transition flow

[trænˈzɪʃən flo][trænˈziʃən fləu]


  • The investigation result shows that the installation of bubble breaker in the gas-lift well will affect the gas-lift efficiency it also can transform the slug flow and transition flow to bubble flow according to this way the gas-lift oil production efficiency can be greatly improved .

    研究表明:在气举井中安装气泡破碎器,将影响气举效率的段塞流、 过渡 转变为泡状流,可大大提高气举采油的效率。

  • The turbulence intermitency in pipe transition flow is investigated experimentally by using laser Doppler velocimetry .

    用激光测速方法研究 流动的湍流间歇现象。

  • In micro - and nanoscale gas flows the flow falls into the transition flow regime . There are not enough molecule collisions in the flow so the gas deviates from the equilibrium .

    微纳尺度气体流动中,流动进入滑移 过渡 区,流场中缺乏足够的分子碰撞,流体逐渐偏离热平衡状态。

  • Weighted average method for evaluating the aerodynamic properties of transition flow

    过渡 流气动力特性的加权平均计算法

  • Qualitative examination and calculation on surface curves of nonprismatic channel nonuniform transition flow

    非棱柱体明渠非均匀 渐变 流水面线定性分析与计算

  • Membership functions are established to indicate the transition flow regimes .

    针对具体情况,建立了三种复杂性 参数指示 过渡 流型的隶属度函数。

  • Link the Flow configuration element with the View state using a transition .

    使用一个 transition来将 Flow配置元素与Viewstate联系起来。

  • Xianning Xi'an Xincheng Road and Golden Ring near the transition the flow of people every day almost saturated .

    西安市新城区咸宁中路,与金花二环临近 交接,每天人 流量几乎饱和。

  • The hydrogen bubble flow visualization technique was used to study the effects of small semi-sphere on the boundary layer transition of flow over a smooth circular plate .

    应用氢气泡流动显示技术对圆盘上小半球对边界层 转捩的影响进行了观测。

  • So the mixing length scale in the k - ω SST model is modified according to the characteristic of transition flow and a modified k - ω SST two-equation model taking account of intermittence function effect is put forward .

    因此,本文从 转捩 流动的物理特征出发对湍流模式中的混合尺度作出了修正,提出了一种考虑间歇函数影响的k-ωSST两方程湍流模式。

  • If there are burbles but the burbles don 't touch the erect borders of stepts and their free shape can be kept the flow regime is transition flow ;

    台阶上生成漩涡,但是漩涡并没有发展到台阶竖直边壁,可以保持其自由形状,水流流态为 过渡 水流

  • An application of computer in the numerical preduction of transition flow in hydraulic system

    液压系统内 过渡 数值预测中的计算机应用

  • Attack of angle effect for supersonic blunt cone transition flow

    超声速小攻角下的圆锥 转捩攻角效应

  • Using the method of transition probability flow graphs ( TPFG ) the average sampling number to signal for these charts is given and the average time to signal for these charts is deduced .

    利用 转移概率 图(TPFG)方法得到了发信号前的平均样本数,进而推导出了发信号前的平均时间。

  • The result showed that there are glass state elastomeric state viscous flow state regions of glass transition and viscous flow transition in the bamboo fiber reinforced nylon composite .

    玻璃 转变 流动转变区域。粘流态的温度与界面改性处理、纤维用量的关系不大,与基体呈现粘流态的温度有关。

  • This research is aimed at determining the critical Reynolds number of the transition from laminar flow to turbulent in the microtube .

    研究旨在确定微管道内 流动从层流到湍流 转捩的临界雷诺数。

  • According to the result of the statistical characteristic analysis author applies SPRT method to identify the transition flow and the hydraulic grade line method to leak localization in experiment pipe .

    3根据对试验中水力参数的统计特性分析结果,论述了SPRT法对 过渡 的识别和压力梯度法进行漏点定位在输水管道中的应用,并在试验管道中得以验证,收到较好的效果;

  • The Reynolds numerical calculation of the preferential flow path in the four different successive stages indicates that the preferential flow in Gongga mountain forest ecosystem is the transition flow between the laminar flow and turbulence flow .

    根据四个不同演替阶段林地中的优先流路径中的雷诺数值计算结果可知,贡嘎山高山生态系统中的优先流是处于层流及紊流之间的 过渡

  • The experimental results indicate that bulk flow transition flow and annular flow are the major flow patterns in PHP . Heat Transter Characteristics of the Non-Boiling Annular Two-Phase Flow in a Small Vertical Tube

    实验结果表明:在不同的运行条件下,管内会出现塞状流、塞状 和环状流并存的混合流以及环状流等不同的流型。细小竖管内非沸腾气液两相环状流换热特性分析

  • Flow regime classification and transition of flow boiling through porous channel

    多孔结构内 流动沸腾流型分类及 转变研究

  • We apply this same principle to hotel design where there needs to be a seamless transition and flow between uses .

    在酒店设计中,我们同样运用这一 无缝 衔接手法联系各种功能体块。

  • The result shows that the spiral twisted flat tubes were comparatively good enhanced heat transfer components they had better enhanced heat transfer result particularly to the high viscose flow with high Prandtl number in laminar flow with low Reynolds number or transition flow .

    结果表明,螺旋扭扁管是一种较好的强化传热元件,尤其对具有高Pr数的大粘度流体在低Re数的层流或 过渡 时具有较好的强化传热效果。

  • The result shows that : the flow on slope covered by grass is turbulent flow or transition flow ;

    结果表明,有草被覆盖的坡面薄层流的流态基本上呈 过渡 和紊流;

  • Three different methods were used for the simulation of the transition flow region .

    过渡 区域,选用不同的方法进行模拟,与文献数据比较,对比分析各种方法在这一区域的特点。

  • When H_ ( dam ) / y_c is certain the difference of energy dissipation ratio under skimming flow transition flow and nappe flow is insignificant and the number of steps does not affect the energy dissipation ratio ;

    当坝坡相同坝高相等时,滑行水流、 过渡 水流和跌落水流之间的消能率差异很小,并且其消能率大小与台阶个数无关;

  • By introducing the method of transition probability flow graphs and transition probability generating functions this paper deals with the dynamic average outgoing quality on continuous sampling plan OSP-1-S.

    本文用 转移概率 流向图和转移概率母函数等方法探讨CSP-1-S方案的动态平均检出质量。

  • With its help the pressure pulsations of the three typical flow regimes existing in the bed which are trickling flow transition flow and pulsing flow were measured .

    利用这一手段,对滴流床中存在的三种典型流型:滴流, 过渡 和脉冲流进行了压力脉动测量,并报道了压力脉动数据的直方图分析和谱密度分析。

  • Iteration Solution of Compressible Transition Flow

    可压缩 流动 转捩的迭代求解

  • The Probability Theoretical Basis and Applicable Method of Transition Probability Flow Graph (ⅵ) - The Further Discussion of Effects of Stopping Rule on the Composite Operating Characteristics Function of Adjusting Sampling Scheme

    转移概率 图的概率理论基础与应用方法(Ⅵ)&中止规则对调整型抽样方案复合OC函数影响的进一步讨论