Jack 's voice went on tremulous yet determined .
杰克接着 讲下去,声音 虽 颤抖但却坚定。
His manner was often offensively supercilious and then again modest and self-effacing almost tremulous .
他的态度常常起初是敌对地傲慢的,跟着又谦逊、自卑而几乎 畏缩 下来。
His voice was too tremulous the poise of his feelings too doubtful .
他的声音太 激动了,他感情的宁静太可疑了。
No bone had he to bind him His speech was like the push Of numerous humming-birds at once His countenance a billow His fingers if he pass Let go a music as of tunes Blown tremulous in glass .
没有骨头把它捆扎起来,它的话就像大群的蜂鸟同时拥拥挤挤它的容貌是一阵巨浪,它的手指,如果经过,会释放出一曲音乐,那曲调 仿佛从玻璃中 颤抖 地吹出。
The old man 's voice had become at once tremulous .
老人的声音一下子变得 颤抖了。
Men are timid tremulous rather soft and submissive easy in their very henlike tremulousness .
男人胆小发抖,非常 温驯,并如母鸡一样瑟瑟发抖时才感到自在。
I asked with a very tremulous voice . the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe .
我用 颤抖的声音问。
He watched her tremulous hand reach for the teacup .
他看着她 微 颤 着手 去拿茶杯。
More than once he had cleared his throat and drawn in the long deep and tremulous breath which when sent forth again would come burdened with the black secret of his soul .
他不止一次清好喉咙, 颤抖 着深吸一口长气, 准备在再度 吐气 的 同时,把他灵魂深处的阴暗秘密装上,一吐为快。
Gerald 's kisses still burned on her lips and the touch of his hands was tremulous on her arms .
杰拉尔德的吻仍然在她嘴唇上发烧,他双手的接触仍在她手臂 上传 流。
( in ) a tremulous voice
(以) 颤抖的声音
And we recount the twelve tremulous strokes of our experience our life our being but unfortunately count wrong .
我们描述我们的经验,我们的一生,我们的存在的十二道 钟声,但是不幸的,我们 数错了。
( music ) a tremulous effect produced by rapid repetition of a single tone or rapid alternation of two tones . This produces an effect called syncopation & another characteristic of jazz .
(音乐)由于迅速重复某个声音而引起的 震颤 的 声音效果。这便产生了切分音的效果。这种切分音是爵土音乐的另一个特征。
CAST upon the floor was tremulous with the vehemence of his appeal .
而 阳光在地板上照 出的他的 身影,还在 由于 刚才 激昂的呼吁而 颤抖。
I like these days better she said but her voice was tremulous .
“我更喜欢现在这样的日子,”她说,但是声音有 点 颤抖。
To move with a slight tremulous motion ; tremble shake or quiver .
悸动 急 迅 而 有力 地 抖动;战栗、摇动或颤动。
As if he were not busy enough trying to steady chelsea 's tremulous defence of the Premiership title the midfielder this week turned his attention to the many debates surrounding the club .
他似乎嫌努力稳定切尔西艰难的 卫冕之 路还不够自己忙的本周这位中场球员将注意力转移到了围绕着俱乐部的许多争论上。
The fabric of her life of all that constituted her quivered and grew tremulous .
她生命的机制、她整个的结构都不禁震动、 战栗起来。
His voice has a timid and tremulous sound .
他的话音听起来 叫人 胆 战 又 心惊。
The old lady 's quavering voice ; spoke timidly in a tremulous voice .
老女人颤抖的声音;说话时声音因害羞而 颤抖。
I know not only why today my life is all astir and a feeling of tremulous joy is passing through my heart .
我不知道为什么今天我的生活完全 激动了,一种狂欢的感觉穿过了我的心。
The water looked like a sheet of tremulous silver .
水面像一片 颤动的白银。
A tremulous sound ; a quaver .
The trying nature of his position drove the blood from his cheek and made his lips tremulous .
他被 置于 随她的境地, 直通得他面颊上 失去血色,双唇 不 停 地 颤抖。
She fidgeted in her chair as she took a deep tremulous breath .
她在椅子上坐立不安,轻颤着深吸了 一口气。
' Yes sir 'replied Oliver in a low tremulous voice .
“是,先生。”奥立弗哆 哆嗦 嗦 地低声答道。
She saw herself in a score of pathetic situations in which she assumed a tremulous voice and suffering manner .
她想象自己在几十个令人伤心的场景里 露面, 做出痛苦的姿势,声音 颤抖 地说话。