The equipment shall be small cheap simple and transportable .
设备应小,便宜,简单, 可 移动。
SNG ( Substitute Natural Gas ) is a possible way to convert land-locked coal into a transportable fuel i.e.methane a major component of natural gas .
SNG(替代性天然气)是一种可能将内陆煤转化为 可 运输燃料(即甲烷,天然气的主要成分)的方式。
And transportable accurate devices can help establish early warning systems to limit the spread of diseases .
精确的 便携式设备可以帮助建立早期预警系统,从而限制疾病的传播。
Views and suggestions on the standard gb / t 3091 low pressure fluid transportable zinc-coating welded tubes
对 GB/T3091低压流体输送用镀锌焊接钢管标准的几点看法和建议
Research on Evidence Collection and Processing Method of Transportable Off-site Enforcement against Traffic Offence
移动 式非现场交通执法的证据采集与处理方法初探
The direct transportable analyzing of Brownian Motor driven by double-noise soures
双源噪声驱动下布朗马达定向输 运的分析
Big oil companies are keen to expand calculating that their skills at managing huge capital projects will be useful when building gas-liquefaction plants that make the stuff readily transportable .
大的石油公司都热衷扩张,估算它们在管理巨大规模计划时的技能,对于在在建造液化气工厂使其更容易 运输的时候会很有帮助。
Development of Technical Regulations and Standards Concerning Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Transportable Pressure Vessels
危险品运输和 移动 式压力容器技术法规和标准的发展
This paper combining with the on-site actual example briefs the low speed balancing and maintenance-fabrication work of turbo-generator finished on site by using the transportable low speed dynamic balancing machine .
文章结合现场实例,介绍了使用 可 移动 式低速动平衡机在现场完成发电机转子的低速动平衡和维修加工工作。
A new method which is called as the coincidence method and used to improve the measurement precision of the electronic measuring system for the transportable absolute laser gravimeter developed by NIM is introduced in this paper .
本文通过详细论述我国研制的 可 移 式激光绝对重力仪的电子测量系统,着重介绍了一种提高测量精确度的新颖方法&符合测量法。
This paper introduces the working principle and structure of transportable road modified asphalt equipment discusses such aspects as design lectotype control system design etc.
介绍了 移动 式道路改性沥青设备的工作原理及结构组成,对设备设计与选型、控制系统的设计等方面作了论述, 可 供设备研制及选型时参考。
General specification of equipments for transportable satellite communication earth station
GB/T15296-1994 可 搬移 式卫星通信地球站设备通用技术条件
Automatic Servo Control System Design for Low Profile Transportable Satellite Communication Antenna
小型静中 通天线自动伺服控制系统设计
And a number of tribes used cattle which were useful because they were transportable .
还有一些部落以牲畜 作为 交换 媒介。这很有用,因为牲畜可以运来 运 去。
These reagents are fluid usually easily storable transportable they can replace hydrogen fluoride safely in some reactions .
在部分反应中可方便,安全地替代 氟化氢 作为氟化试剂。
A model of the second generation Transportable laser interferometry absolute gravimeter has been developed in 1985 in China .
中国第二代 可 移激光绝对重力仪(NIM-Ⅱ型)的实验装置于1985年研制成功。
The Design and Analysis of Chinese Query Transportable Interface
汉语查询 可 移植接口的设计与分析
Combining macroscopic model with microscopic one the vertical transportable model of superlattice can be expressed as differential equations taking time t as unique variable .
结合宏观和微观模型,超晶格的纵向 输 运模型可以表达为以时间T为独立变量的微分方程组。
Experimental studies on transportable forms and precipitation conditions for REE in sea water
稀土元素在海水中的 运移形式与沉淀条件的 某些实验研究
The reason I use the manual installation here ( instead of setup_tools ) is so that you will have a transportable script that will run without any modification of the local Python environment .
之所以在这里使用手动安装(而不是setuptools),其原因是您将拥有一个 可 移植的脚本,无需修改本地Python环境就可以运行这个脚本。
As the recent WikiLeaks scandal shows huge amounts of data can now be stored on a small transportable memory stick .
正如最近维基泄密事件所揭示的那样,现在一个小小的 可 随身 携带的记忆棒上, 便能够存储海量数据。
Research on Accidental Consequence Analysis Model of Toxic Gas Leakage in Transportable Hazards
The oil sands in Canada and Venezuela are extensive but the Canadian operations to convert the deposits into transportable oil consume large amounts of natural gas which is in short supply .
加拿大和委内瑞拉的油砂数量比较大,但是加拿大将这些储藏转化成 可 运输的石油的工作耗费了大量的短缺天然气。
The properly of the Virtual Instrument and USB made the system be used in not only the safety monitoring system of the transportable pressure vessel but also in other safety monitoring system of the chemistry engineering by some modification and expansion .
虚拟仪器和USB总线的特点,使得本系统具有良好的通用性、 灵活性和易扩展性,既适用于 移动 式压力容器的安全监测,也 可经过修改和扩展后广泛用于其它化工安全监测系统。
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools & Particular requirements for band saws
GB13960.6-1996 可 移 式电动工具的安全带锯的专用要求
This equipment has the miniaturization and the transportable characteristic can use in the field work .
该装置具有小型化和 可 移动性的特点,能用于野外作业。
Research on and Implementation of Transportable Chinese Human-Computer Interface System
可 移植的汉语人&机接口系统的研究与实现
The rapid development of the expressway has provided good driving condition for vehicles and greatly improved transportable condition of the roads .
高速公路的快速发展,为车辆运营提供了良好的行车条件,极大地改善了道路交通 运输状况。
The transportable house collapsed . We trembled with terror .
Adds a 5.25-inch floppy computer disk drive or other type of transportable media to your network diagram .
在网络图中添加5.25英寸软盘驱动器或其他类型的 可 移动介质。