Second : Our country trial by default system 's concrete design .
二是我国 缺席 审判制度的具体设计。
Because in trial by default procedure legislation technology roughness caused this procedure to have the serious flaw concrete table present : To original absente reo different processing consequence has violated the litigant equal principle and the fair principle ;
由于 缺席 审判程序立法技术上的粗糙,导致了该程序存在着严重的缺陷,具体表现在:对原、被告缺席不同的处理后果,违背了当事人平等原则和公平原则;
Inspect the system of criminal trial by default through the aspect of comparative law .
第二章域外刑事 缺席 审判制度 的比较法考察。
The author clears the applicable scope of the criminal system of trial by default and stipulates the applicable condition and the operational procedure .
明确了刑事 缺席 审判的适用范围,规定了适用条件和运作程序。
As an important legal system to attack the corrupt official criminal activity trial by default system is not existing in our country 's criminal procedure law .
刑事 缺席 审判制度作为打击外逃贪官的一项重要法律制度,在我国刑事诉讼法中却没有相关的规定。
And then our criminal trial by default system build path from the scope of application applicable conditions programming design ideas supporting the establishment of a full right system forcing the defense system and improving the system of evidence .
并从适用范围、适用条件、程序设计的思路,配套建立充分知情权制度、强制辩护制度、完善证据制度等方面提出了我国刑事 缺席 审判制度 的构建路径。
Through the case study of joint crime in Dongguan we can draw a conclusion : it is necessary and there is feasibility to construct the system of criminal trial by default in China .
在我国,共同犯罪时罪犯在逃现象严重,这给我国的 司法 审判 造成许多困难。因此,有必要构建刑事 缺席制度。
There two main patterns ; trial by default judgment mode and one part debate judgment mode .
归纳起来主要存在两种 缺席判决模式,一种是 缺席判决主义,一种是一方辩论主义。
These drawbacks ' existing results that it is hard to fulfill the value targets of procedural fairness and procedural efficiency in the system of trial by default which is always easily misused and abused by judges or parties in practice .
这些缺陷的存在导致我国 缺席 审判制度难以实现诉讼公正与诉讼效率的价值目标,在实务中容易被法官或当事人误用和滥用。
The trial by default is refers to the court when a side litigant absence the behavior trial .
缺席 审判是指法院在一方当事人缺席时 所为的审判。
By analyzing the criminal activity trial by default system theory and the structure this article proves why we have to construct the criminal activity trial by default system as well as proposing some preliminary concrete tentative plans on how to construct this system .
本文 通过对刑事 缺席 审判制度的理论和结构分析,论证了为什么要建构刑事缺席审判制度,以及对怎样建构该制度提出了一些初步具体设想。
The system of trial by default is an important legal system . Under the premise of guaranteeing fair procedure its establishment and development manifest pursues of modern lawsuit in efficiency .
缺席 判决制度是一项重要的法律制度,它的建立和发展体现了现代诉讼在确保程序公正的前提下对诉讼效率的追求。
My tentative plan on constructing the system of criminal trial by default in China .
第四章我国刑事 缺席 审判制度的构建设想。
Practice has proven that the system of the criminal trial by default is an important viable legal system .
实践证明,刑事 缺席 判决制度是一项重要的、切实可行的法律制度。
The content abstract criminal activity trial by default system is an important legal regime . In the world many countries and the area stipulated that this system takes the exception of the ordinary criminal procedure from the different aspect .
刑事 缺席 审判制度是一项重要的法律制度。世界许多国家和地区都从不同方面立法规定这一制度作为普通刑事程序的例外。
In the context of China signing The United Nations Convention against Corruption to construct the system of criminal trial by default seems to be an undisputed option .
在我国签署《联合国反腐败公约》的背景下,构建刑事 缺席 审判制度似乎成了一个没有争议的选择。
Overview on the system of criminal trial by default .
第一章刑事 缺席 审判制度概述。
The consummation of the civil trial by default system in China .
五我国民事 缺席 审判制度的完善。
So many scholars call for the establishment of criminal system of trial by default .
为此,很多学者呼吁在我国建立刑事 缺席 审判制度。
Difference of mode of trial by default .
缺席 审判 的模式不同。
The study on criminal trial by default will tell some kind of meaning in the exploration on trial power .
对刑事 缺席 审判的研究, 从某种意义上来讲也就是对审判权存在意义的探索。
The first it introduces Italian criminal trial by default system . And then it investigates American criminal victims ' compensation system . At last it introduces Mechanism of Assets Back of the United Nations convention against corruption .
首先是 对意大利刑事 缺席 审判制度 进行介绍,其次是对美国刑事被害人国家补偿制度进行考察,最后是对《联合国反腐败公约》资产直接追回机制的规定进行介绍。
The chapter mainly analyzes the status quo and elaborates the defects of negating criminal trial by default in the fields of criminal legislation and judicial practice then leads out the necessity of establishing the system of criminal trial by default in China .
本章主要是对我国在刑事诉讼立法和司法实践方面 对 缺席 审判均趋于否定的现状进行分析,阐述其缺陷所在,引出我国设立刑事缺席审判制度的必要性。
Part three based on analyzed of the earlier problems author present the constructing the system of trial by default in criminal lawsuit of our country manly from the correct settings .
第三部分,本部分中,笔者在分析前面所述问题的基础上提出了关于我国刑事 缺席 审判程序的法律构建。
Compared with the trial by default procedure in other countries and areas it is pointed that there are many defects in trial by default system in Civil Procedure Law in China which need to be perfected .
通过与世界上其他国家和地区的 缺席 审判制度比较发现,我国现行《民事诉讼法》所规定的缺席审判制度存在诸多缺陷,有待完善。
However if it is designed appropriately and the operation has its standard the criminal activity trial by default system will be helpful to the coordinated fair trial and the lawsuit efficiency .
但是,如果设计得当,并规范其运作,刑事 缺席 审判制度将有助于协调公正审判与诉讼效率。
On the basis of the previous text combined the actual situation in our country this part put forward some concrete ways for reforming and perfecting the trial by default system of our country .
该部分在前文分析论证的基础之上,结合我国的具体国情,提出了改革和完善我国 民事 诉讼 缺席 判决制度 的具体思路。
Actuality states and defects of trial by default system in our country .
我国 民事 缺席 判决制度 的现状与缺陷。
美[ˈtraɪəl baɪ dɪˈfɔlt]英[ˈtraiəl bai diˈfɔ:lt]
[法] 缺席审判