transition diagram

[trænˈzɪʃən ˈdaɪəˌɡræm][trænˈziʃən ˈdaiəɡræm]


  • State transition diagram of Markov chain

    吉布斯-马尔科夫模型马尔可夫链状态 转换

  • State Transition Diagram of Pushdown Automata and Simplification of Pushdown Automata

    下推自动机的状态 转换 与下推自动机的化简

  • Self-behavior is the procedure of state transition of activity and we can define it by describing activity state transition diagram based on ECA rules .

    自身行为实际上是活动的状态转移的过程,通过ECA规则描述活动的状态 转移 图可实现自身行为的定义;

  • The equivalent relation and transformation method of regular grammar nfa dfa state transition diagram and regular expression

    正规文法、NFA、DFA、状态 转换 、正规式之间的等价变换关系及变换方法

  • In order to solve these problems a novel method that could automatically translate one type of formal specification to one common state transition diagram of system-level was proposed .

    鉴于此,提出一种新的方法将支持面向对象开发的形式化语言所描述的软件规范自动地 转化为系统级状态机,从而改善其 可读性与可理解性。

  • Rapid analysis of LL syntax based on the state transition diagram

    基于状态 转换 的LL语法快速分析方法

  • Automatic translation from formal specification to system - level state transition diagram

    从形式化规范自动生成系统级 状态

  • Use to add an incoming transition segment to your behavior diagram .

    用于将传入 转换线段添加到方式 图表中。

  • We get the Energy spectrum of two component BEC by Green function technique and analyze superfluid-Mott insulator phase transition and phase diagram by mean-field approach .

    我们用格林函数得到两分量BEC能谱,从能谱的角度分析了超流-绝缘 相变,并结合用平均场近似的方法得到的 相图做以说明。

  • To better understand the algorithm you might to compare this transition diagram with a stack .

    为了更好地理解该算法,可以将该 转换 与堆栈相比较。

  • By analyzing the character of freehand state transition diagram semantic understanding framework is proposed in this dissertation .

    将本文提出的手绘 图形识别算法应用于手绘有限状态 转移 的语义理解,分析状态 转移 的特点,提出了状态 转移 语义理解框架。

  • The arithmetic of transition of event trace diagram to operational goals and the equal definition and judge equal theorem of event trace diagram to operational goals set .

    本文的研究结果如下 1. 时序 向操作目标的推导算法以及时序图和操作目标集等价的定义和判定等价的判定定理。

  • Adds an internal action and at least one related outgoing transition to your Activity diagram .

    将一个内部动作和至少一个相关传出 转换添加到活动 中。

  • Recall from our discussion last month that a DFA is a transition diagram .

    回忆上个月我们所讨论的,DFA是一个 转换

  • In this paper we present theory of the finite state machine to describe the Honey Pot System model and simulate the process of capturing the attack action upon finite state machine state transition diagram to provide the theoretical method and reasoning for designing and deploying of it .

    本文通过确定性有限自动机理论对蜜罐系统模型进行描述,根据确定性有限自动机状态 转换 模拟捕捉攻击行为的全过程,为密罐系统的设计和部署提供有力的理论依据和论证。

  • The full text makes MS-VAR dynamic model as the focus and foothold while its state probability plot state transition matrix and impulse response diagram can show the dynamic relationship of state transition between the variables .

    全文将MS-VAR动态模型作为研究方法的重点和落脚点,用该模型输出的状态概率图、状态 转变矩阵和脉冲响应 等分析了变量之间的状态转变动态关系。

  • Viscosity metastable phase phase transition and phase diagram of melts ⅱ . A discontinuous structure change in melts

    熔体的粘度,亚稳相, 相变 相图Ⅱ.熔体中的不连续结构相变

  • The realization process from freehand state transition diagram to regular grammar shows that the graphics / character separation algorithm is reliable and the framework of semantic understanding is feasible and accurate .

    手绘有限状态 转移 的文法表示实现过程验证了图文分离算法的可靠性和图形语义理解框架的可行性与正确性。

  • Smooth Transition from Abstract Concept Structure Diagram to JAVA Process Blueprint and Their Consistency

    抽象概念结构 到JAVA过程蓝图的平滑 过渡及一致性

  • Study on Transition from Causality Diagram to Belief Network

    因果 向信度网 转化的方法研究

  • Directed-path parsing is designed based on the prediction analysis and the theory of state transition diagram .

    有向路径分析法是在预测分析法的基础上利用状态 转换 思想设计的;

  • Based on flip flop ′ s property the set and reset functions can be acquired directly from the circuit ′ s state transition diagram so the excitation equations of FF are defined .

    根据触发器(FF)基本特性,可从电路的状态 转换 上直接求得触发器置位、复位函数,进而确定触发器的激励方程。

  • The transition variety and bifurcation diagram of the unfolding parametric plane are given .

    得到了系统主共振稳态响应的转 集和分岔

  • The program flowcharts key scanning state transition diagram of the main task and program flowcharts of each functional are specifically given .

    具体给出了按键扫描任务的程序流程图、主任务的状态 转移 和各个功能函数的程序流程图。

  • Experiments have shown that system will not only achieve a vehicle bluetooth hands-free function according to the scheme of system state transition diagram and programming of upper application software procedures but also will have a better reliability stability and real-time .

    实验证明,根据本文设计的系统状态 转移 方案和上层应用软件程序的编写,系统不仅成功实现了车载蓝牙免提功能,而且具有更好的可靠性、稳定性和实时性。

  • This thesis provides arithmetic of the transition of event trace diagram to operational goals .

    本文提出了一个时序 向操作目标的 推导算法。

  • The characteristic of the method is that the set-reset functions are gained directly from state transition diagram and then the driver equations of the triggers are made surly .

    提出了从状态 转换 中直接求得触发器的置位和复位函数,从而确定触发器的驱动方程这样一种设计同步时序逻辑电路的新方法。

  • Next remember how the state transition diagram for the Order clarified stateful behavior of the order .

    其次,前面的Order的状态 转换 图可清楚说明订单的有状态行为。

  • Transition from state - diagram to rules

    从状态 到规则的 转换