In this paper the existence condition of a crank in the space four-bar linkage RSSP transmission angle variation coefficient of travel speed and the motion range of the rocker in the RSSP mechanism are analysed by the planar graphic method .
本文用平面图解方法分析了空间四杆机构(RSSP)的曲柄存在条件、传动角、 行程速度变化系数及摇杆RSSP 机构的运动范围。
The young people travel has its special market form mechanism and the traveling characteristics to cultivate the young people travel market vigorously has vital significance .
青少年 旅游有其特殊的市场形成 机制和旅游特征,大力培育青少年旅游市场,具有重要意义。
Determination of drive ratio for wheel type excavator with constant power and variable displacement hydraulic-mechanical travel mechanism
恒功率变量轮胎式液压挖掘机液压 机械传动的 行走系统传动比设计
Analysis on Design Parameters of Crawler Travel Mechanism on Cold Pavement Milling Machine
路面冷铣刨机履带 行走 机构设计参数分析
Research on Movement System of Travel Mechanism of Mine Searching Robot
矿山搜寻机器人 行走 机构运动系统的研究
Introduce in use and maintain high speed a grinding machine adjusts the route of travel to bump the piece first then to adjust for feed mechanism the adjustement wheel dresser notice the workpiece side grinding the method hydraulic system operation method and problem musts notice .
在使用和维护保养高速内圆磨床时,首先调整 行程撞块,然后调整进给 机构,砂轮修整器调整,其次要注意工件端面磨削方法,液压系统的操作方法和必须注意的问题。
Research on the audio response long travel micro displacement mechanism
高频响大 行程微位移 机构的研究
This travel mechanism is made from four parts which is four-bar mechanism synthesis of the head part ventral sheel lateral parallelogram mechanism and tail part .
该 行驶 机构由头部四杆机构、腹部壳体、侧翼平行四边形机构和尾部四部分组成。
Design and Application of the Hydraulic Reciprocal Feeder with Travel Prolongation Mechanism
带增 程 机构液压梭式布料器的设计与应用
The special travel setting mechanism makes travel adjustment easy and accurate .
特有的 行程设定 机构,使行程调整简单,准确。
Rolling resistance calculation for non-conventional crawler travel mechanism
非常规履带 行走 机构的滚动阻力计算
A solving method of maximum travel angle and minimum motion angles of push travel and return travel of shperical cam mechanism with oscillating follower
摆动从动件球面凸轮 机构最大行程角和最小推、 回程运动角的求解方法
The actual procedure and precautions of build-up welding of floating oil seals in the travel mechanism of bulldozers to increase their wear resistance and to lower the cost by plasma arc powder spray welding process are described .
介绍采用等离子弧粉末喷焊工艺对推土机 行走 机构中的浮动油封进行堆焊以提高耐磨性、降低成本的具体方法和注意事项。
The Solution to Optimum Work Angle Travel and Return Travel Angle of Cam Mechanism
凸轮 机构推程、 回程 运动角的最佳匹配 及其求解方法
Design on the keeper of magnetic attachment Investigation on the Extra Travel of a Picking Mechanism
磁性附着体义齿衔铁的设计投梭 机构附加动 程研究
The distribution of ground bearing of different type of travel mechanism also varies .
不同结构型式的 车辆 行走 装置,接地比压分布也不同。
Volume choice of electric motor with frequency converting for trolley travel mechanism of tower crane
塔机小车 变幅 机构变频电机容量选择
This article has probed into the development of resources of the sports travel and relation protected choice mechanism and guaranteeing the development of resources of the sports travel and protecting the system innovation mechanism of balanced development of the balanced development of two .
本文探讨了我国体育 旅游资源开发与保护的关系、二者均衡发展的选择 机制以及保证体育旅游资源开发与保护均衡发展的制度创新机制。
Study on Long Trigonometry Travel of Service Quality Setting up the Early Warning Mechanism
长三角 旅游服务质量预警 机制建立的研究
A Design Improvement on Travel Mechanism of a Pneumatic Crawler Type Drill Rig
一种气动履带式钻车 行走 机构的改进设计
After introducing concept and characteristic of the travel demand the paper goes deep in to the analysis of the travel demand relation the connection between dynamic travel and static travel equilibrium between supply and demand of travel and operation mechanism of TDM .
在研究分析了交通需求的概念、特性后,深入分析了交通需求关系、动态交通与静态 交通关系、供需平衡 原理、经济学 原理以及操作 机理。
Lectotype of motors and calculation of driving power for travel mechanism of a rail type bucket wheel stacker / reclaimer
轨行式斗轮堆取料机 行走 机构驱动功率的计算及电机选型
Problems and Countermeasures in Transform of Travel Services Operation Mechanism
旅行 社经营 机制转换中存在的问题及对策
The travel mechanism is a double closed ring regulation system of inner electric current ring and outer voltage ring and is driven by 8 DC motors with the power of 18 5 kW each .
行走 机构为电流内环、电压外环的双闭环调节系统,由8台18.5kW直流电动机驱动。
Troubles of The Focus-Driving Long Travel Mechanism and Technology Reform of Stackers and Reclaimers
堆取料机集中传动式 走行 装置运行故障及技术改造
Whether it features a rationally designed travel mechanism will directly influence the drilling efficiency or even the project schedule .
其 行走 机构设计是否合理,直接影响到其钻孔效率,乃至整个工程进度。
To equip elastic suspension on a crawler dozer can effectively dampen vibration and shock in its travel mechanism .
在履带式推土机中安装弹性悬架,可对其 行走 机构中的振动冲击进行有效的缓冲。
In large travel range worktable a displacement amplification mechanism is used to overcome the shortcomings of small travel range of PZT actuator but this mechanism also enlarges the effect of hysteresis and creep errors while it amplifies the displacement .
在大 行程微动工作台中,需要借助于位移放大 机构来克服压电陶瓷驱动器位移行程小的缺点,但放大机构在放大位移的同时,也放大了压电陶瓷蠕变和迟滞误差的影响。
美[ˈtrævəl ˈmɛkəˌnɪzəm]英[ˈtrævəl ˈmekənizəm]