


  • Oh yea now 's the time for tearing things up !


  • A prophet ? Yea I say unto you and much more than a prophet .

    要看先知 。我告诉你们, 的,他比先知大多了。

  • Yea I 'm a panda . give me some peanut butter .


  • Therefore I love thy commandments above gold ; yea above fine gold .

    所以,我爱你的命令胜于金子, 胜于精金。

  • And Jesus saith unto them Yea ; have ye never read Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise ?

    耶稣说, 的经上说,你从婴孩和吃奶的口中,完全了赞美的话。你们没有念过

  • Yea they may forget yet will I not forget thee .

    即或 忘记的,我却不忘记你。

  • And yea I find that really frustrating .


  • Yea it 's only a few weeks !

    ,我才打了几个星期的 篮球

  • The House of Commons can merely say yea or nay to the executive judgment .

    下院只能对行政决议表示 赞同或反对。

  • And now am I their song yea I am their byword .

    现在这些人以我为歌曲,以我为 笑谈

  • Yea I learned it from my mom and I did just the way mother had done .


  • Yea I guess I 'm too stupid .


  • I know you don 't know what that means but yea .


  • Yea I sell it but I need not have phone .


  • Yea woman thou sayest truly !


  • Thine own mouth condemneth thee and not I : yea thine own lips testify against thee .

    你自己的口定你有罪,并非 我。你自己的嘴,见证你的不是。

  • Usher : You 're welcome . ( turns to partner ) Yea ! I can go to the ceremony .

    引座员:不用谢。(转向同伴) !我可以去看开幕式了。

  • Yea we will do our best to * umm for the show and hope you will enjoy tonight .

    我们会 尽力而为,也希望你们今晚会享受我们的表演。

  • When I should find thee without I would kiss thee ; yea I should not be despised .

    我在外头遇见你就与你亲嘴, 不轻看我。

  • Jesus saith unto them Have ye understood all these things ? They say unto him Yea Lord .

    耶稣说,这一切的话,你们都明白了吗?他们说, 我们明白了。

  • He in body suffered ; for himself yea - for thee also .

    在肉体中他为自己, 为你,忍受苦难。

  • Yea you are baby you help mum cook dinner ok ?


  • I therein do rejoice yea and will rejoice .

    我在那里 庆祝 了,而且还将要再庆祝。

  • Yea ye say ye trust God and yet want to show Him how to do it !


  • My Blessed Child I am your Father Yahweh yea Jehovah Most High God .

    我祝福的孩子,我是你的父亲耶和华, 耶和华,是最高的神。

  • By him and in him all the promises of God are yea and amen .

    由他和他的,所有的承诺上帝是 高雅和阿门。

  • Yea I am looking forward to portraying him that way .


  • Then you dad said yea lets bury it !

    然后你爸爸 让我们把他埋了!

  • Yea mostly I did myself because I learn in them martial arts .
