The thought of an innocent man being convicted of a crime he didn 't commit actuated Bob 's hidden trial skills .
一想到一个无辜的人将由于某须有的罪名而遭判处,鲍勃潜伏的 辩护 能力就被激活了。
The following skills can no longer be trained on trial accounts : anchoring Starbase tactical officer cloaking cynosural field theory drug manufacturing gas cloud harvesting and all field-specific r & d agent skills .
以下技能将不能在 试用账号上学习:锚定、隐型、母星战术指挥训练、诱导力场理论研究、药品制备、气体采集理论,以及所有领域的特定研究制造方面的 技能。
As a major breakthrough the guidelines for prevention and control of hypertension ( 1999 trial ) signified the maturity of relevant techniques and skills .
而且,以《中国高血压防治指南 》的制订与推广为标志的高血压防治 技术规范日趋成熟。
Due to the trial competitions I instructed before the formal ones every competitor is well aware of the scoring criteria the competition procedure and some of the debating skills .
由于正式辩论前,我指导各班选手做过 试辩,每个选手都清楚评分标准、辩论程序和一些辩论 技巧。
Teachers must have the deep God trial careful the professional teaching skills teaching physical education in order to obtain optimal results .
体育教师必须具备“深、神、 审、慎”的专业教学 技巧,以求取得体育课教学的最优化效果。
This paper aims to propose a feasible solution from the perspective of discourse analysis to the issue of how to improve trial skills of judges as a complement to others .
本文旨在从话语分析角度为法官如何提高驾驭 庭审 技能探寻一个可行的操作办法。
[法] 审判技能