和质子膜的含水量增加,而质子传递阻力下降,使燃料电池的性能得到了提高。

  • Electron energy distributions and transport coefficients for magnetically confined gas lasers

    磁约束环境下气体激光介质中电子能量分布与电子 系数的理论研究

  • In this dissertation MDS has been used to predict the thermodynamic properties and transport coefficients of an argon system with Lennard-Jones potential to reveal the propagation mechanism of a disturbance in the medium to discuss the interface characteristics under saturated condiction .

    本文用分子动力学方法模拟了系统的热力学参数和 系数,并探讨了扰动在介质中的传播机理,最后分析和讨论了汽液界面中的相变现象。

  • Transport Coefficients and Viscous Hydrodynamical Evolution of Hadron Matter in the Central Rapidity Region

    快度中心区强子物质 系数和粘滞流体演化

  • There are two main techniques to compute the transport coefficients . One is to employ the Boltzmann equa-tion the other is to use the Kubo formula in field theory .

    一般有两种方法计算 系数,一是通过Boltzmann方程,另一个方法是通过Kubo公式和量子场论工具。