trap out

[træp aʊt][træp aut]


  • Once you fall into a trap it will not be easy to get out of it .

    一旦落入 圈套摆脱它就不那么容易。

  • Eg : This is a trap to give out our limited resources .

    这是一个想 耗尽我们有限资源的 圈套

  • A psychic rogue who beats a trap 's DC by10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap figure out how it works and bypass it ( with his party ) without disarming it .

    如果解除装置技能检定结果高过陷阱DC10或以上,灵能游荡者可以研究此 陷阱看出它如何运作,还可以不拆卸而通过陷阱(连同队友)。

  • Songliao Basin is a secondary lithologic trap including lithologic updip pinch out trap diagenetic trap tight reservoir trap and mud stone fracture trap .

    松辽盆地次生岩性 圈闭包括岩性上倾尖 圈闭、成岩圈闭、致密储层圈闭以及泥岩裂缝圈闭等类型。

  • There is natural gas producing in the trap and also good gas indication out of the trap .

    圈闭内有天然气产出,圈闭 也有良好的天然气显示。

  • It 's easy to fall into a trap But hard to get out again entrap : To catch in or as if in a trap .

    堕入 陷阱易, 脱离陷阱难使入或似乎使入陷阱。

  • He is his father 's most likely successor but wants to avoid the same trap as Lachlan his older brother who was squeezed out as Mr Chernin 's deputy in 2005 .

    他最有可能接父亲的班,但他希望避开哥哥拉克兰(Lachlan)遭遇的 陷阱。拉克兰在2005年作为彻宁的副手被 挤出 公司。

  • Spain remains stuck in a worsening debt trap out of which default will be the only escape .

    西班牙仍身处不断恶化的债务 困境,唯一的 出路只有违约。

  • For this reason the lithological trap investigation has been carried out on the basis of full 3-D seismic migration data .

    为此,以全三维地震偏移资料为基础的岩性 圈闭研究得以 开展

  • He laid a trap in order to find out who had betrayed him .

    他设了一个 圈套为了 查明背叛他的人。

  • In effect he was saying that China had driven itself into a dollar trap and that it can neither get itself out nor change the policies that put it in that trap in the first place .

    实际上,他所说的是中国自己落入了美元的 陷阱;中国既无力自己 摆脱,又无力改变起初设置在陷阱中的政策。

  • The concealed traps in Baxian depression can be classified into five types namely minor buried-hill trap at fault bench delta trap the trap of geologic body causing abnormal seismic reflections thinning - out stratigraphic trap and interformational structure trap .

    霸县凹陷的隐蔽 圈闭可以分为五种类型,即微型潜山台阶、三角洲沉积体、地震反射异常体、地层尖 和层间构造。

  • Discusses the work principle and testing methods of line trap and combined filter points out the important meaning of developing field test of line trap and combined filter .

    讨论 、结合滤波器的工作原理及测试方法, 指出开展 波器及结合滤波器现场测试的重要意义。

  • The paper dealt with the trapping mechanism of insect taxis trap and its application effect in cities and pointed out that light trapping was the effective measure for controlling phototactic pest insects in urban gardens .

    简述了昆虫趋性 诱杀 的诱杀原理及在城市的应用效果, 指出灯光诱杀是调控城市园林趋光性害虫的有效工具。

  • The fox and the dog both fell into a trap set by the farmer . They cried out in fear .

    狐狸和狗都掉进了农场设置的 陷阱 ,它们害怕得 大叫起来。

  • But the pursuit of happiness is full of pitfalls and people can easily fall into the trap of imagining there is something out there that once achieved will make our life a haven of contentment .

    然而追寻快乐的过程充满了陷阱,人们容易落入 圈套,以为有那么一种 东西,一旦得到,人生就会变成快乐的港湾,不用担心烦恼侵扰。

  • An experimental study on the performance of freeze-dryer 's cold trap has been carried out under different temperature of the cold trap coil and different frost thickness in the paper .

    对影响冻干机冷 传热性能的两个因素(冷阱盘管壁面温度和结霜厚度) 进行了实验研究。

  • Jack suddenly realizes this is a trap and he tosses the cell phone out the window .

    杰克忽然意识到,这是一个 圈套,他将手机扔去 窗外

  • The International Comparison Trap and the Way out for Tertiary Industry Proportion in China

    我国第三产业比重国际比较的 陷阱 出路

  • One missed target took skeet shooter Matt and trap star Jay out of medal contention as China 's Zhang Shan and Czechoslvakia 's Hrdlicka took gold respectively .

    一次射失使双向飞碟射击好手马特和多向 飞碟射击明星杰伊 失去 奖牌争夺权,而中国的张山和捷克斯洛伐克的赫尔德利卡分别捧金。

  • Shattered breccia is a kind of better reservoir rock body . Centered on the fracture systems where earthquake took place it forms a lithologic trap type thinning out towards bilateral reservoir rock body .

    震裂角砾岩是一种较好的储集岩体,以发生地震的断裂系统为中心,组成向两则储集岩体尖 的岩性 圈闭类型。

  • It 's easy to fall into a trap But hard to get out again

    堕入 陷阱易, 脱离陷阱难

  • I see so many young couples who get married and trap themselves into a lifestyle that will not let them get out of debt for most of their working years .

    我见过许多年轻夫妇,结婚后不久就 陷入了以后大部分年月内都无法 摆脱债务的生活方式中。

  • Therefore it is very important to remove the camouflage of the ideological trap of globalization face the reality of globalization rightly and go out of the path of self-improvement in the process of globalization .

    因此,揭开全球化意识形态 陷阱的面纱,正确的面对全球化现实,在全球化进程中 走出 我们的自强之路显得犹为重要。

  • Each sediment sequence system mode is built . Sediment faces of subtle trap are pointed out . Dominating factors of forming subtle trap are analyzed .

    划分了沉积层序,建立了各层序的沉积体系模式, 指出 有利于隐蔽油气 发育的相带,分析了隐蔽油气藏形成的主要因素。

  • In Svalbard Norway 's Arctic archipelago a camera trap catches a polar bear looking out of place on bare brown soil .

    在斯瓦尔巴特群岛上,一架照相机 捕捉到这样的画面:一只北极熊站在贫瘠的棕色土地上, 向外张望。

  • To avoid this trap managers need to get out of their offices regularly and use their eyes .

    为了避免这种 困境,经理们有必要经常 走出办公室,亲自调整研究。

  • At last we analyse the exploration potential of favorable trap and point out the next step deep-seated gas exploration objective in QiaoKou region .

    最后对有利 圈闭的勘探潜力进行了分析,并 指出 桥口地区下一步深层天然气勘探的目标区。

  • In order to study the influence of large grains shape on the ' trap ' effect discrete element simulation and indenter experiment are carried out .

    利用离散元仿真和压头压入实验讨论大颗粒形状对 陷阱效应的影响,仿真与实验结果较符合:颗粒顶角较大时 利于 陷阱效应的发挥。