Although these standard transport-level techniques to secure Web services are quite effective they only go so far .
尽管这些标准 传输技术对于确保Web服务相当有效,但它们只能做到这种程度。
A complete SOA security design must address not only message-and transport-level security but the need to secure persisted content to comply with government regulations and industry best practices .
完整的SOA设计必须不但涵盖消息 级 和 传输 级安全 性,而且还要满足保护保存的内容以遵守政府规章制度和业界最佳实践的需要。
In the sample we used transport-level security because the password was in clear text .
在此示例中,我们使用了 传输 级别的安全,因为密码是明文形式的。
We ll configure both transport-level and web services security .
我们将配置 传输 级安全性和web服务安全 性。
The response is retrieved by a second request also modeled as a request / reply operation with two messages sent as a single transport-level exchange .
响应由第二个请求检索,它也被建模为请求/答复操作,同时有两条消息被作为单个 传输 层交换发送。
Next is a protocol-agnostic layer that provides a common way to work with the underlying transport-level protocols .
位于其下面的是一个协议无关层,它提供了一种通用方法来使用底层 传输 层协议。
Each message is sent as a separate transport-level transmission .
每条消息都被作为单独的 传输 层 传送发送。
SOAP has evolved in complexity with the introduction of multiple additional specifications defining its format exchange patterns transport-level bindings and so on .
随着用于定义其格式、交换模式、 传输 级别绑定等 特性的其他规范的引入,SOA的复杂程度也逐渐增加。
Currently the Secure Socket Layer ( SSL ) and Transport Layer Security ( TLS ) protocols are used to provide transport-level security for Web services .
目前,安全套接字层(SecureSocketLayer,SSL)协议和传输层安全性(TransportLayerSecurity,TLS)协议被用于为Web服务提供 传输 层安全性。
Number of Terminal Services transport-level errors on input .
输入时终端服务 传输 层的错误数目。
The necessity of introducing transport-level in a distributed computer network is discussed .
本文论述了在分布式计算机网络中 设置 传送 级的必要性。
In this pattern request and response are two messages defined within a single request / reply operation and sent as two separate and unrelated transport-level transmissions .
在这个模式中,请求和响应是单个请求/答复操作内定义的两条消息,并作为两个独立无关的 传输 层传送发送。
Also included is the method of implementing the transport-level protocol .
并叙述了 传送 级协议的实现方法。
The security services provided by JSSE consist of the transport-level message integrity and confidentiality ( encryption ) server authentication and optional client authentication .
由JSSE提供的安全性服务是由 传输 层消息完整性、可靠性(加密)、服务器验证、以及可选的客户端验证组成。
Problems concerning virtual circuit packets and their confirmation flow control logical channel state diagram and state table are firstly discussed then packet-level module design including data structure commands of interface to both transport-level and link-level routing algorithm etc.
接着叉论述了设计分组级模块时要确定与解决的问题, 例如 与 传送 级模块及链路级模块间接口命令的设计、数据结构的设计、路径算法等。
The use of transport-level security such as SSL prevents the certificate from being stolen from a message but the subscriber must not make his keystore 's content accessible to others .
传输 层安全性的使用(例如SSL)防止从消息中盗取证书,但订阅者必须保证他的keystore内容不能被其他人获取。
Like most networked systems Vertebra concentrates on security at two levels : the transport-level and the application-level .
和大多数网络系统一样,Vertebra从两个层面 去 倾力 实现安全性:“ 传输 层”和“应用层”。
The initial request is modeled as a request / reply operation with two messages ( a transmission with a reply ) sent as a single transport-level exchange .
初始请求被建模为请求/答复操作,有两条消息(一个传送和一个答复)被作为单个 传输 层交换发送。
The design principle of system security realization scheme was introduced detailed including application-level security system-level security transport-level security network-level security and data backup .
其中详细描述了系统安全实现方案的设计原则,并从应用级安全、系统级安全、 传输 级安全、网络级安全和数据备份方面介绍了本系统安全实现方案的具体内容。
The functions of the transport-level of RDC network the service interface commands and the protocol commands are described .
然后介绍RDC网 传送 级的功能, 传送 级服务接口命令和 传送 级协议命令。
But this approach doesn 't use transport-level asynchrony .
但是这种方式没有用到 传输 层的异步 特性。
[计] 传送级