The answer is the proposed purchases of treasury bonds .
答案是拟议中的购买 国债。
Treasury bonds with their liquid markets and unique issuer look prettier .
国库 债券,其流动性市场和独特的发行人,看起来更漂亮。
US Treasury bonds are financed by a federal fiscal policy .
美国 国债是靠联邦财政政策提供融资的。
The repo market loans offered against treasury bonds would freeze up .
回购市场以及由 美国 国债作为抵押担保的贷款将会冻结。
Stopping the sale of treasury bonds to China would benefit the US .
停止向中国出售 美国 国债,对美国也有好处。
The assets of the fund are Treasury bonds in other words promises to pay by the federal government .
这个基金的资产是 美国 国债,也就是联邦政府的付款承诺。
Treasury bonds also offer almost risk-free returns .
美国 国债也能带来几乎没有风险的回报。
As central banks bought up US Treasury bonds they drove up their price and drove down their yields .
各国央行大举买入美国 国债,推高了国债价格并压低其收益率。
One traditional safe investment is bonds especially treasury bonds .
一类传统的“安全”投资是债券,特别是 美国 国债。
We plan to make better use of treasury bonds and the grain risk fund ;
“用 活两大存量”,即用 活 国债 投资 存量和粮食风险基金 存量;
He said that yields on 10-year Treasury bonds would plummet .
他认为,十年期 国债的收益率将大幅下跌。
Owners of treasury bonds suffered heavy losses .
美国 国债 持有人遭受了巨额损失。
The changing spread between the yields on treasury bonds and tips reflects not only changes in inflation expectations but also the response to investors seeking safety .
So what might replace Treasury bonds as the global risk-free asset ?
所以,什么才能替代 政府 债券成为全球性无风险资产呢?
The insurance company will take warehouse stocks or treasury bonds as surety
该保险公司将接受仓库库存货物或 长期 国库券作为担保。
The Development of Loan Pledged by Certificate Treasury Bonds
对凭证式 国债质押贷款业务发展的 思考
I would own Treasury bonds the Euro energy stocks and US pharmaceuticals .
我会持有 国债、欧元、能源类股以及美国医药股。
Equities started at the top in 2000 and were overvalued relative to Treasury bonds .
在2000年时,股票处于高位,相对于 国债被高估了。
China 's purchases of American Treasury bonds along with purchases by Japan have helped to hold down yields and hence American mortgage rates .
中国和日本购买的美国 国债,帮助 美国抑制了国债以及美国房产抵押利率的增长。
At least another quarter is in treasury bonds and other US dollar assets .
至少还有四分之一 投资于 美国 国债和其它美元资产。
The Fed gives banks treasury bonds as collateral .
美联储把 美国 国债作为担保品给银行。
The central budget deficit and the volume of treasury bonds issued will be increased .
增加中央财政赤字和 国债发行规模。
The recent purchase of treasury bonds by the Federal Reserve in a sense initiated the procedures of dollar depreciation .
不久前美联储购买 美国 国债的行为,在某种意义上等于启动了美元贬值的程序。
The decline in the ratio between savings deposits and loans is mainly due to changes in the asset structure of banks as a large amount of savings deposits have been turned into treasury bonds that are still used to support economic development .
存贷比例下降主要是因为银行改变了资产结构, 购买了大量的 国债,而这些钱最终还是支持了经济的发展。
S.Dollar ; today they are fleeing all financial stocks Treasury bonds ( 9 ) and other public debts .
如今,他们正在逃离的所有金融类股, 国债(9)和其他公共债务。
The three State Policy Banks accumulate capital by issuing treasury bonds to commercial banks and the market .
这三家国家政策性银行通过向商业银行和市场发行 债券筹集资金。
Japan now holds more US Treasury bonds than China does .
日本目前持有的美国 国债超过了中国。
Rattled investors dialed back exposure to stocks corporate bonds commodities and currencies such as the euro in favor of relatively safe Treasury bonds and the dollar .
慌乱的投资者减少了对股票、企业债券、大宗商品和欧元等货币的风险敞口,更青睐相对安全的 美国 国债和美元。