With quite a number of translation examples this paper discusses some characteristics of science and technology translation in the English understanding phase and the Chinese expression phase respectively .
本文从科技 翻译的文本文体、功能和服务对象 出发,通过一些具体实例对科技英语翻译理解和表达的一些特点作了初步探讨。
The intensity distribution of the Fraunhofer diffraction field is studied with Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction integral and translation phase factor of the screen .
用Fresnel-Kirchhoff衍射积分求解夫琅禾费衍射场分布时引入衍射屏平 移相因子,可简化对较复杂衍射屏夫 琅禾费衍射的讨论,加深对衍射、干涉现象的 理解。
Translation compensation consists of range alignment which aligns the signals from the same scatterer in range and phase adjustment which removes the translational Doppler phase .
距离对准是要将同一散射点在各个不同回波中的样值对准到同一距离门中, 相位校正是要 将雷达和目标之间的平动多普勒相位从各个回波中移除。
On the basis of this method and taking advantages of the methods-time-domain translation as well as the window length change the uniform formula for the phase difference correction is derived .
在此基础上,将窗中心平移法与时域 平移和改变窗长法综合应用,推导出 相位差校正的统一公式。
Based on shift theorem of Fourier transform and auto-registration the algorithm directly estimates the translation with the phase spectrum difference of continuous images of a moving object in a polar coordinate system .
利用傅里叶变换的自配准性质和位移特性,用极坐标形式下连续图像 相位谱的差直接估计运动目标的 位移。
The studies on dynamic nature of potassium translation between soil solid phase and liquid phase have important theoretical and practical significances because they will help us to know the cation nutrient action mechanism on soil solid surface and to rightly evaluate soil keeping and supplying K power .
研究钾在土壤固液 相间 转化的动力学性质,对了解阳离子型养分在土壤固相表面的作用机理及评价土壤保持、供应钾素能力有重要的理论与实践意义。
Difference of Hilbert translation and bispectrum analysis method in extracting phase infomation was compared and a pair of gear was diagnosed and monitored by Bispectrum analysis .
针对滚动 轴承具有非线性和非 高斯 的 特性,利用双谱分析方法研究了不同故障模式下滚动轴承的双谱特性以及同一故障类型在不同程度时的双谱特性。
From the perspective of psychological translation theory translation is divided into three phases : pre-translation phase during-translation phase ( understanding stage and expression stage ) and post-translation phase .
从翻译认知心理学的角度, 翻译被分为三个阶段:前翻译 阶段,翻译中(理解和表达)阶段和后翻译阶段。
As any other areas of Humanities Translation Studies will always be in the state of discussion forever ( Karl Popper ) . In each phase of it lots of venerable theorists have done hard work .
翻译研究同其他一切人文领域的知识一样永远处于讨论状态(卡尔·波普尔),其间的每一 阶段都有很多学者前辈为更深入、合理地认识翻译而付出的艰辛。
According to various kinds of ambiguity in the language the machine translation procedure is divided into six phases : preprocessing morphology analysis POS tagging phrase analysis clause analysis and translation choice . Every phase uses different method and strategy .
针对语言中不同层次的歧义现象,把机器翻译过程划分为预处理、词法分析、词类消歧、短语分析、小句分析和 译文选择六个层次,每个 层次使用不同的方法和策略。
Cyclin D1 is a member of cell cycle regulating protein and plays an important role in the check point of G1 / S phase and its overexpression can accelerate the translation from G1 to S phase and cell proliferation .
细胞周期素D1(cyClinD1)是细胞周期调节蛋白的一员,在G1/S期调控点发挥重要作用;其过表达可加速细胞的G1→S 期 转换和恶性增殖。
It is found that during the sliding phase the main outputting energy is the kinetic energy of translation and during the transitional phase the body outputs the least energy .
发现滑步阶段对外输出的能量以 平动动能为主,过渡 阶段输出的机械能量少。
The rate and quantity of potassium translation between soil solid phase and liquid phase are decided by the K action means on soil solid surface and it also decides the direction in which K fertilizer has gone and soil fixed K power .
钾在固液相间的 转化速率及数量取决于钾与土壤 固相表面的作用方式,并决定着肥料钾进入土壤后的去向和土壤固钾能力。
According to the artistic creation time region and the translation of styles it can divided into three stages & theenlightenment period exploration period and development phase of art creation .
根据其艺术创作的时间、地域,以及风格 转换可分为三个阶段&中西融合的艺术创作启蒙期、探索期和发展 期。
Translation estimation by phase - shifting of Fourier transform
用傅里叶 相移特性估计 位移
Martin Luther was engaged in the translation of the Bible in an attempt to promote the religion reform from 1522 to 1545 . As the translation marked the new phase of the development of the German language Martin Luther was treated as the greatest translator .
1522-1545年,马丁·路德为推动宗教改革,致力于《圣经》的翻译工作。他的《圣经》德 译本同时揭开了德语发展史上新的一页,马丁·路德也 因此被称为伟大的翻译家。
A study intensity distribution of the Fraunhofer diffraction field with translation phase factor of the screen
用衍射屏平 移相因子计算夫 琅禾费衍射场强分布
A static include is handled by the JSP container during the translation phase while the JSP container is constructing the JSP page in memory .
静态include由JSP容器在 转换 阶段进行处理(此时JSP容器正在内存中构造JSP页)。
Due to the wide application of three-dimensional shape measurement and the further translation of shape measurement into phase measurement the phase reconstruction of objects was discussed from two aspects in this paper .
随着三维形貌测量的应用越来越广,而对于形貌测量又可以 转换成对 相位的测量,所以本文将从两个方面来讲述对物体进行相位重构的方法。
The theory circuit design and measurement results of the peak-value retain-ability circuits are introduced in the data processing circuit . and the data processing procedure is compiled which is downloaded to be tested and accomplished the translation function from phase information to magnitude information .
论文介绍了数据处理电路的子电路峰值保持电路的理论分析和电路设计及测试结果,并编写了数据处理电路的程序,程序的主要功能是完成含有频率的 相位信息到幅度信息的 转换。
The micro-diffraction study of translation domain boundary in β - Ni_3Nb phase
β-Ni3Nb 相单个 平移畴界的相干电子微衍射研究
Traditional phase correlation algorithm can only process the parameter of translation . Fourier-Mellin algorithm which based on phase correlation can detection translation rotating and scale parameters .
传统的相位相关算法只能处理存在 平移的图像,Fourier-Mellin算法是在 相位相关基础上提出的,可以同时检测平移、旋转和缩放参数。
In terms of paradigm translation studies has shifted from its classical linguistic and literary phases to the present cultural phase .
翻译研究已历经古典范式、言学范式、学范式到文化 范式的变革。
The present thesis studies the translation method as well as the semantic features and pragmatic implications of the English modals based on the classification of the phase and grade of the English modals by Palmer and Prof.
文章依据Palmer和易仲良教授对情态动词 相别和级第的划分,研究情态动词的语义特征、语用含义和 翻译特点;
Contrasted difference of Hilbert translation and Bispectrum analytic method in extracting phase information and a pair of turbine and worm was diagnosed and monitored by Bispectrum analytic and the fault was found more serious fault was prevented on time .
对比分析了Hilbert 变换和双谱分析法在 相位信息提取中的差异,并利用双谱分析法,对某一对蜗轮蜗杆进行故障分析和监测,查明并排除了故障。
It finds the location of optimal registration by log-polar coordinates and Fourier translation theory according to the value of phase correlation .
采用对-极坐标及Fourier 变换理论,根据 相位相关值找到最优配准位置。
Dynamic Model of Translation phase
翻译 水平的动力学模型
The Hu moments which are rotation scale and translation invariant are extracted as feature vector and normalized after image preprocessing as mentioned above and clustering analysis is applied in the training phase .
图像预处理后提取具有旋转、尺度、 平移不变性的Hu矩作为特征矢量并归一化,在训练 阶段引入聚类分析。
美[trænsˈleʃən fez]英[trænsˈleiʃən feiz]
[计] 翻译阶段