Query the Supreme Court Acts as the First Trial Court & A Concurrent Analysis of the Perfection of the Grade Jurisdiction of Civil Procedure Law
质疑最高法院作为 初审法院&兼论民事诉讼级别 管辖的完善
As an important part of trial jurisdiction designated jurisdiction is a useful complement to the statutory jurisdiction .
指定管辖作为 审判 管辖中的重要组成部分,是对法定管辖的有益补充。
According to the characteristics of unit crimes this paper studies the filing case and trial of unit crimes and divides the jurisdiction of unit crime cases .
根据单位犯罪的特点,就单位犯罪案件的立案 管辖 和 审判 管辖问题进行探讨,明确单位犯罪案件的 管辖分工。
As we all know court trial is of great importance in jurisdiction .
众所周知,法庭 审判在 司法过程中占有重要的地位。
Then standardize the procedure of the designated jurisdiction in criminal trial . The procedure should bi started by the prosecution and the jurisdiction can designate only by the court in the form of award finally .
然后,规范刑事 审判指定管辖指定程序,应由控方启动指定 管辖程序,而且只能指定次数以一次为限,最终由法院以裁定书的形式来指定。
The trial jurisdiction system in ancient China consisted of rank jurisdiction area jurisdiction special jurisdiction .
中国古代的 审判 管辖包括级别管辖、地域管辖和专门管辖三类。
Based on the rational thought over prohibition judges from sitting late the reasons for judges sitting late on the trial court are investigated from two aspects of internal defect in the jurisdiction system and absence of procedural justice of the procedures for the trial in court .
在禁止法官迟到理性思考的基础上,从 司法制度内在缺陷因素和法庭审判程序的程序正义缺失因素两个方面对法官 开庭迟到原因进行实证考察。
In fact the science design of restriction mechanism in civil trial grade relates to directly the achievement of target of construction of trial grade and the function of appellate jurisdiction .
而事实上,审级制约机制设计的科学与否,直接关涉到 审级建构目标和上诉 审功能能否得以实现。
The objective of criminal trial connects with the right jurisdiction and the right of prosecution .
审判对象连接 审判 权和公诉权,有着特殊的意义。
Criminal legal system in our country the criminal trial jurisdiction for the prosecution of the benign supervision of operations so as to maintain fairness and justice plays an irreplaceable role .
在我国刑事法制建设中,刑事 审判检察监督对于 审判 权的良性运行,从而维护公平正义有着不可替代的作用。
Litigation mediation is an important part of China 's litigation system an important way for the people 's courts to exercise their trial power and an importance composition of harmonious jurisdiction .
诉讼调解是我国诉讼制度的重要组成部分,是人民法院行使 审判权的重要方式,是和谐 司法的重要内容。
The court of trial jurisdiction sometimes called the county or superior court has both original and appellate jurisdiction ;
在 审判 管辖 权的法院,有时也被称为县或上级法院,同时具有原始和上诉管辖权;
Section one discusses the object and the joint trial and the establishment of the jurisdiction system .
第一节合并 审判的对象与 合并 管辖制度的建立。
In American civil proceedings the territoriality principle requires that a trial court have territory jurisdiction over the relevant party .
在美国民事诉讼中,地域 管辖规则要求 初审法院必须对当事人 享有属地上的 管辖 权,联邦宪法要求初审法院对当事人的这种 管辖 权必须符合其第十四条修正案中规定的正当程序的要求。
The Ministry of Education the Ministry of Finance the Ministry of Personnel and the Central Editing Office jointly promulgate The Trial Guideline for Conducting Free Education in Normal Universities within jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education on May 9 which indicated the commencement .
5月9日,教育部、财政部、人事部、中央 编办等四部委发布《教育部直属师范大学免费教育实施办法( 试行)》,标志该政策进入了实施阶段。
Under the effect of criminal legislation tradition and criminal policy of our country there is the unique phenomenon that a vacancy place of system of objection to trial jurisdiction exists in Criminal Procedure Law .
在刑事立法传统与刑事政策的影响下,我国刑事诉讼法中存在 审判 管辖异议制度缺位的独特现象。
Based on criminal legislation and criminal theory Criminal jurisdiction is divided into functional jurisdiction and trial jurisdiction .
依据刑事诉讼立法和刑事诉讼的理论,刑事管辖分为职能管辖和 审判 管辖。
Lastly the author makes an approach to the supplementary system of trial grade system reforms holding that the current grade jurisdiction system should be reformed and inside instruction system should be abolished .
最后,对审级制度改革的配套措施进行了探讨,认为应当改变现行级别 管辖制度、取消内部请示制度、改革 再审 程序并完善错案追究等制度,使他们与 审 级 制度的改革相适应。
Our trial mode is as the center of the jurisdiction paying more attention to the real results of justice therefore in some cases the trial process always ignores the procedural justice but since ancient times it is recognized and praised by people .
我国 实行以 审判 权为中心的 审判模式,更注重实体结果公正,因此,些案件审判的程序公正总容易被忽略,大义灭亲等违背程序公正的行为却自古为人们所赞赏。
This not only caused the separation on trial and jurisdiction but also made it difficult to carry out the collegial system .
这既造成 审理 权 与 裁判 权的分离,也使得合议制度变得难以实施。
Exceeding trial jurisdiction seriously damaged the fairness and efficiency of justice .
法院超 审限行为严重影响了我国司法的公平与效率。
There are two levels of trial courts in most of the states : courts of inferior jurisdiction and courts of general jurisdiction .
在大多数州, 初审法院有两层:低级 管辖 权法院和一般管辖权法院。
Therefore the stipulation that the Supreme People 's Court is the first trial court should be canceled in jurisdiction system and the level jurisdiction system in China should be improved from legislative perspective .
在 管辖制度中应取消最高人民法院作为第一 审法院之规定,从立法上完善中国的级别管辖制度。
The disputes are classified as functional jurisdiction disputes and trial jurisdiction disputes .
在该部分对管辖争议进行了分类,明确了实务中争议的主要类型:立案管辖争议和 审判 管辖争议。
Finally discussing about some procedural problems concerning legal liability of it in maritime trial such as limitation of action jurisdiction burden of persuasion and evidential effect etc.
最后,就无 单放货法律责任程序规则问题诸如诉讼时效、 管辖 权、证明责任和证据效力等进行了探讨。
In the international Criminal field the Criminal dissent from trial jurisdiction in America is a best example for us to learn .
在国际刑事司法领域中,美国刑事 管辖 权 异议 制度具有很大的优越性,很值得我们去借鉴。
美[ˈtraɪəl ˌdʒʊrɪsˈdɪkʃən]英[ˈtraiəl ˌdʒuərisˈdikʃən]