trial supervision

[ˈtraɪəl ˌsjupɚˈvɪʒən][ˈtraiəl ˌsju:pəˈvɪʒən]

[法] 审判监督

  • The Role of Biomedical Journals in Clinical Trial Supervision of Informed Consent

    发挥生物医学期刊在临床 试验知情同意 督查中的作用

  • The system of civil and administrative trial supervision is to be reformed .

    民事行政 检察 监督机制的改革与完善势在必行。

  • Reconsidering and Perfecting Civil Trial Supervision Procedure of China

    论对我国民事 再审程序的反思与完善

  • Should the ruling of permitting withdrawal of the case be erroneous and should the plaintiff apply for a retrial the people 's court shall revoke the original ruling of permission of withdrawal of the case through the process of trial supervision procedure and hear the case anew .

    准予撤诉的裁定确有错误,原告申请再审的,人民法院应当通过 审判 监督程序撤销原准予撤诉的裁定,重新对案件进行审理。

  • In order to reform and perfect the procedure of criminal trial supervision the theoretical basis of the criminal retrial system shall be closely studied .

    对我国刑事 审判 监督程序进行改革和完善,就要对刑事再审制度的理论基础进行深入研究。

  • The current extremely simple provision for retrial system makes the parties ' application right for a retrial procedure imperfect__not as the court and the procuratorate when they start a retrial procedure through the procedure for trial supervision .

    我国的再审法律制度在简约的程序规定以及法院依 审判 监督发动再审和检察院抗诉提起再审的公权性,使得当事人申请再审权利的旁落和主体性丧失。

  • The civil retrial procedure which is initiated by the appealing of the procuratorial organs is not only a kind of initiating pattern but also an important component in the procedure for civil trial supervision system .

    检察机关通过抗诉的形式启动民事再审程序既是民事再审程序的一种启动方式,也是我国民事 审判 监督制度的一个重要组成部分。

  • The trial grade system is a judicial procedure system important constituent is the inner court trial supervision and restriction mechanism but also can ensure a case tried fairly safeguard mechanism .

    审级制度是一国司法程序制度的重要组成部分,是法院内部的 审判 监督制约机制,也是确保案件得到公正审理的保障机制。

  • The internal organization in procuratorate should be set scientifically and it impacts the conduction of procuratorate power and trial supervision power .

    检察机关内设部门的科学设置直接关系到公正高效地行使包括 审判 监督权在内的检察权。

  • From the perspective of the configuration of the prosecutorial power the authors put forward their views on the difficulties in the current trial supervision and expressed some views on reform .

    本文从检察权配置的角度对当前 审判 监督 工作的难点提出自己看法,并对改革发表一定见解。

  • The author thinks that the current law in the procedure for trial supervision provisions on there are still not perfect and defects has the following several aspects : first to the new evidence that time limit it difficult to grasp .

    笔者认为现行法律在 审判 监督程序上的规定还存在不完善和缺陷,有如下几个方面:一、对新证据的认定时间限定很难把握。

  • Secondly the further reform of the criminal prosecution trial supervision protest mechanism ex post facto oversight mechanisms .

    其次,进一步改革检察机关 审判 监督的刑事抗诉机制、事后监督机制。

  • In part ⅱ it discusses the rationale of criminal trial supervision procedure .

    第二部分探讨了刑事 审判 监督程序的理论基础。

  • Six the procedure for trial supervision of implementation of mediation system .

    审判 监督程序中落实调解制度。

  • The Mongolia retrial procedure reform experiences from trial supervision procedure to the division of the trial supervision procedure and retrial procedure and then to the deletion of the trial supervision procedure and preserving the retrial procedure only .

    蒙古国再审程序的变革经历了从 审判 监督程序到审判监督程序与再审程序分离及废除审判监督程序,只保留再审程序的过程。

  • A Research on Several Issues in the Course of the Modification of Civil Procedure for Trial Supervision

    民事 程序修改过程中若干争议问题之思考

  • Procuratorial organ 's activities in the first instance the second instance and the retrial indicate that it practically exercises functions of both public prosecution and trial supervision in criminal justice procedure .

    检察机关在一审、二审及再审中的活动表明其在刑事审判中实际行使公诉和 审判 监督两种职能。

  • Additionally the civil trial supervision procedure plays a significant role in safeguarding litigant rights both of procedure and substance redressing unjust cases according to law balancing benefit between litigants improving working quality of case handling and profession quality of judges etc.

    民事 再审程序对保障当事人之间的诉讼权利和实体权利,依法纠正错案,维持当事人的利益平衡,提高办案质量和法官的业务素质等,都有十分突出的作用。

  • The Research on Some Questions of the Procedure for Criminal Trial Supervision

    刑事 审判 监督程序若干问题研究

  • CHAPTER XVI Procedure for Trial Supervision

    第十六章 审判 监督程序

  • First of all of the trial supervision procedure and retrial procedure are briefly discussed in the concept main body from filing nature function and other aspects of the trial supervision procedure and retrial differences .

    首先,对 审判 监督程序和再审程序进行了简要的概念辨析,从提起的主体、性质、功能等方面分析了审判监督程序和再审的差异。

  • The procedure for trial supervision of civil litigation is an important portion of the procedure of civil litigation of China . It has its own characteristics because the objects of supervision are decisions and orders that have legal effect .

    民事 审判 监督程序是我国民事诉讼程序中的重要组成部分,因其审理的对象是己经发生法律效力的判决、裁定而具有其自身的特点。

  • Part three suggestions on perfecting civil trial supervision procedure .

    第三部分,完善我国民事 再审程序的设想。

  • Three to the procedure for trial supervision start time and times for provisions .

    审判 监督程序启动的时间和次数进行规定。

  • To perfect our country fundamentally the trial surveillance program Settings firstly we must improve the civil trial supervision procedure from the basic principle of .

    要从根本上完善我国审判监督程序设置,首先要从完善民事 审判 监督程序的基本原则入手。

  • Five the procedure for trial supervision of retrial procedure in the statutory provisions .

    审判 监督程序的再审审理程序进行法定化规定。

  • Seven to the procedure for trial supervision shall not apply for a retrial of the case for provisions .

    审判 监督程序的不得申请再审情形进行规定。

  • In part ⅴ it gives the perfecting idea of our country 's criminal trial supervision procedure to the problems in legislation and practice by reference of foreign legislations .

    第五部分针对立法与实践中存在的问题,借鉴外国立法经验,提出完善我国 审判 监督程序的构想。

  • In our country the criminal retrial procedure is also known as criminal procedure for trial supervision .

    在我国,再审程序又称为 审判 监督程序。

  • Analyzing its content it is one of patterns of trial supervision by procuratorates .

    从内容上分析,它是检察机关行使 审判 监督权的方式之一。