

[医] 经舌的

  • This paper concludes that the learner 's native language and word-byword translation leads to translingual errors .

    研究结果表明,母语的影响,以及逐字逐句的翻译导致 转换错误。

  • Translingual Commensurability Reciprocal Translatability and Translation Studies & Foreign Terms and Their Cultural Makings in Chinese Context

    语际 对应语言互译性与译学研究& 英语外来词在汉语语境中的文化 筑作用

  • Identification of translingual equivalence of named entities is substantial to multilingual natural language processing .

    有关命名实体的 翻译等价对在多语言处理中有 非常重要的 意义

  • The first chapter mainly examines Ping Fang 's literary writings aiming at discovering the typical qualities of a poet in the context of translingual communication .

    第一章,主要考察 语际背景下的 方平的文学创作,揭示其在 贯通 中西的文学 修养 表现 的诗人气质。