tree application

[tri ˌæplɪˈkeʃən][tri: ˌæpliˈkeiʃən]

[计] 树应用

  • Modeling of Fractal Tree and Its Application in VRML

    分形 树木建模及其在VRML 应用

  • Rough Set-based Logical Fault Tree and Its Application

    基于粗糙集的逻辑故障 方法及其 应用

  • Finally the issues of colored-leaf tree application were pointed out in Jiangnan area and solving measures were brought forward .

    最后,指出目前江南地区彩叶 树种 应用 存在的问题,并提出了解决对策。

  • Realization of b ' - tree and its application in DBMS

    B′- 算法的实现及其在数据库管理系统 应用

  • Decision Tree and Its Application in the Data Mining of Breast Disease Images

    决策 算法及其在乳腺疾病图像数据挖掘 应用

  • Using the micro-computer technology . Solve the interface problem between the application program and the data base realize the tree structure for application into irrigation data management and primarily constitute the irrigation data base that are reasonable structure clear arrangement and definite relationship .

    在计算机技术上:解决了应用程序与数据库接口问题,实现了 树状结构在灌区数据管理上的 应用,初步建立了结构合理、层次清晰、关系明确的灌区数据库。

  • Scholars at home and abroad to obtain the parameters of the single tree in the application of LiDAR data to do a lot of research the research focused on two aspects of the methods and algorithms .

    国内外的学者在 应用LiDAR数据获取单 参数方面做了很多研究,研究方向主要集中在方法和算法两个方面。

  • Then based on this decision supporting system the analysis function for fault diagnosis in power dispatching is realized by combining online analytical processing with the efficient algorithm of data mining based on rough set and decision tree . Application results show the validity of the system .

    通过选择有效的基于粗糙集和决策 相结合的数据挖掘算法,与联机分析有机结合,设计并实现了故障诊断主题, 实际 应用效果良好。

  • Fuzzy Clustering Evaluation Algorithm Based on Decision Tree and Application

    基于决策 的模糊聚类评价算法及其 应用

  • First the purposes of the research on decision tree and the application of splitting measure .

    首先提出了研究决策 算法和分支测度的 应用目的。

  • Decision Tree and Its Application in the Analysis of Prediction Approaches

    决策 及其在预测方案分析 应用

  • Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis and Application in the Important Equipment of Petrochemical Company

    石化企业重大危险设备的模糊故障 分析及 应用

  • The above methods have their inadequacies the specific values of key parameters of binary tree application are unknown . So the solution based on the assumptions of parameter leads to more weakness in the solution of practical problems .

    上述方法亦有其不足之处,二叉 树法 应用 由于关键参数的具体数值是未知的,其求解需要基于一定的参数假设,也就导致了在实际问题的解决上较为乏力。

  • The study analysis optimization of species of park tree and application of it in Weifang . It has the important meaning to improve the city ecosystem environment and to increase the quality of green field in city .

    探讨分析潍坊园林 树种的优化与 应用,对改善城市生态环境、提高城市园林绿地质量具有重要意义。

  • Research of Decision Tree Design and Application Based on Fractal Dimension

    基于分形维的决策 构建及 应用研究

  • The main work should include the module of traffic network geometric graph index of line segments graphic database management and BP tree 's application in the module .

    主要内容包括:交通网络几何图形人机界面模块TNGM、线段检索与图形数据管理、BD 在TNGM 应用

  • Ant algorithm for optimal weighted Steiner tree and its application in location allocation based on the concept of electronic potential

    基于电势的最优加权Steiner 蚂蚁算法及其选址 应用

  • Solving weights ' vector algorithm of GP-decision tree and its application

    一种求解GP-决策 权值矢量算法及 应用

  • A Spatial Association Rule Algorithm Based on Concept Tree and its Application in Land Use Analysis

    基于概念 的空间关联规则挖掘算法及其在土地利用分析 应用

  • Complex System Brittle Tree and Its Application to Shipboard Power System

    复杂系统脆性 及其在船舶电网 应用

  • Decision Tree and its Application in Medicine

    决策 技术及其在医学 应用

  • After giving detailed explanation of the fundamentals and topology of P2P network a new way to build a multicast tree on application level is presented .

    在论述了P2P网络的原理和拓扑结构之后,本文提出了一种基于 应用层的组播 的构建方法。

  • The algorithm of o ( n ~ 2 ) minimal spanning tree and its application in ventilation networks

    通风网络中最小生成 的O( n~2)算法

  • Knowledge model based on decision tree and its application

    基于决策 的知识表示模型及其 应用

  • A Practical Digital Simulation Method for Analysis of Fault Tree and Its Application in Reliability

    一种实用的故障 分析数字仿真法及其 应用

  • Finally the model is established by decision tree an application example is given and the value of weather information is calculated .

    采用决策 构造了考虑天气因素的空中突击任务规划模型,并给出了具体 例,分析了天气预报的信息价值。

  • This paper introduced the compositions functions and the fake fault tree method of application component of virtual maintaining which can be used to find and locate the faults for fault diagnosis .

    介绍了虚拟维修 应用组件的组成、功能和在进行故障诊断时采用的可以快速定位的伪故障 树法

  • According to the software architecture we designed a function tree for application system and finished Less-than-truck-load transport information system .

    根据软件体系结构,规划设计 应用系统功能 ,开发了零担快运管理信息系统。

  • Fault Tree Analysis and Application of Common Fault in Mine Hydraulic Powered Support

    煤矿液压支架常见故障事故 分析与 应用

  • Comparison Research Between Discriminant Analysis and Decision Tree in the Application of Hospital Information System

    判别分析与决策 在医院信息系统 应用比较研究