

  • Study on spatial distribution patterns of Metorchis Trematoda in their host population of domestic ducks

    次睾 吸虫在家鸭宿主种群中的空间分布格局研究

  • The total prevalence and mean intensity of the trematoda ( Azygia anguillae ) are 46.7 % and 3.14 ( 1 ~ 11 ) in ricefield eels ( Monopterus albus ) from the lower reaches of Li River drainages Hunan Province respectively .

    产于澧水下游水系的黄鳝 鳗鲡独孤吸虫的总感染率为467%,感染强度为314(1~11)。

  • If the grazing rearing was still used the medicaments deworming must be utilized to drive trematoda in the ducks within 20-30 days from starting their grazing rearing .

    如果仍然采用放牧的 模式饲养,则放牧鸭群从开始放牧 20&30天内应 做好吸虫的药物驱虫。

  • Two new species of trematodes parasitic in marine fishes from fujian china ( trematoda : digenea : cryptogonimidae )

    福建海产鱼类寄生吸虫二新种&( 吸虫 :复殖目:隐殖科)

  • A New Approach of Mechanical Autofrettage Theory and Photoplasticity Digital Speckle Correlation A NEW SPECIES OF NOTOCOTYLUS FROM CANTON ( TREMATODA : NOTOCOTYLIDAE )

    一种新的机械自紧理论及光塑性数字散斑相关方法背孔属(Notocotylus)一新种的描述 吸虫 :背孔科( Notocotylidae)w_489

  • Kind of them is Trematoda ( Echinochasmus pertoliatus ) .
